Indeed, and this is one of the reasons why I've taken a Pro-Russia stance. I get Pro Ukraine Leftists, because at least that tends to have a cohesive world view, but Western Conservatives/Rightists doing so makes no sense unless they're a Boomer unwilling to move past the Cold War. The litmus test for me was, why are Hillary Clinton, George Soros, etc all backing Ukraine and against Russia? I've never seen a plausible argument against that, and was all I needed to see for bias confirmation in of itself.
If the people who hate me and want my demise are supporting something, and putting a lot of money into it too, then it is only natural to take the opposite side to fuck with them.
Its easy to get when you think of it in cold real politic terms.
Russia has been a pain in america's ass since the communist revolution (Before that we actually got along pretty decently) This is a chance to fuck with a rival on the cheap.