Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

Wait, really?!

Well… I guess I shouldn’t be surprised, especially since I don’t consider the Defense Department a transparent source when it comes to casualties or the true scope of American operations. Probably had some findings from independent groups in mind when I posted, actually, though I don’t remember which ones off the top of my head.
He's a Democrat.

It's that simple.
In memoriam,



You never lose positive control of your weapons. This is always the seen in a DFAC when deployed or in a training environment.
"Move the rifle and pass the fries, Private."

"Yes, Sarge."



"What is it, Private?"

"I think I got ketchup in the barrel, Sarge."

"How in Virgin Mary's sweet cornhole did you manage to do that, Private?"

"Well, Sarge..."

"I'm listening, Private."

"The Corporal wanted me to smuggle out a few dozens packets of the Red Stuff."

"Private, you and the Corporal are aware that there's free ketchup back in the base's mess, right?"

"...No, sir. I cannot speak for the Corporal, but I was not aware of that, sir!"

sigh "Just remember that the 'shooty part' of your gun is to be pointed at your target, Private."


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