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  • Bacle, I'm sorry I have insulted you in the past. In the future, I'll try my best not to. I still believe you are wrong on a great deal of things, but will keep the insults out of it.
    You picked the wrong fucking day to pull this disingenuous bullshit, and publicly raking your ass because you honestly thought I'd buy your asscovering is making me feel real good.

    I'm not the only one you owe an apology too, not by a long shot, and the fact you are a mod here is part of why this place has such a hard time growing.

    AnCap morons like you literally are why the Libertarian Party cannot become nationally effective, and thus why the only viable possible third alternative to the Dems is more fucking toxic than the Dems.

    If you are truly sorry for being such a disingenuous ass on so many occasions, because people wouldn't humor your AnCap bullshit, resign your modship and apologize publicly to the others besides me you did it too.
    I've certainly been an ass in both senses, but not a disingenuous one. I come by my rudeness and idiocy honestly.

    As for the modship, I will not be resigning. This wasn't even motivated by any staff actions. I am not looking for your forgiveness. I'm simply telling you what I am setting out to do: apologize for insulting you, especially in elaborate ways, and not continuing the action in the future. I'm simply trying to be a better person. You can believe what you like about this.
    No, you absolutely have been a completely disingenuous ass multiple times when you put words into my mouth and the mouth's of other people, when they dared challenge your AnCap meme's and assertions or showed why you were plain old wrong.

    Even the foreigners can see obviously how little anyone in the US wants to humor your 'AnCap's are the real patriots, let's get a national divorce, and most agree with this' LARP, and trying to force AnCap definitions onto topics to effectively try to gaslight in favor of AnCap meme's.

    Making you a mod, and keeping you as one even now, was/is one of the biggest mistakes in this site's history.
    I seem to recall you saying you worked with Bernie's 2016 campaign in some capacity, I can't remember if you said you were volunteering, phone-banking or door-knocking, but you seem to align with me ideologically more than I thought. Were you just supporting the candidate you thought had a better chance against Trump (as I did) or did you genuinely align with him on a lot of the issues? Also what do you think of Tim Walz who was endorsed by Sanders and a lot of the labor movement?
    That's understandable. I'm not a big fan of the Dems and I think they have a tendency to put up shit candidates like Hillary and Biden. Harris is... "acceptable".... but mainly because I'm a social conservative and actually like cops unlike the far-left. I'd definitely say most cops are on a power trip but they are overall a net positive and I think if we got rid of cops or "Defunded The Police" it would be bad/net negative. Violent criminals would run rampant and generally-despicable people like rapists and murderers would get carte blanche to continue on with their crimes

    But I digress, I think the Dems nominating a cop and a populist is a positive development in their favor. And Trump moderating himself on Project 25 is good as well, overall I'm proud to be an American!
    Eh, I'm not a 'back the blue' type, because I know how easy it is to hide corruption inside many police depts, intel agencies, and organizations with lethal power in their toolchest.

    I am ok with Sheriff Offices, where they are elected officers who served with voter consent, rather than police chief's who usually are hired/fired without any voter consent involved.

    I care about the Constitution more any any ideology from either side, and the Dems and Biden/Harris admin have been treating the Constitution like toilet paper since 2016, all because Trump go in the way of their progressive dreams. Kamala keeping those prisoners in beyond their sentences to use them for slave labor, or her withhold exculpatory evidence from cases because it would hurt her conviction rate, is what I expect out of an admin under her.
    I hope you're wrong, but I'll definitely take the L if I'm wrong
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    If you truly want to insult a Leftist, call them a Vong; even the most hard core leftist won't be able to shrug off being compared to the Yuuzhan Vong, despite having a shit load in common with them.
    You make a presumption that people will actually google what you called them, but they wont, they'll just shrug and move on.
    Why are you banned now!?
    After these infractions, I'm not going to call out any more of them in public unless I already have at this point.

    The staff will either deal with the issue or they won't.
    Fair call, infractions are annoying.
    How are you?
    I'm just existing for now, good or bad is very much a day by day thing, and sometimes hour by hour.
    Fuck it, I'm done for a while.
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    No, 4chan is a place to watch from afar like a radioactive petri-dish, and is not a place to take advice or direction from.

    4chan is also so easy to infiltrate by Russian, CCP, and IRGC agents that it is worthless trying to 'fight' the Russian's there, instead of just insult and belittle them.
    I dunno, I find it very informative to be honest. Plenty of bullshit, sure. But the true gems filter through inevitably.
    I was on 4chan for a quest from planefag a long time ago, and nothing else, because I know how insane the place is.

    Maybe sometimes they get something right/do the right thing, but it's not a place I have any desire to go.
    Hey bro this is Michael Howze I forgot my old login stuff. How's it going for you? I kind of lost my mind for awhile but I'm back
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    Reactions: Bacle
    Wondered where you'd gone, glad you are back.
    Well, something went fucky with my Twitter and it's locked me out all of a sudden, and the authentication stuff keeps thinking I'm a robot, so I cannot log back in.

    Guess that's it for Twitter for me, if the new X system won't seem to accept I'm not a robot.
    Well, account has been unlocked; I was mistaken for a spam bot by the new software.
    I am so fucking tired of every time I think I've found a fun place to hang out with people I think are friendly, only to come to learn they are only friendly if you stick to their preferred narratives and don't dispute things they take as dogma in their echochambers.

