it isn't a large number but at this point it is a battle in the margins of the swing states. who is hurt more by RFK is a genuine question. the overwhelming majority of Dems will vote blue no matter who. RFK trying to break the mold there means most won't like it. He also appeals to the same demographics that Trump appeals to in general. I.E. less educated and white. It is why Trump has to be careful in what he does to attack RFK. attacking him for being anti-establishment will hurt Trump and turn off his base. Attacking him for being a progressive democrat though? that has potential. Bring up the reparations talk. hammer him on the anti-gun stances. expose the bullshit that is his green policies when they would cripple us economically when we need to be doing what we can to fix the economy.
The problem with the anti establishment crowd, and I was (am) one of them, is that they know the candidate won't win, and specific policies don't matter. It's just to say "fuck you," to the establishment.
I voted for Jill Stein in 2012. Not because I support her policies, but because "fuck you, Obama," and that's about the end of it.
That played a part in my 2020 Trump vote, too. However, I also saw Trump as the best option and having a chance to win, too.
I was still not totally over my lefty ways in 2016 and voted Hillary instead of Gary Johnson at the last minute, because I bought into a lot of the Trump fear mongering. In hindsight, I think that was the wrong way to vote, and I'm glad Trump won. I should have just voted for Gary or Trump. After 4 years, I realized 90% of the fear mongering wasn't true, and happily voted for him in 2020.
My point being, to those of us who refuse to opt out of voting all together because we see it as a civic duty, having a "fuck you" candidate provides an option to make sure you're still participating in your Civic duties, while not supporting the shitty establishment. Their particular policies hardly even matter. I've considered voting RFK in '24 for this very reason. I just think this one is too important to just hand it to the dems, so I'll be voting republican this time regardless.