Russia-Ukraine War Political Discussion

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Funny, I could say the exact same about you.
Except unlike you, I've actively admit when I am proven/shown to be wrong.

And what new info have you shown to me about the conflict, that I didn't already know? Because I actively keep an eye on what is happening in regards to this conflict, via multiple independent channels, and so far I haven't seen an instance where you actually make a post about the conflict that didn't contain info I was already aware of, or was buying Russian propaganda.

I tried to educate you about the conflict, because many of your posts about it seemed to have come from a place of ignorance on what was actually go on, on the ground, and not out of being a friend to Russia.

Now it just feels like you are being stubborn and prideful about your position, and don't really want to see or hear info that challenges or refutes the assumptions/lack of information you have been operating under.

It's a house of cards that will inevitably collapse if our government keeps acting like they have infinite money. We've already been seeing the effects of this in the form of increasing inflation, and it's only a matter of time before people lose confidence in United States currency entirely; at which point it will cease to have any value.
Eh, as long as we have CVN battlegroups ensuring unmolested travel for ocean traffic and have Hollywood to create 'value' out of media/entertainment, the USD will never go away from being one of the main currencies the world uses, inflation be damned.

Because that's the secret about the USD and it's strength that a lot of economists never want to admit; the USD's strength comes less from the stock market or economy than from the military and cultural juggernaut it represents.
Eh, as long as we have CVN battlegroups ensuring unmolested travel for ocean traffic and have Hollywood to create 'value' out of media/entertainment, the USD will never go away from being one of the main currencies the world uses, inflation be damned.

Because that's the secret about the USD and it's strength that a lot of economists never want to admit; the USD's strength comes less from the stock market or economy than from the military and cultural juggernaut it represents.
And yet inflation continues to mount. They can't keep doing this forever; especially not at the same they're doing everything they can to cripple our entertainment industry and military with woke ideology.
And yet inflation continues to mount. They can't keep doing this forever; especially not at the same they're doing everything they can to cripple our entertainment industry and military with woke ideology.
Oh, I agree there are actions at home which have been very, very stupid and are hurting the power of the US/USD.

However, inflation is...more a symptom of the lasting damage from the Wu Flu/Wu Flu Vax mandates, than from aid going to Ukraine.
Oh, I agree there are actions at home which have been very, very stupid and are hurting the power of the US/USD.

However, inflation is...more a symptom of the lasting damage from the Wu Flu/Wu Flu Vax mandates, than from aid going to Ukraine.
As I said before; the aid going to Ukraine is just another tiny piece of straw, going on an already overburdened camel's back. Not much in the grand scheme of things; but eventually, that camel is going to buckle if we keep adding more weight, no matter how miniscule each addition might be.
Are you deliberately being obtuse?

Let me try to lay it all out then.

I don't want the USA to be involved in Ukraine when we so badly need to get our own house in order. In fact, I'd like it if the USA dialed back several notches on playing 'World shadow Empire' with our over-bloated military when our country is rotting out from under us in both figurative and literal senses. And, if Putin is as 'irrational' as people like to say, I don't want the risk of a nuclear war occurring.
This is a shallow and self-terminating argument from wishful isolationist idealism. "We have some internal problems so let's extinguish our geopolitical assets in alliances and influence because reasons". Plus some plain ol' fearmongering sauce.
Ukraine involvement is somewhere around 367th thing standing between USA and solutions to its internal problems.
The connection there is so weak it's not even funny that you bring it up.
Ukraine had serious issues with corruption before the war* and since a large part of it has been ravaged by war, I don't expect that problem to go away or get better after the shooting stops. On top of that, you'd better believe that when said shooting stops, Western politicians will demand we send aid to Ukraine for the sake of rebuilding. With very little care as to if said aid actually accomplishes anything or not, so long as they can't get blamed for it - at least in the short term.
So? Again, you are arguing for terminating of US geopolitical influence for very spurious reasons. Yes, most of the world is more corrupt than the West. That's not even near a valid reason to refuse perfectly functional alliances and influence operations.
Your geopolitical competitors will laugh all the way to the bank if you go along with such reasoning.

