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  • Gotta' say, it amuses me how religious users speak about what God wants and expound their theology when no one asked.

    But if you ask me, I'd like to have a word with the Big Guy Himself. Not a prayer, not a sermon, not a theologian, not an NDE, not a cryptic miracle, not the Church, and not the Bible. An actual, two-way dialogue where we sit down and have a talk in good ol' 21st century English, so that He can clarify exactly what He means and explains the various discrepancies in human theologies in terms I can understand.

    At this point, I'm tired of hearing it from other people who think they have all the answers and get mad if we don't take it on "faith", especially when they themselves can't even agree on what God wants from us without bothering to so much as ask Him first. Frankly, if it's so important than I receive the Good News, then I challenge them to get me an audience with Him and don't care one bit what others tell me unless He corroborates it.
    Today's the day, so one last profile post for the year now:

    Think I need a break from the site.

    Will be back, but may not be for a while. At most, it'll be sporadic visits, albeit without much engagement on my end.

    Peace, ya'll! ✌
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    On second thought…

    Maybe leaving will be harder than I thought, if getting sucked into the latest derail over in the Meme Thread indicates anything. Thus far, things seem a bit more "civil" than usual, though I'm still reminded of how toxic religious debate can be on this site. :cautious:
    King Krávoka
    King Krávoka
    I have been failing so hard to stay out of the meme/political threads.
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    Guess that makes two of us, then.
    Without naming names, I'm reminded that a good few conservatives here are susceptible to mass-crackdowns on individual liberties and free expression whenever it suits them. Not to mention ignoring how their own history of moralism, self-righteous unkindness, and selective big-government simping either caused or exacerbated many of the problems we have now.

    Trump and MAGA may not have been the boogeymen the Globalists painted them as (in fact, I'm actually more sympathetic to everyday Trump supporters), but there's little doubt in mind that as the Left keeps pushing the envelope, lots of stodgy (but by and large harmless) conservative-leaning people will flock to a strongman of their own who's a whole lot worse. Really, if there's anything that'll screw mankind over more than Globalism or AI, it's the naivety of masses who think they can hand government power to The Right People (TM) and expect them to wield it more "responsibly" than the last guys.
    6,666 reactions? That's a little "odd", though I suppose not quite the sus' omen that 666 was. :p
    Especially as 666 is a typo. Originally it was 616 but the mistake - which appears in very early Bibles, mind you - somehow edged out the correct version.
    Not for the first nor last time - see erroneous use of "shrapnel" replacing "fragment".
    • Wow
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    Word of advice: If you want to convince me that your side is worth my time, don’t bullshit me about how we’ll have “no worries” or “be in perfect accord” if I just join your Red Guards, Ustaše, or Waffen-SS knockoff brigade and help execute some pedos or whatever.

    Because for every bad guy you dream of bringing to justice, odds are you’ll wind up killing a hundred more good guys — all under the orders of an even worse guy cosplaying as your savior who snookered you into killing off his competition, and then some. That’s how hunting down the Tsar’s loyalists became massacring kulaks, how purging the SA became carting Jews off to death camps, and how your anti-globalist crusade will spiral out of control just like those did. So, no; don’t try to recruit me to your death squad and assure me we’ll have no trouble — because at that point, I should be just as scared of you as I am of any globalist lizard-person, drag-queen child molester, or Antifa militant seizing power instead.
    You know, it always baffles me how the voting public reflexively assumes more government is the answer to everything, "pro-personal freedom" Democrats and "small-government" Republicans alike.

    Frankly, it seems to me that every time there's a crisis or issue that enough people are concerned about, they seem to believe more regulation, more oversight, or more crackdowns are the antidote — as if the government doesn't police every aspect of it, as is. The fact they don't think of first causes when it comes to year-over-year inflation or the Student Debt Crisis doesn't help, either, so there's that. :rolleyes:
    Honestly, I think one of humanity’s biggest hang-ups is the need for a cause, a faith, or some other ideology whose promises won’t bear fruit within their lifetime, thus encouraging people to live for the next world—whether it’s Heaven for the religious, or a classless utopia for the communists—rather than living for the here and now that’s right in front of them.

    Sadly, judging by how they always find other “creeds” to believe in whenever God(s) leaves the picture, I guess that’s just a hang-up I’ll have to live with, given how people from all times and places excel at that sort of thing, and will probably continue to do so for thousands of years to come. :(
    My grandpa on my dad’s side passed this morning. He was 96, so he was definitely up there, though I hardly expected that kind of news on what started as a typical Saturday. :(

    Still, he had a good life, and (even though I’m certainly not a religious person) I hope he goes wherever the Dead go with no regrets and a joyous reunion with all the loved ones he had lost.
    • Sad
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    My deepest condolences man, for what they’re worth from a stranger.
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    Thank you.

    Like I said, he had a good run, so while it’ll certainly be an “adjustment” knowing that he’s not the “always there, but rarely seen” (because he lived on the other side of the country) grandfather he was up until yesterday, I don’t have a laundry list of complaints about it. And I don’t think he did, either, even if we were both looking forward to seeing each other one last time (before it was too late). :(
    FWIW, I wish that the Right was more welcoming towards immigrants while I also wish that the Left gave up Wokeness, cancel culture, suppression of free speech, and racial (especially black) fetishism. My issue with something like the RAISE Act is that AFAIK a whopping 98% of Americans, including the act's own sponsors, would be ineligible to immigrate to the US if they were aspiring immigrants rather than already US citizens. That's WAY too strict of a criteria, IMHO!
    Dunno if it’s true or not, but if what @Terthna thinks about the afterlife holds true, then I look forward to never worrying about worldly troubles again and spending the rest of eternity eating, playing, watching my favorite shows, and popping in to observe history in the making on occasion.

    Life’s been pretty good so far, but given the trajectory things have been taking, I’m not sure how long it’ll last, much less whether there’ll be a peaceful and prosperous retirement for me to enjoy. (Hence, the whole hope of an unconstrained, “fully customizable” afterlife where I can chill to my nonexistent heart’s content.)
    Yeah, I don’t think I’ll be participating in the Politics section as much.

    It’s less monocultural than AH.com, but I honestly don’t have it in me to argue with everyone, or scroll through threads chock full of people arguing with each other. (Yes, I know that’s to be expected on sites like this, which is why I’ll be sticking to less “argumentative” sections. So, please, do spare me the “Oh, poor you!” comments.)
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    I’d also comment that the more I see certain people here reveal their true colors, the more sense Horseshoe Theory comparisons make. Nazis and Pinkos may be on opposite sides of the spectrum, but ultimately, they employ much the same methods and tactics to kill, oppress, and brainwash whoever they can get their mitts on.

    The Regressive Left and Regressive Right have that “common ground” element to them, too. And even though they’re not nearly as murderous now, they still have a few more decades to change that, seeing as politics won’t calm down anytime soon. :(
    Go You!
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