Few pages worth of "discussion" were relegated to the Don Bass thread. Several threadbans have also been issued, mostly due to Rule #2 Violations.
Since this hasn't been said recently (though its been stated repeatedly), this thread is for reporting and discussion on events and news directly related to the Russian Invasion of Ukraine. Most armchair and amateur analysis and hot takes/speculation should go into the Donb Ass Thread. Constant bickering about propaganda and sources without... substance of any sort, go into the Donb Ass thread. Meme posting and jokes goes into the Donb Ass thread. Constant back and forths between posters barely discussing anything... will also go to the Donb Ass thread because having fifty two and three line posts burying actually discussion and coverage of the war isn't the intention for this thread for people who want to actually read about the War going on.
Discussion on your fantasies pertaining to prostitution, torture, cheerleading war crimes, ree'ing about Nazis, insulting people. wishing they go to prison, blaming them for war crimes or other stupidity, using slurs and so forth certainly doesn't belong here and not only is Donb Ass behavior, but likely against the rules, specifically the ones pertaining to posts that derail a thread, are directed as personal attacks against other members, meant to instigate rules violations from other posters and so forth.