Fixing up a war-ravaged Ukraine will likely take years, even if a peace treaty would be signed today. Because there's ALWAYS more to fixing up a country after a war than just filling in some bomb craters. Never mind that nothing is guaranteed in a war until it's done. One needs only crack open a history book to find many, many examples of natiosn who thought they had their enemy on the ropes being wrong. Just look at how certain people were that Russia wouldn't invade Ukraine; or how sure Russia was that they'd Blitzkrieg Ukraine and have the war wrapped up in a neat tidy bow.
We aren't talking about fixing up war-ravaged Ukraine, we are talking about making the war-ravaged Ukraine become a western ally rather than Russia's satrapy. USA would be perfectly fair to drop the bulk of that on the EU and\or war reparations, which might want to admit Ukraine later on anyway.

As for ensuring the result - well, the more military assistance Ukraine gets, the more certain the result is, and Ukraine has already proven quite a few times that it can turn said assistance into significant results unlike certain other parties *cough Afghanistan cough*.
Also, the fog of war is very much an issue no matter whose side you are on. Remember how many times the US thought they had the Middle East in a bag and it turned out they didn't? Or am I the only one whose memory still reaches back to Biden and the US military's fuck up there?
Platitudes and wrong comparisons, as i said, this isn't a sandbox with a nation-building grift going on. This is a textbook conventional war in Europe instead, if you keep making such comparisons stubbornly, that only casts doubt upon your understanding or intent in the topic.
And for the record, the war in Ukraine most certainly is a proxy war between Russia and NATO/the West, as NATO is supplying Ukraine with arms and money so they can continue to fight Russia, all while NATO/the West keep their hands clean and stay out of direct confrontation with Russia. Meanwhile, Russia and the West indirectly fight each other with economic tools. That is LITERALLY the definition of a proxy war.
So what?
In the meantime, since our political leaders are determined to send aid to Ukraine, I don't mind the idea of inspectors being sent in to make sure things are on the up and up. Provided that they're actually doing their damn jobs instead of just rubber-stamping. Which I fear is their real purpose. Along with, as I explain below, serving another agenda.

On a related note, as I explained above, it would not be the first time that nations used some form of investigation as an excuse or cover to get more involved in a conflict, regardless of if said nation's people wanted to or not. And the USA is no stranger to doing this in recent decades. Then again, neither is Russia.
So make up your mind, is it too much involvement, or not enough involvement? Is additional supervision "on the ground" worth the risk of greater involvement that inherently comes with scale of operations, or not?

Assuming that Ukrainians don't take them out to a field and shoot them while NATO looks the other way, puts their fingers in their own ears, and whistles really damn loud.
I'd give it at most 30%. And if they do, they would be justified in it, because that's exactly what the other side's policy is. Assuming any will be dumb enough to stay, otherwise it's a moot point, if Russia bothers to save its loyalists it can evacuate them, if not, it's going to be an example for those who think of their choice of friends in the future.
Yeah, instead I'd give it a roughly 60% chance it'll be done by NATO troops or UN Blue Helmets.
Lol, you wish. If NATO and UN were willing to do such things, Afghanistan and Iraq would have went *very* differently, and there would have been a whole lot more dead islamists.
Those same folks are either fools who thought they could suck the Bear's teet indefinitely, despite being in NATO and Russia becoming more and more aggressive, or are fucking commie sympathizers who unironically trust the bullshit from Moscow.

The govs in Europe have issues, but their support of Ukraine is justified and righteous; if their people are upset because they cannot suck the Bear's teet anymore, that's on them.

Or they're just getting paid to protest.

