Boromir "Yes the Hobbits walked into Mordor but there was nothing 'simple' about it so my point stands!"
The fact is that Trump won the majority of votes by any metrics that actually matters, he won the 'majority' not of the total votes cast nationally in which case you are quiet correct he did not, but the majority of votes cast among candidates in general and that is what actually matters, it's not unnatural or even a bad sign in most cases for this to happen unless the vote is insanely split although it is less than ideal, in fact it has happened with little fanfare a total of fourteen times during the course of our nation's history, we are no stranger to it and it has been a growing trend with the spread of polarization, the rise of the internet and the increasing popularities of third parties bought about by it.
Then there is the fact that Trump's percentage is still 49.82% meaning he is only barely off that mark by 0.018% to the point it is barely worth mentioning, if he had like 36.91% percent amid an extremely heavily split vote between three or four equally low preforming candidates, I would agree it isn't a great sign, but it isn't that severe.