    This place is still better than most, in that regard, at least.
    First time on the internet?
    No just continually disappointed in how many places that are supposed to be friendly to the people who have been hassled by the Left and such, yet have members that think anyone who isn't a Reagen worshiper or hardcore conservative don't belong there.
    Having been to both American and German weddings in the last month, I can safely say that German weddings have better food options, doing buffet style instead of 'plated' meals, a much more relaxed ceremonial atmosphere, and a much more fun schedule for making a day of it.
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    Reactions: Zyobot
    Happy to hear it was enjoyable. (y)

    What kind of food did they have, if it's alright to ask? Dunno much about German cuisine, but I suspect the options were somewhat "different" from wedding food in the States.
    It was not that different than US wedding food, it was just served buffet style vs plated, and had the event be much more of an all day affair, with coffee and cake directly after teh ceremony in the afternoon. Whole thing lasted about 15 hours, made it through about 12 of those.
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    Off to Germany for a week or so for a wedding.
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    Reactions: Zyobot
    Didn't see it until just now, but have fun and congrats to the lucky couple! :)
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    Reactions: Bacle
    Some times it feels like all I've gotten from the GOP since I started voting R is false hope and every GOP candidate across the nation asking me for donations.

    Fuck, sometimes I wish I hadn't taken the blinders off.

    At least then I wouldn't have lost most of the social circle I had before I decided to support Trump/the GOP, in exchange for internet 'friends' who seem to not want to hear anything from outside their echochambers, or hear how their not as in touch with the masses as they like to think they are.

    Internet kudos from a fickle circle of 'friends' doesn't do much to fill the hole that appeared when the IRL people I'd been friends with for decades decide to ghost you, and the local GOP is so stupid they run a Klan family member for the governor seat.
    The nuclear fiefdom thing is something that should scare the pants off everyone...Which is why I think Ron Paul was the only "thought leader" that ever had the guts to actually bring it up in public.

    It's nice to see someone else recognize that possiblity.
    That great feeling when you realize you can just put the shills on Ignore, and just engage with those worth engaging with.
    Bacle I understand and agree with your recommendations and considerations regarding methane emissions, however I would suggest next time saying "supplement with seaweed" instead of "feed seaweed" and using studies regarding effects of seaweed on bovine health and quality for support if you can.
    It is as you said regarding them listening so I fear that if you don't take things in such steps you will again be effectively ignored or shutdown, and many will continue to not handle these issues sensibly until they are in the midst of the figurative fire as opposed to slowly boiling like frogs.
    I recommend appealing to and handling such matters as economics and similar core conservative issues in synergy or initially rather than separately so that you will make headway and in a timely fashion gain the needed support.
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    I like that you have enough optimism to believe that just switching some wording to be more clear and putting some cost numbers out might help wake up people here to how to handle environmental issues with out-of-the-box thinking that is more practical than the rad-greens want.

    I'm not able to have such optimism myself anymore, as I've realized that any environmental issue that has cross-border/global implications will be dismissed out of hand here as a hoax that is being used by 'globohomo' to grab power. People here seem to like to think that the biosphere and ecosystem impacts respect political boundaries, and that if we cannot force China or India to take the same steps at the same time as us, then an issue isn't worth addressing.

    So if you want to try to make the arguments I've tried to make and try your hand at waking some people up in regards to this stuff, more power to you. Hope you have better luck than I did.
    My last living grandparent passed away an hour ago.

    He'd been in hospice after a stroke a week or so ago, so we knew this was coming.

    Doesn't make it any easier, though; he was a great man who was active and alert longer than most people in his age group.

    Funeral is tomorrow, sorting through his house for now, before we sell it. He accumulated many odds and ends in his long life, and it is helping show how varied his life experiences were.

    Like we found a Venezuelan native bow-fishing set he'd gotten while working there, that none of knew he had, and now need to make sure we get the proper oils to preserve it.

    Also a couple unopened glass Coke bottles from the 1989 Montana Centennial Cattle Drive, which he and my grandmother participated in with thier own horses.

    I miss him a lot; 97 was a good run, and he made the most of his life in so many ways.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    What a hell of a life man and then to be able to pass on the benefit of his experiences to you guys. He certainly didn't leave this world with any regrets I'll wager.
    I wish that were the case.

    However, he always had issues with his height, and felt he had to be aggressive and bossy because otherwise people would pick on him for being short, even into his last days.

    The drive got him far in life, but it also created unnecessary trust issues where he assumed most people would pick on him for his height, or try to screw him over, if he didn't put himself in control over them first.

    He had a great life and taught me and my family many things; he however was as human as the rest of us.
    So it seems the NFL changed the date of the Broncos/Chief game to today, a few days back, and I never saw the news even via Facebook or Twitter and don't keep up with local news that much.

    So I completely missed the game, which I still thought was tomorrow. Really annoyed about this, and annoyed by the response I got of 'how did you not know already, everyone was blasting it' from my father. Doesn't help that missing this game might endanger our season tickets, due to some of the policies the team put on season tickets a few years back. If you don't go enough, they have the right to simply yank your season tickets and give them to the next name on the waiting list.

    This is what I get for not watching the local news much, and mostly getting news from social media.
    It's disturbing to see how many people on the Right keep defending Nick Feuntes, and ignore his white supremacist rhetoric, when platforms rightly ban him from their platform for being a poisonous grifter. Just got blocked by on Twitter by someone for daring to point out the Feuntes is a legit white supremacist and grifter.
    As of this morning, I have unsubscribed to the Trump campaign email and text lists, because I'm tired of Trump's ego and pride causing him to support the rushed vax's and ignore the adverse reactions.
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