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  • I'm making them sad again! >;3
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    Reactions: Blasterbot
    B4B did scratch that L4D itch for a bit. inferior as it was. god I miss playing L4D with my friends. it was fun. it was coop. you could play it solo to learn the maps a bit. there was no level up or progression mechanic so you could just play the game on a lowe difficulty with a newb friend and have fun. why can't we have fun games. that are you know games that are fun to play. fucking hell you can have fun playing a board game or a card game without raytracing or a $1200 computer and $600 in peripherals.

    fuck at this point I'd rather play Halo on my OG XBOX with the XBOX Huge Controllers and a friend than anything else out now.
    <;D You liked my armor mechanic post!
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    Vyor kinda makes me a bit sad. he is a too willing to excuse bad design in his profession. I make pipe in a factory. if the pipe is bad it is bad. if the pipe is good it is good. there are standards. I won't make an excuse to the thirsty MILFs in my area if someone makes bad pipe. only the best and girthiest pipe is acceptable. If someone fucks up don't excuse it. they need to own it and learn from it.
    was correct. I think in some ways abstracted armor works fine for mass combat. but if I'm playing from a 1st person perspective I want to aim for the weak points for critical damage. and I agree that tactical play in attacking weak side and rear armor should be rewarded. it depends a bit on the game of course but I dislike that having an armor rating of 573 negates the tactics in a fair number of games. also that sometimes armor just feels meaningless. like gratz upgrading the armor nets a 2% damage decrease. you still get 3 shot so who cares.

    it goes back to the idea that every game is its own thing. mobas aren't rts aren't rpgs. each game needs to find how to balance that to make a fun experience.
    Oh of course, game genres usually are best with different armor mechanics. But for a sci-fi shooter you'd hope there's a bit of 'science' put into consideration with how the armor works. ;D

    Gotta love how you can be in space in Starfield, shoot someone's visor and they're fine...IN SPACE.
    I did make a thread about the 2008 Turok. If you ever played it I'd appreciate your opinions there! ;D
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    I don't think I played it unfortunately. still it sounds better than 60% of the slop that comes out nowadays. 30-35% is unfortunately made in china.
    Somebody likes my gaming-related rants!
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    For some reason he doesn't seem to get that the point of a game is to be fun to play. like sure you can have that fun be in the story and characters. but you need the game to be fun 1st and foremost. otherwise it is just not going to have a player base that sticks around. I think that is where the divide between old and new games is. or at least the old games we remember. they were made by gamers who were trying to make a fun game. not a corporation trying to invest 50 million to see a ROI in 3 years.
    Its funny because while I admit I haven't made a game entirely, I've made some pretty intensive game mods. And by all means designing a game proper is a lot of work. There's so much stuff to consider. Will players notice this? Will this item be balanced and fun? Heck should we maybe deliberately add a bit of imbalance to enhance the fun?

    I fixed up a cut puzzle in Trespasser, got it all working. Got some feedback from players who said they didn't know what to do. So I had to reorganize an entire setpiece which was quite a lot of work.

    End result was better than how it started in my opinion. It was more readable, no less challenging and frankly even made a bit more sense in terms of immersion.
    King Crab is still a based choice. Chicken-leg walker with AC20's and huge claws to punch shit with!? Based!
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    every clanner has a plan till they get the double tap.
    I admit I like the classic MadCat, Marauder Mk2 and Daishi more though. 9_6
    as far as clan mechs go there is nothing sexier than the Maurader iic for me. that mech in mech warrior 2 was my favorite and that was also my intro to battletech. I understand it is a 2nd line mech. that it is overpriced clanner garbage. but I would challenge for a trial of possession for it any day of the week.
    They're STILL defending Stalker 2! And they do it for free! HAHAHAHA!
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    Reactions: Blasterbot
    they wish to consoome. it is the only way they can regain some nostalgia for what once was. much like how some will try and defend some of the Disney slop while saying only some was bad. or how some will say that while new trek is bad lower decks is good. or any number of other instances. the old stuff was good because the makers were passionate about it. because they pushed the limits of what they could achieve on a shoe string budget and burning the candle at both ends.

    what we get now is made by people backed by big budgets who know regardless of end product some people will buy it regardless of quality. they will defend it with rabid ferocity because they don't wish to admit that they are wrong and the game is in fact a lesser pale imitation of what was if made prettier by modern tech.
    I miss Deep Space 9. ;(((((

    Orville is pretty good though.
    Seems like somebody, for a change, appreciates actual standards in gaming! Humf! So uncommon!
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    physical media should be treasured. I have my game boys. my sega genesis. my dreamcast. and my PS2. I kept all my games from my childhood. I have an old refurbished CRT TV with the proper ports. I can load any old game I want on my computer with a bit of work. the old games aren't gone. I just need to accept that I need to be picky and see actual gameplay from a game before buying them from now on.

    Last game I bought was mechabellum. got it on sale since it was just barely a early access. put in a hundred hours for a 30-40 dollar game so far. Still enjoy it.
    I'm trying to grab more physical media myself.

    And thats the joy of having the blinders taken off- you can't go back
    And thats the joy of having the blinders taken off- you can't go back
    Once you're unplugged, you can't plug back into the matrix...
    It's as much a blessing as it's a curse, but at least you don't remain ignorant.
    How do you do, fellow machine of The Sietch? :p
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    Reactions: Blasterbot
    Understandable, and more in agreement than I'd like to be. :cautious:

    By the way, can I ask where your avatar's from or if you made it yourself? Mine's a Necron Warrior from WH40K, if you're not already familiar with that.
    King Crab from Battle tech. the paint scheme makes me think of Dr Zoidberg. so it is hilarious to me considering it is arguably one of the most dangerous mechs to find yourself in close range of. just found it on the google machine.
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    Reactions: Zyobot
    Gotcha'. Thanks for sharing, man. (y)
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