Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

Ok, tell me, if i dislike Apple's dishonest business practices, does this mean i must worship Samsung and Google? From consumer point of view? No, so how do people who dislike fascism as a political ideology/political movement fit into framework of worshipping Stalin? It just hard for me to understand. You guys put labels and expect everyone to fit those, while world actually isn't turning around US politics.

Because antifascism is a lie. It is essentially a label created by communists to present themselves as somehow different from / better than fascists and nazis. Communism was different, in some ways, from nazism; but that didn't make it better. Yet by creating the term "antifascism", people are fooled into thinking that:
1) fascism is the ultimate evil (it isn't; communism is just as bad)
2) opposing fascism is thus a moral obligation (it is, but only insomuch as all totalitarian murderous ideologies must be opposed)
3) communism is opposed to fascism, and thus good (it isn't - communists and fascists were allies for a time, and even later, communist opposition to fascism did not make communism good)

And as for "world not turning around US politics"... I gave you an example of the above type of stupidity from Croatia.
There's actually opposite, i think the louder their claims the better, because more attraction it gains, more spotlight are shined on what they do and why. There's absence of a fascism in a modern political landscape, i agree. But it doesn't mean fascism as an economical and even ideological base can't be attractive to politicians. I don't think if there's more of this word in our daily lives it would lose it's meaning (although i agree it's truly horrifying prospect), the problem will be when people would stop treating autocrats, dictatorships and fascists seriously. Just like the world now tries to ignore China, and allies largely ignoring Hitler's rise to power pre ww2, it can only lead to a grave consequences.
"The facists of the future will call themselves anti-facists."

- Winston Churchill

The man knew what it meant to fight facists, real facists, and he was smart enough to see how the commies would use 'anti-facist' groups as thier own agents to paint any non-commie gov as 'facist'.

Antifa and thier ilk need to operate as though anyone to the Right of Mao is a facist, with the phrase 'liberals get the bullet too' being a big part of thier ideology, in order to justify thier violence.
Ok, I'm just trying to say that anti-fascism as in the name, being anti-fascist is not bad, just like being democratic nowadays has nothing to do in practice with ancient greek politics and north korea. Like being pro slavery in current us doesn't mean you're a democrat, and vide versa.
I don't think you understand that antifa aren't actually antifascist in anything but name. It's like the KKK changing their name to "People for Racial Equity", but still burning crosses in people's front lawns.

Look at who they protest: Free speech supporters, Trump supporters, Anti-vaccine mandate people, the police in general, etc. Seriously, the last time they opposed actual fascism was Charlottesville.

Nazis and wokness- it's like asking what form of brain cancer would you like to have. Both are terrible.
So, crazy idea here, but maybe don't take advice from a guy who endorses mass murder and thinks England should have it's own Khmer Rouge. I know, shocking thought. The whole speech reads like a guy justifying his domestic abuse (your violence shows your love, etc).

Absolute scum.
I don't care who said it or what else he said, the quote I linked is right and fitting. Playing the "but he said this/that/theotherthing" game is a dead end and intellectually bankrupt. It reduces everyone to the worst in their life rather than celebrating their best, and provides a socially acceptable excuse to ignore truth by assailing the speaker.

Also? Fuck leftist academia and their indoctrination under guise of education. I wouldn't shed a tear over one or all of them. I quite obviously am not willing to act on that sentiment, seeing as I'm here posting and not dead/incarcerated, but I won't play the United Nations Condemnation Game with them either. If other people want to run their mouths and fedpost I'm not gonna white knight leftist academia.
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There's actually opposite, i think the louder their claims the better, because more attraction it gains, more spotlight are shined on what they do and why. There's absence of a fascism in a modern political landscape, i agree. But it doesn't mean fascism as an economical and even ideological base can't be attractive to politicians. I don't think if there's more of this word in our daily lives it would lose it's meaning (although i agree it's truly horrifying prospect), the problem will be when people would stop treating autocrats, dictatorships and fascists seriously. Just like the world now tries to ignore China, and allies largely ignoring Hitler's rise to power pre ww2, it can only lead to a grave consequences.

You are demonstrably wrong here, because Antifa is one of the greatest accelerrants in our society right now, pushing us towards authoritarianism and totalitarianism.

First off, the use violence as their primary method of trying to accomplishing things.

Second off, what they are trying to accomplish, as demonstrated by who and what they attack, is destroy free speech, property rights, and social order in general.

Third off, they are working in concert with the Democrat party, the authoritarian party (or at least more heavily authoritarian) party in the USA.

Fourth off, as many others have said on this thread, they believe 'liberals get the bullet too.'

Fifth off, the longer they are not dealt with, the more people will be willing to vote in an authoritarian if that authoritarian will deal with them.

