Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022

More war porn then anything.

Surgical mortar strikes taking out military targets in Mykolaiv in Southwestern Ukraine.

Kid hugging part of a spent rocket, as you do.

Claim made, no source given however.

Russian Tank striking an apartment building in Mariupol reportedly.

More Chechens on their way to the Front!

What a shitty source.

Why do you even quote that?
Oh, wait, without shitty sources you wouldn't have much Putinist propaganda to wank over.

Note he said AFAIK, meaning he wasn't aware of it being used, which is a reasonable statement to make as he doesn't read all twitter posts and there is a lot of saturation of information to go through, also I was actually quoting the tweet below it.

That being said, you are carrying on about nothing.

Now they just trolling.

Unclear date, unclear location, unclear situation. More likely these are Dagestani Troops by uniforms and markings.
Ah shit Trevor Noah made me laugh for once, I need a shower, I feel filthy.
That was actually an amusing bit.

Rational prinCZess: "Don't be an idiot, you know how unstable and failure-prone a dual-executive, switch-in switch-out system like that is. It buggered Rome over so many times it became their equivalent of a meme. It's not a good system for resolving disputes domestically, and that translates to greater problems in foreign policy.

Fun prinCZess: "Hell yeah brother! AMERICAN Tag Team Presidency action! And we know The Donald would be good at it, he's GOT experience in the World Wrestling Federation already!
And to think, 79 years ago today the Nazis and Soviets were fighting over and around Kharkov as well.

Ukrainian Marines in Mariupol showing off some wrecked Russian vehicles.

Another KA-52 Alligator was allegedly shot down yesterday in Southern Ukraine within the Kherson Oblast. Reportedly one crewmember survived and was hospitalized by Ukrainian forces, pun intended?

Russian invaders apparently trying to create something they are calling the Kherson National Republic (as patterned after the Luhansk and Donetsk Republics.

Ukrainian soldier with a spent NLAW pictured in front of a destroyed BMD-4.

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