United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

It "rhymes" more than "repeats", if you ask me. But yes, there is an alarming tendency for humanity's collective memory to "reset" every few generations — and thus, for later generations to either roundly ignore or draw all the wrong conclusions from their forebears' mistakes.

Upon reflection, I wouldn't rule out the next generation of blood-soaked monsters learning all the wrong lessons from Hitler's example, in much the same way that Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and other Communist revolutionaries revered and consciously emulated Robespierre and the Reign of Terror... before taking the blood purges, purity-spiraling, and social engineering to whole new extremes. Seen in that light, I think Hitler and the Nazis' shadow will still loom large over future genocidaires, especially when things get so bad, that they decide "Whatever Globalists hate must be good. Globalists really hate Hitler — so therefore, Hitler good!" and take that to its logical conclusion. 👿
I’ve seen this floating around the internet already on places like Twitter and even youtube. Though it’s hard to tell if these are genuine neo-Nazis/ White Supremacists or just glowies acting like them- I fear the end result might be the same unless stopped.
Ya'll are talking about when WW2 will or won't loom so large anymore and comparing it to prior times.

You're leaving out one of the most key aspects of why it still looms so large; IE it being the first war with incredibly widespread use of photography, filming, and radio, all of which have been recorded and preserved for future generations.

Top that off with lots of multi-media fiction being made about it, and you have a recipe for it being kept in memory all the further.

None of this is to say that it won't fade over time, but it's going to make it a lot harder and slower.
So, the IRS investigation of Matt Taibbi turns out to not just be suspicious, but blatant regime retaliation.

The IRS claimed to be investigating a problem with identity theft from 2019 for which they supposed sent a letter that was never responded to. Trouble is, Taibbi's taxes were done by an accountant, so it's actually 2 letters that mysteriously disappeared, yet the IRS did no followup for over 3 years, until Taibbi published the first Twitter Files in December 2022. The IRS was apparently diligent enough to begin a full investigation on Christmas Eve, before physically sending agents to his house which is almost never done even for audits magically timed for the day before his Congressional testimony.
Another one, because Joe Potato just can’t help himself:

I mean, strictly speaking this is true. Lying is, by definition, "knowingly stating a falsehood as if fact", that "knowingly" is critical to the definition of lying, as otherwise someone is either ignorant or misinformed.

Or senile... I guess in Ol' Uncle Joe's case that's the most likely reason.
I mean, strictly speaking this is true. Lying is, by definition, "knowingly stating a falsehood as if fact", that "knowingly" is critical to the definition of lying, as otherwise someone is either ignorant or misinformed.

Or senile... I guess in Ol' Uncle Joe's case that's the most likely reason.

Yeah, sounds fair.

Have speculated that at this point, Biden's probably not even intentionally lying, so much his senility making him marble-mouthed and prone to misleading statements that he may genuinely believe are true. Granted, he probably lied a whole lot in the past (as politicians do), but now, I'm questioning his ability to even do that semi-convincingly.
He's gotten so feeble it's just sad.
They say a Presidency ages someone due to stress/pressure (I mean, look at Obama -- it looks like he aged ten years during his term in office): when someone is aged like sour milk already, you're gonna get an Indiana Jones situation.

Never go Indiana Jones.

In seriousness, it looks like Biden is actually collapsing under the strain.

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