Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

And before that?
Irredentist cause: return the island of Formosa to it's rightful aboriginal inhabitants, and expel all the Chinese occupiers back to the mainland!
That true,but - they never were united before spanish conqer.
I don't recognize the people here. 'Splain to me plz?
The first is the guy who shot Daniel Shaver after the worlds most fucked up game of Simon Says. The second is Ross Ulbricht, creator of the Silk Road, which actually decreased gang violence in the drug trade.
examining from DEI LGBTQAIP+

+10 points for hamas support. -5 for supporting israel's evil bad conquering expansionism -5 points for straight couple -5 for having a puppy and not a cat -5 for having a pregnant lady not get an abortion. overall -10 literally made of satan. sorry -10 literally made of Jesus. I forgot they praise Satan.
examining from DEI LGBTQAIP+

+10 points for hamas support. -5 for supporting israel's evil bad conquering expansionism -5 points for straight couple -5 for having a puppy and not a cat -5 for having a pregnant lady not get an abortion. overall -10 literally made of satan. sorry -10 literally made of Jesus. I forgot they praise Satan.
yeah, and the Israeli girl is actually hot and not a purple haired land whale. So guess another -10?

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