Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes



Both are slaves - only commie from 1950 do not have other choice then massgrave then following sralin,when modern leftist become slaves on their own free will.
So,i detest them more.
Yeah, well I was actually looking for a meme RGE posted, one with the new commies going 'Yay, we overthrew the capitalists now I can sit around and do nothing and be a self-identified pony unicorn otherkin.'
Meanwhile the oldschool commies is like, 'Yeah, get into the salt mine or go to gulag or get shot.'



Not in my area, sadly, there are literally packs of massive homeless mutts roaming around close to the police department.
Well if we ever needed any more confirmation that you're just in general an unlikable person, here we have it lol
You do realize that cat aficionados are statistically proven to be more intelligent and classy than mutt lovers, right?

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