This interesting video allegedly shows personnel from the DPR being sent off to fight in Sumy province. HOWEVER, I would take this with a grain of salt, because judging by the translations, the Telegram channel it was posted in seems like the Russian equivalent of NaturalNews. One of their shared posts claimed inside sources said the Taliban was planning to invade Tajikistan in 3 weeks. Not sure why they'd want to invade when it would risk upsetting their relations with the Chinese.
Some kind of anti-ukrainian resistance movement in Odessa published a call to arms.
On Il Foglio mentions saboteurs that have apparently being there since 2014. Though I don't give this girl much credibility because she said Zelensky was an enemy of the right wing groups, which is not the objective truth.
Yesterday, from the same newspaper, Zelensky talked about the peace and referendum. Apparently "denazification" is an unknown term to Ukranian president.
Alla stampa russa il presidente ucraino dice che i colloqui si svolgono su più livelli e non nega l’aiuto di Abramovich. Una domanda arriva anche dalla Novaya Gazeta, che non fa uscire l'articolo e poi annuncia la sospensione delle pubblicazioni
Apparently,russian soldiers started killing their commanders.To be precise,commander of 37 brigade.Here:
And,at least some killed by ukrainian was war criminals, like colonel Siergiej Suchariev,who in 2014 murdered more then 1000 ukrainian soldiers during cease-fire,when russian gave their world that they could retreat safely.
Others did less,but still was criminals.
And that is how kgbstan differ from normal propaganda - they accuse ukrainians of being bandits and themselves behave like one.
Reportedly weapons in the possession of the "Crimea Battalion", Muslim Tatar troops fighting alongside the Ukrainian defenders.
Rob Lee engages in a bit of analysis in a short Twitter thread.
Credits the Ukranian defense of Hostomel, Irpin and Bucha starting from the beginning of the War as being the most decisive in regards to preventing Kyiv being captured or encircled and compelling shifts in Putin's strategy including their latest focus on the Donbass.
A multinational unit of former Special Forces operating in the suburbs of Kyiv has a very nerdy name.
Brief summation of losses by the Russian forces in the Sumy and Chernikev areas in Northern Ukraine.
Russians seized some MAM-1 ordinance used by the infamous Bayraktar drones in a facility somewhere.
Quick tour through the cozy resort base of the Ukronazi LARPers:
Pretty nice place, prime location, lots of weapons in storage, I am sure these glorified thugs that found national-socialism really got used to the good life.
Scott Ritter reminds us of what the Russians actually set out to do and how this is standard.
Also should point out Russian Forces in Belarus totaled 40,000, the bulk of their troops are in the South. So it was always clear Kyiv was a double feint, because shock, the Russians were actually telling the truth about liberating Donbass where the bulk of their troops were and where UkA's best troops were.
For a unit said to be destroyed by Oryx and Jomini, they are quite intact and ready for redeployment.
Marinka Front complete with a DPR Drone footage of the battlespace.
Mariupol is being mopped up at an accelerated pace. Estimate less than 4,000 of the 15,000 defenders remain and with the AZOV, Marine, and Police HQs captured, they don't have much left to fight with. This along with Kherson means 10 UkA Brigades are effectively destroyed.
DPR released drone footage of the fighting in Mariupol.
That reads a lot like cope considering how much effort was expending at trying to encircle Kyiv and how one of the stated goals of the war was to remove Zelinsky from power
A Munitions Depot in Belgorod, which is roughly seventy or so kilometers North by Northeast of Kharkov, is currently experiencing a bout of exploding. Initially there was no indications of what caused the detonations (ie accident, sabotage, espionage etc) but reportedly the Russians are stating Ukrainian fires injured some Russian forces in the area?
Rest in Peace Lieutenant Colonel Igor Zharov of the Russian VDV. He was apparently the Chief of Staff of a Russian Airborne Regiment deployed to the Ukraine.
Whilst in Turkey, one of Ukraine's Chief Negotiators met with the CEO of the company that makes the Bayraktar Drones.
More Ossetian fighters are arriving in the Donbass area to fight on behalf of the Russian liberators!
Reportedly a picture of Chechen Warlord Ramzan Kadyrov praying somewhere in Ukraine, but supposedly determined to be a fake image.
Russians do not captured another city except Marjunpol,In Marjunpol they fight war cryminals so they could not take city from them,And they come to kherson to help children after they destroyed their homes.
It remind me monuments of soviet rapists in Berlin,they show there soviet soldiers helping girl,when in reality they gangrape them.
And they gave assistance to people in Marjunpol ,after destroing their homes,too.
Scott Ritter reminds us of what the Russians actually set out to do and how this is standard.
Also should point out Russian Forces in Belarus totaled 40,000, the bulk of their troops are in the South. So it was always clear Kyiv was a double feint, because shock, the Russians were actually telling the truth about liberating Donbass where the bulk of their troops were and where UkA's best troops were.
For a unit said to be destroyed by Oryx and Jomini, they are quite intact and ready for redeployment.
Marinka Front complete with a DPR Drone footage of the battlespace.
Mariupol is being mopped up at an accelerated pace. Estimate less than 4,000 of the 15,000 defenders remain and with the AZOV, Marine, and Police HQs captured, they don't have much left to fight with. This along with Kherson means 10 UkA Brigades are effectively destroyed.
DPR released drone footage of the fighting in Mariupol.
Russians was never trying to take Kiev,it was feint to take Donbas.Of course,they would arleady take it if they send those forces there from the beginning,but...then they could not made their brillant feint,right?
In Marinka they killed ukronazis.Great victory,why they do not advance ?
and if they fight not soldiers but ukronazis,why they could not win yet?
Mariunpol is almost taken...again.I start to belive,that those evil spirit with whom russian fight there would actually win.
P.S there are real war cryminals there - in russian army.Like colonel Siergiej Suchariew,arleady killed by ukrainians.
Good vid by Pool which point's out an uncomfortable possibility.
He posited that it's possible the Russian's are pulling back troops from Kiev, and Putin is maybe in a bunker, because Putin may intent to nuke Kiev to get a 'win' and didn't want his troops too close to the blast.
I hadn't really thought of it that way, but it is a concern to keep in mind.
Edit: Well, that's not how I'd delivery and unload anti-tank mines.
Georgian International Legion fighters, no doubt inspired by Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, are protecting the local McDonalds now that they've been closed up in Russia.
Kadyrov's Chechen Fighters in a video reportedly near Mariupol.
Rest in Peace Lieutenant-Colonel Alexnader Kornik, the Chief of Staff of an Engineer-Sapper Regiment, was killed during Ukrainian Liberation operations.
Russian Su-25 striking a target in Ukraine with S-8 Rockets.
Poland bans Russian coal imports.
American F-15 Pilot discusses what its like flying with and against Ukrainian Air Force pilots and commentary on their performance during the Russian Invasion.
Natalya speaks in a hushed voice, fearful that Oleksii, her young son, will wake and learn the terrible truth. Of why they had to flee the little house by the p