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They also don't sound anything like what Hollywood depicts in the movies:

The eagle in the demotivator is looking at the cat with a "We're actually doing this?" expression.

Ah yes, the majestic squeak of the mighty eagle. Sounds like a dog's chew-toy.
A story in four pannels




Hungary keeping the dream alive... I assume Trianon is still a curse word there.

Estii can into Baltic!

1. the left made this argument a whole lot weaker when they forced people to have vacines against their will. They have only themselves to blame for giving the government that much power.

2. Genetically speaking this is true, there is a global debate on where the line of where a fetus becomes a baby, america pre row v wade actually had one of the most extreme left wing positions on that. Now its deligated to the states.

3. It is actually the governments job to stop murders. I know there is a disagreement on where the line is but even after your born the left tends to do a shit job at preventing you from being killed (see detroit)

4. Ok....we have had the pill for generations now, condoms for hundreds of years, a multitude of birth control options for women and if you fuck that up the morning after pill. This is actually pretty good advice if you cant deal with the conquence's and your not willing to put in basic effort to learn about birth control options then you shouldn't be having sex.

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