Emperor Tippy
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  • Hay sorry if I am bugging you but I have a question do you still have plans to rewrite Exploring Hell? Because I just found it yesterday on the spacebattles form and I love it. So thank you for writing it.
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    Eventually, probably. I've started the rewrite like five times and ended up with something interfering every time.
    Eternal lord
    Ok. Thanks for the reply. Keep up the good work.
    Good site. But pls include an ignore button.

    It would help greatly for marking disliked threads so that people wouldn't read them again.
    I thought I'd never see you again Tippy! Not since you were banned on Space Battles!
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    Meh, SB decided to out of the blue ban me for having a link to TS in my signature. Despite the fact that it was plainly within the SB rules to have such a link, no one on SB even bothered to ask me to remove it before banning me, and my account was in good standing. Oh, and that they didn't bother to ban anyone else for that "offense".

    But then, the SB staff hated me for a while.
    Kinda like how the AltHist group hated me and up and banned me a literal minute before I posted a 3k chapter
    hey just found this site and discovered your 40k SI story and found it to be awesome , creative and well thought out as well as better than almost every other 40k SI I have come across so far, any hopes of it seeing a continuation or is it dead ?
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    https://www.the-sietch.com/index.ph...-of-rogue-trader-tristan-abrasax-40k-si.1158/ ?
    It's on the list, but 2020 really wasn't kind to any creative writing projects of mine.

    My current plan is to finish the editing/minor rewrite for Exploring Hell and get the last few chapters of that done before posting that to TS. Mostly so that I can say I actually completed a story (even if its only book 1 of a series). After that, Abrasax is probably my next 40k project.
    Abrasax was the one I meant , great that its your next story , since very few authors have it in them to try an era other than the 41st millennia or the crusade
    Hey Tippy where did you hide that one post which was so awesome that it recived the ten mill? I heard that it was so awesome that you hid it away in a forgotten 'Best Korean' server to ensure it never got released to the wider world...(Hence why Best Korea is to awesome for the outside word.)
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    Actually I just used the control panel to edit my like count via 10 million. Making a post with that many likes would require extensive hacking of XenForo actually as a posts likes are linked to user ID's and so you would have to create 10 million users to link those Likes to
    Free-Stater 101
    Free-Stater 101
    Awe your no fun!😛 I know that! (LOL) Just do me a favor and edit up as Carol Manver's try's his best to surpass you!😇
    Hey Tippy, I just finished reading your story set in Warhammer again. It was amazing, there hasn’t been a comparable realistic self insert type story set in 40k written since. I really enjoyed the realism and competence of the protagonist and all the other characters around him. I think I recall reading that you had written an interlude from the perspective of Hax, would it be possible for you to post it? Thanks
    I'd love to read your stories. The main problem seems to be however that you have them scattered over QuestionableQesting and Spacebattles. And if you have anything here I haven't managed to find it yet. I know what I'm asking for would be a colossal pain in the ass, but could you please gather your stories and put them all either here or questionable questioning?
    • Like
    Reactions: Bobby
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    Anything on QQ is unlikely to move here, and anything not on QQ is unlikely to move there.

    QQ's NSFW rules when it comes to written stuff are "everything is permitted" while TS has more restrictive rules. Considering that when I write those stories it is usually for the purposes of exploring some of the darker parts of human nature, they edge the line of (or outright break) the TS rules.

    On the other hand, if a story isn't going to have that kind of NSFW content in it then it will be posted here in future.
    Do you have an archive of your old fanfics because I been trying to find some but can’t.
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy

    I think that is all of them on SB.

    On QQ https://forum.questionablequesting.com/search/24268118/ is all of them.

    If you can provide more details about what you are looking for ('verse, characters, general content, etc) then I could probably be of more help.

    I also have various snippets of things in some of the Index/idea threads, and if you have some idea about what you are looking for then I can probably find a link to individual ones of those pretty easily.
    Both of them open up into error messages
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    You might have to be logged in to SB/QQ to use the search feature.

    In either case, go to Search, search for threads started by Emperor Tippy , set the forum to Creative Writing only. That will give you all of the ones on SB, on QQ search NSFW Creative Writing for those.
    Can't seem to find a way to PM you, so I'll ask here... will you be continuing your stories on QQ and SB, or will everything be here from now on?
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    You can't start PM's until you have at least 25 messages, it's an antispam feature.

    My adult content will be split between here and QQ depending on the specific story, everything on SB will be continued here. I might update the SB stuff a chapter or more behind anything here, but haven't decided about that. Generally, things will be on TS primarily with QQ for AO content and things cross posted to SB on a hit or miss basis.
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