I'm really not; the Maidan coup falls far short of an adequate excuse for what Putin/Russia has done in Ukraine. If they had gone in immediately after the coup, kept casualties to an absolute minimum, and avoided targeting the civilian population entirely? Then maybe; but that's not what's happened. That aside though, even back then my intent wasn't to say that the coup was an excuse; rather, it was an explanation (as the tail end of decades of NATO expansion, right up to Russia's border) for why they felt threatened, and did what they did. Much like how your post in another thread about how Japan was screwed in Versailles was an explanation for why they did what they did afterwards, but not an excuse.
Maidan was not Versailles, and it is a mistake to view Russian aggression as just a byproduct of that or pretend that the Russian/rebels had any moral high ground to stand on after the airliner shootdown.
You also completely skip over the whole 'survey's found gas/oil in Ukraine which would allow them to undercut Russia, and any whining about the Maidan by Moscow is cover for trying to gain control over those reserves. You didn't like the US fighting wars for oil in the MidEast, why are you so keen to give Russia more of a chance than you gave the US for similar moves.
And all that doesn't even cover that the Maidan happened because Moscow would not allow Ukrainian people to chart their own path, instead of being forced to act in Moscow's orbit/approval.
Fact of the matter is, the facts on the ground were irrelevant to what I was talking about; and there weren't that many to be had in the early days of the conflict anyways, unless you were willing to trust either the Russian or Ukrainian government's word as to what was happening. Which I did not. By the time what was happening become clearer, I had already long since been cussed out for arguing the nuances of why the conflict was happening, pointing out America's/the West in general's culpability in creating it, and not immediately jumping on the "Putin/Russia is Satan, and everyone/anything who opposes/is done to oppose him/them is automatically justified forever" bandwagon.
The 'facts on the ground' were never irrelevant to what you were saying, you just didn't want to hear them when they showed Ukraine was getting its shit together, that Russia winning wasn't inevitable, and that going 'but Maidan' wasn't going to fly with what was going on.
And that's the thing, you want to be able to go 'but Maidan', and not get called out for what a bullshit justification you keep clinging to. That's the real issue, and why you got cussed out, and why you continue with the 'facts on the ground don't matter, only my feelings of being insulted'; because admitting you fucked up and keep believing Ru propaganda doesn't seem to cross your mind, and you just get angry at people who do try to inform you.
I've tried numerous times to try to pierce that veil of willing disinterest in facts on the ground in Ukraine and willing gobbling up of Ru propaganda, and it doesn't get through no matter how nicely I or anyone else says things. I was willing to admit when I was wrong about Putin not invading, and I didn't cling to my past views out of pride or stubbornness; why can't you own up to being wrong about most things regarding the situation in Ukraine.
You know me Bacle; or at least, you ought to by now. I've always believed that the moment you start attacking someone personally, that's it; you've lost the argument. Because at that point? It's not about the argument anymore; it's about you versus them.
I know you are stubborn, set in your ways/views, and try to act like 'hurt feelings' matter more than 'facts on the ground', and I have repeatedly tried to politely and civilly inform you of why you are wrong and why you are buying Ru propaganda rather uncritically.
You even admitted before that most of this comes down to how jaded you are about the domestic situation, which I said I understood at the time; I also said you were acting foolish then, and are still acting foolish about the Ukraine situation to this day.
This is about you being unwilling to admit when you are wrong, because the people who told you, and showed you, that you were wrong, hurt your feelings because they had less pateince with your foolishness than I do.