Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

It's a satire account; still, imagine the..potential of such an team-up. An actual, bipartisan presidential ticket because of how bad Biden is doing. And it's not like the Dems haven't screwed Bernie over before.

Bernie going against the guys who got him is 3rd house? don't be silly. he abandoned any principles back in 2016 when he said no white people know what it is like to be poor.
Red Flag Memes (Thanks to Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania Tom Wolf).




I don't get it.
The first picture is a character from top gun. Best friend of the main character. Good guy.

During a training mishap he has to eject from his plane. Unfortunately the cockpit cover (second picture) doesn't split from the plane fast enough and his ejector seat slams his head into it and breaks his neck killing him.

The meme is effectively saying inflation is killing your plans for the future.

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