Trump Investigations Thread

He has had a better economy then all the past in the last 3 decades.
It's not too hard to have a good economy entering office when the person you're replacing knows what they're doing. As far as things go I am of the mind that entering with a good economy and leaving with one should be fairly easy to do. So what matters is how did he affect it and more to the point who did he favor. Did he cut taxes for the poor or the rich? Did he make us safer or worse off?

School shootings seem to be the new norm. It's so commonplace nowadays that whenever I hear about a new one my first thought is "Oh slow week".
It's not too hard to have a good economy entering office when the person you're replacing knows what they're doing. .

Obama was a child murdering imbecile who maliciously prolonged a recession to advance an agenda thats ultimately resulted in the entire human race being closer to total enslavement and genocide than ever before.

His economic policies caused millions to lose their homes, destroyed countless small businesses and forced incompetent Healthcare on us.

An effort needs only be put in when it's worth putting in. Anything dealing with Trump or the right needs none at all.

Be less boring.

Out of the previous 44 Presidents combined ?

What about Reagan & Bush, Sr., ?

Bush Senior sucked he was a closet commie and a glowie, Reagan and Clinton had better economies than Trump though.

But I wouldn't put Trump all that far behind them.
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It's not too hard to have a good economy entering office when the person you're replacing knows what they're doing. As far as things go I am of the mind that entering with a good economy and leaving with one should be fairly easy to do. So what matters is how did he affect it and more to the point who did he favor. Did he cut taxes for the poor or the rich? Did he make us safer or worse off?

School shootings seem to be the new norm. It's so commonplace nowadays that whenever I hear about a new one my first thought is "Oh slow week".
So which forum/discord did you come from to try to troll and mine salt for?

Cause you've got 4 posts and have admitted your going low effort with it:

An effort needs only be put in when it's worth putting in. Anything dealing with Trump or the right needs not
So what's your purpose here?
It's not too hard to have a good economy entering office when the person you're replacing knows what they're doing.
Ah, so you're a blinded by leftist propaganda.

As is the modern style, I invite you to educate yourself about Obama's policy on oil-drilling, Ben-Ghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandals around Lois Lerner, and how he turned a relatively stable Middle East in 2008 into a seething cauldron of chaos.
Certainly the best president in my lifetime.

Whether that's because he was good or everyone else was utter garbage I'll leave for others to decide.

But Trump's economy was such a breath of fresh air after Obamas shitshow of a recovery. It literally felt like we weren't being strangled to death anymore and could breath again.

Of course now with Biden it feels like you've been dragged out of your comfortable house by the mob, shot in both kneecaps, and got told to have a nice day at work cause you don't want you or your family to starve, right?
One sign that would convince me that Trump is actually serious about draining the Swamp if he gets back on the Presidential Porcelain Throne? If he appoints Ron Paul as Treasury Secretary with full authorization to End The Federal Reserve.

Defanging the Fed would force the Congress to actually do their damn jobs and make an actual budget. No more going to the Fed for more magical fiat Ponzi loans.
One sign that would convince me that Trump is actually serious about draining the Swamp if he gets back on the Presidential Porcelain Throne? If he appoints Ron Paul as Treasury Secretary with full authorization to End The Federal Reserve.

Defanging the Fed would force the Congress to actually do their damn jobs and make an actual budget. No more going to the Fed for more magical fiat Ponzi loans.
And you would instantly cause Mega Ultra Depression (because Great Depression 2.0 just isn't enough to properly express the scale of the problem).

The underlying problem isn't with the Federal Reserve, it is with the Treasury/Congress being utterly unwilling to constrain spending to tax returns.

Personally, if I could rewrite the Constitution I would include a clause forbidding Congress from assuming any liabilities more than 24 months before the due date of the liability unless they provide the entire amount needed to cover the liability at the time of its assumption. No Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Pensions, etc.

But solving the underlying issues has three possibilities.
1) Kick the can down the road until after the Boomers die and allow a more normalized and consistent demographic situation to keep the problem from occurring. This results in some substantial level of pain for the next few decades.

2) Cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid by about 50% across the board without also cutting the tax burden for them and using the excess money to pay down the debt. This would rapidly resolve the problem but would involve national pain and is politically impossible as you are never going to get the Boomers or Millennials to vote for cutting the Boomer's benefits and thus the costs of their retirement falling on their kids (the Millennials).

3) Increase government revenue and use alternative means to reduce the liabilities. For example, if China attacks Taiwan then the US takes the opportunity to repudiate all US government debts owned by PRC citizens & entities and seizes all assets in the US owned by PRC citizens & entities. Or creating a new kind of Green Card for professionals that lets them emigrate and work in the US permanently in exchange for a substantial upfront payment and for facing the full tax burden of Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security without gaining any of the benefits; in effect wealth drain the rest of the world to make up for the shortfall in the US.

We really should be doing 3. Like just hold a global auction for two hundred and fifty thousand Green Cards per year with a non-refundable buy-in of say 25,000 USD to be able to participate in the auction and the slots go to whomever bids the most with bids having to be blind. At a million per green card you would raise 250 billion USD, plus would gain the economic benefits of wealthy, already educated, immigrants.
We really should be doing 3. Like just hold a global auction for two hundred and fifty thousand Green Cards per year with a non-refundable buy-in of say 25,000 USD to be able to participate in the auction and the slots go to whomever bids the most with bids having to be blind. At a million per green card you would raise 250 billion USD, plus would gain the economic benefits of wealthy, already educated, immigrants.
Or, you just basically eliminate legal immigration. What on earth makes you think there's anything like that many people willing and able to pay that much?
Because wealthy people in basically every non-western part of the world really want to come to the USA. And a lot of westerners do too.
Yeah, they do now. But start charging that kind of admission and they're just going to settle for Canada, UK, Australia or somewhere else. It might be a second choice, but most people will take that second choice rather than paying $25,000-$1,000,000 for the first choice. You sure as hell aren't finding 250,000 people willing to year after year.
Yeah, they do now. But start charging that kind of admission and they're just going to settle for Canada, UK, Australia or somewhere else. It might be a second choice, but most people will take that second choice rather than paying $25,000-$1,000,000 for the first choice. You sure as hell aren't finding 250,000 people willing to year after year.
It's free money that comes from people who have that money. People who are generally well educated and have a proven ability to economically out perform.

Bring in a college educated twenty five year old and you gain all of the benefits of their ~20 years of invested education and the living expenses that went into their life to date without having to front any of the costs. You also get to tax them at the same rate as US citizens without having to provide them the same benefits and they still get a lower tax burden than the nations that they are coming from (as a general rule).

Give me your energetic, your wealthy, your educated elite yearning for a better life. That you can get them to pay your for the privilege is just icing on top.

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