FSB works to undermine pro-Western government in Moldova - The Washington Post

Yeah, instead I'd give it a roughly 60% chance it'll be done by NATO troops or UN Blue Helmets.
If the UN were willing, much less capable of doing so we'd have slaughtered all the Jihadi clans and their funders. Instead Western politics weakened the military and hamstrung the war. Allowing the enemy to adapt and rebuild. You are in an alternate fantasy world if this is how you View the UN. I'd like to sell you a modest 500 acre estate in outer Pyongyang. Just across the hunting park from the Kim family's hunting retreat. Labour is cheap you just pay Kim Jong Un 100 USD per slave per six months. It's all tax free.
If the UN were willing, much less capable of doing so we'd have slaughtered all the Jihadi clans and their funders. Instead Western politics weakened the military and hamstrung the war. Allowing the enemy to adapt and rebuild. You are in an alternate fantasy world if this is how you View the UN. I'd like to sell you a modest 500 acre estate in outer Pyongyang. Just across the hunting park from the Kim family's hunting retreat. Labour is cheap you just pay Kim Jong Un 100 USD per slave per six months. It's all tax free.

Seems I touched a nerve.
Seems I touched a nerve.
Nope. I just think some Westerners have gone off the deep end into full insanity with the tribal factionalism your GOP VS DEM system. And allowed that tribalism to color your logic. My nephew (he and his parents are First Gen American) became a cripple for nothing. He enlisted right after 9/11 and your country wasted his sacrifice with your weak politics. It's a sad waste. America once stood as the one nation you could look to for help when the Commies came knocking. Now . . . I don't know.

You people could sometimes be arrogant and condescending as all hell. But you were also friendly, loyal and willing to fight alongside your friends. A generous, steadfast Friend and Fearsome to your enemies. Your slow decay has been a mournful sight to behold.

As flawed as your people are I'd much rather deal with an American Hegemon of the world than Winnie the Ping and his psychopathic ensemble of tyrants.
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Anti-Putin Russian partisan just released a video of himself sneaking into Pskov airbase in broad daylight and planted two bombs on two brand new KA-52 Attack helicopters. Sneaking back into the grass. Waiting for takeoff and pressing the detonator. This young man has the cojones of a sperm whale. God Damn!

No active patrols, no sensors, head high grass everywhere. All the planes out in the open with no cameras or maintenance crews. Those sleeping and drinking guards at the firepit at the gate are going to die. They're going to be scapegoated.

I hope the kid scrubbed and recoded the video before posting it. The FSB will be hunting him and his family.
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@DarthOne NATO didn't do that in A-stan. We didn't do it in Iraq, we didn't do it in Syria.

We don't kill people for who they support unless they fight us.

Ukraine hasn't committed mass rape and mass murder of anyone. Russia has.
It's a house of cards that will inevitably collapse if our government keeps acting like they have infinite money. We've already been seeing the effects of this in the form of increasing inflation, and it's only a matter of time before people lose confidence in United States currency entirely; at which point it will cease to have any value.
Already happened, but we are finding it difficult to replace it with another currency. what do I even use?
FSB works to undermine pro-Western government in Moldova - The Washington Post
If the washington post says it, it has to be a lie.
Yep, as the Russian's have invested heavily in creating fifth columns inside Western and Eastern Europe.

Lots of 'green' parties and Leftists of many strips are still taking marching orders from Moscow, even if indirectly sometimes
facepalm. USSR did birth the abomination that is the entire woke cult that controls the western world right now.
But it is not under moscow control. Instead it already broke off to do their own thing. They are fully demoralized and are keen to reconquer russia
We don't kill people for who they support unless they fight us.
... who is this "we"?

your nation is controlled by the woke cult and they are going to kill you, castrate your son, and get your daughter raped and turned into a prostitute.
before you rush off to die for Ukraine you should consider what kind of future you will be leaving at home.
That's the thing; there is no alternative. Anything that could be one, like the Euro or the Yuan, is even worse off than the dollar. We might be stuck going back to the barter system.
Yea, any time someone tried to take their country off of the dollar the USA got him killed. Like Gaddafi (who lasted the longest)

So currently all world currencies are fucked. and the only reason the dollar hasn't collapsed already is that all other currencies are backed by the dollar.
That's the thing; there is no alternative. Anything that could be one, like the Euro or the Yuan, is even worse off than the dollar. We might be stuck going back to the barter system.


Or we could go on a silver standard.
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