Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes


Somehow, that makes me happy to be a native speaker who can "intuit" rules, meanings, and spellings without having to consciously learn or memorize them. Otherwise, I’d probably drag my feet learning English (or even not bother at all), even though I’d be missing out on an exceptionally diverse and expansive language that’s basically a dyslexic wordsmith’s wet dream come to life. :p

Paragraph-sized text walls? Not straight and to the point? Bashing Trump? … Yep, definitely a leftist meme.
A brief look at his platform shows his #1 campaign issue is abortion, #2 is gun rights, and #3 is small government. Anything that can be remotely taken as anti-gay is somewhere around 5th place behind giving parents more control over their children's education and auditing and prosecuting corrupt government officials. It's a bit disingenuous to claim that voting for Scott Lively was purely from some wicked desire to do horrible things to gay people.

Frankly, that is something that I've increasingly come to dislike about gays: their insistence on trying to make everything be all about themselves.
Frankly, that is something that I've increasingly come to dislike about gays: their insistence on trying to make everything be all about themselves.
While no shortage of them are like this, I find that it's more organizations wanting to cater to gays than gays themselves doing this. They see money in it, so that's what they're doing.

It's an anecdote, but We just had pride month, and my local baseball team is doing a pride night. I said on my social media "didn't we just have an entire pride month? whats with the obsession with this?" And more than one gay person commented to say that they just want to live normal lives and not be special.

A lot of this is just corporations and leftists pushing it. You ever watch old south park, where that nurse has a dead fetus on her face? She just wants to live her life and be left alone, but they hold parades, awards ceremonies, etc. Eventually she snaps and tells them all they're crazy assholes, because she just wanted to do her job and be left alone.

More gays than you'd think, feel this way. We have some of them on this very site. It's just that social media algorithms and news media, etc. Don't give them the same exposure as they do the crowd that gives them a bad name. That and they don't speak up much BECAUSE they just want to live their lives..while these other people are really loud activists. They also don't want the heat from the aggressive parts of the lgbt community.

Make no mistake, the portion of them you talk about is pure cancer. But they're nust really loud. I for one, can't fucking stand the "pride" crowd/types, but my two best friends are gay. Trump voting, gun toting, anti pride, gay.

They're against all this groomer shit, putting it in schools, pride months, children drag, drag queen hour, etc. They literally just want to live their lives and blend in.

The LGBT community is not the big block the media would have you think.
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Acording to one source I've seen?

8% of the population.

Now, if I could only remember if it was Sargon or Tim Pool.......
Well what i meant was that they aren't a unified political entity as the media would have you believe.

It's just that big corps and the media amplify the activists.

I've certainly met plenty of them who fit the stereotype perfectly, but with two gay best friends, I tend to have more exposure than a lot of people, and I can tell you from experience that they're a far more politically diverse group than the media and activists would have you think.

Kind of like how the media might have you thinking that all Hispanics are lefties and vote for democrats, because the democrats want to keep the borders open, but increasingly, Hispanics are starting to vote R.

I think a lot more LGBT people would vote R if the Rs stopped being so hostile towards them. This was one of Trump's strengths.

I'd say it doesn't even take a huge shift. The right needs to be more specific in their attacks. Go hard at the groomer types, and the child drag queen supporters, and the people who want to give hormone therapy and trans surgeries to children...and stop trying to fight gay marriage.

I'm sure the only reason children and animals are getting STDpox is due to hugging. Very vigorous hugging. :mad:

I can believe the dogs catching it because dogs lick people and shove their heads against them like crazy, not out of the question the dogs would have licked contaminated sweat or a early pustule.

But the fact the kids got it... And everyone got it super fast... And that the "parents" got it in the first place...

I can believe the dogs catching it because dogs lick people and shove their heads against them like crazy, not out of the question the dogs would have licked contaminated sweat or a early pustule.

But the fact the kids got it... And everyone got it super fast... And that the "parents" got it in the first place...

There's no mention of kids? At all? It's just he husband (no duh) and the dogs (hand licking, as you said). As for hugging, that's possible. IDK if it happened, but it was presumably hugging an adult.
They did. Trump got about 30% of the LGBT vote in 2020. I forget the exact number, but it was a lot.
Most of the LGBT people I've met are just like you or I: they'd prefer it if their typical day consisted of only their typical routine with no additional hassles.

They get an "extra special door prize" of harrasment whenever someone decides to make LGBT an issue.

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