If they have done a single thing that actually hurts totalitarianism, rather than aiding it, I'm not aware of what that thing is.
I don't care who said it or what else he said, the quote I linked is right and fitting. Playing the "but he said this/that/theotherthing" game is a dead end and intellectually bankrupt. It reduces everyone to the worst in their life rather than celebrating their best, and provides a socially acceptable excuse to ignore truth by assailing the speaker.

Also? Fuck leftist academia and their indoctrination under guise of education. I wouldn't shed a tear over one or all of them. I quite obviously am not willing to act on that sentiment, seeing as I'm here posting and not dead/incarcerated, but I won't play the United Nations Condemnation Game with them either. If other people want to run their mouths and fedpost I'm not gonna white knight leftist academia.
First, this isn't some "he said shit". He has spoken repeatedly about this stuff. His whole speech has paragraphs about how there should be English Khmer Rouge that go around killing academics. Every speech he seems to have is about how Europe should go to war and do vile things to win, and you should make sure to do every vile thing and anyone who balks is a coward.

The quote you posted literally says: "Those who feel that we have wronged them should be happy that they are still alive." Which isn't what I'd call a good quote or right, in context of what this guy says. It's not that they should be happy that they as refugee's aren't dead from whatever they fled from. It's instead saying that 'Those who feel we have wronged them' should be happy we haven't gotten around to killing them. Yet.
First, this isn't some "he said shit".
So, crazy idea here, but maybe don't take advice from a guy who endorses mass murder and thinks England should have it's own Khmer Rouge. I know, shocking thought. The whole speech reads like a guy justifying his domestic abuse (your violence shows your love, etc).

Absolute scum.
Spoken like a leftist, little content but lots of emotive rhetoric. The dude speaks harshly against the Pakistani rapists who are well documented for their mass grooming and abuse of English women, and you're all "oohhhhh he's like a domestic abuser". You could have stopped at just quoting some of the things he said and you would have had nine tenths of the audience on your side right there, but you just had to make up some more shit and tack it on.

In the end, it is just some "he said shit" excuse. A man doesn't have to agree with everything another man says, to agree with part of it.
First, this isn't some "he said shit". He has spoken repeatedly about this stuff. His whole speech has paragraphs about how there should be English Khmer Rouge that go around killing academics. Every speech he seems to have is about how Europe should go to war and do vile things to win, and you should make sure to do every vile thing and anyone who balks is a coward.

The quote you posted literally says: "Those who feel that we have wronged them should be happy that they are still alive." Which isn't what I'd call a good quote or right, in context of what this guy says. It's not that they should be happy that they as refugee's aren't dead from whatever they fled from. It's instead saying that 'Those who feel we have wronged them' should be happy we haven't gotten around to killing them. Yet.

When modernity ends academics get purged.

At least that's how it worked in china and the last two times we had modernity.

It sucks but he will likely get his way on that front. If the populists win the academics will be purged with quite a few losing their jobs and quite a few being killed during the civil wars because they backed the wrong side. If the optimates win then they will be slaughtered whole sale by the people they helped into absolute power.

I mean we can hope and pray that this historicla cycle doesn't play out but I don't have much optimism about it.
Ok, I'm just trying to say that anti-fascism as in the name, being anti-fascist is not bad, just like being democratic nowadays has nothing to do in practice with ancient greek politics and north korea. Like being pro slavery in current us doesn't mean you're a democrat, and vide versa.
You need a history lesson.
The "anti fascist" term has more history than you may think, and it was chosen for this current day movement for a reason.
The word anitfa's true meaning has been complex in Germany ever since the Stalinist Communist Party of Germany (KPD) adopted the phrase and the distinctive two-flag logo for the 1932 election campaign. They had been pressing for cross-party "antifaschistische Aktion" (anti-fascist action) since the early 1920s.
"Antifascism" always was and still is a thinly veiled outreach attempt by open communists and communist sympathizers. Well they are a bit less open about being communists now, but only a bit.
Note the symbols used. They use the same flags, symbols, name etc. as the original founded by open Stalinists for a reason. If they wanted to have a total divorce with the past incarnation of that movement, nothing would have stopped them.
But they didn't. Think about it.
I don't think you understand that antifa aren't actually antifascist in anything but name. It's like the KKK changing their name to "People for Racial Equity", but still burning crosses in people's front lawns.

Look at who they protest: Free speech supporters, Trump supporters, Anti-vaccine mandate people, the police in general, etc. Seriously, the last time they opposed actual fascism was Charlottesville.

Well my entire argument was based on assumption that meme targeted antifa as in anti fascist activism. While i see that antifa organisation as an organisation may have some complicated history behind it, it's unclear to me how then people who actually protest fascism in some form should label themselves. Should they call themselves good-antifa-boys? Or something? To differentiate themselves from bad-antifa-communist-boys? Or is this impossible to achieve? Asking you guys ( @Marduk too) as a people proficient in history.
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