Media/Journalism Cringe Megathread - Hot off the Presses

I'm not twisting anything. She said 'I have rape-colored skin.'

She is flat-out saying that that color of skin, means that someone was raped. She did not simply say 'I am of mixed race because my black ancestor was raped by a white man.' She's saying this is the skin color of rape.

This is an assertion that everyone who has that kind of intermediate-color-tone skin, has it because of rape.

She is saying that my friends are the product of rape.
Did you actually read the article, or just the title?

Because that is not what she said, not what she implied about other mixed race people.
Did you actually read the article, or just the title?

Because that is not what she said, not what she implied about other mixed race people.

As I do not have an account for getting onto the NYT, I only read a few paragraphs I could find as an excerpt. If there is something in the rest of the article that changes the message given in this:
~~An Excerpt~~
"I have rape-colored skin. My light-brown-blackness is a living testament to the rules, the practices, the causes of the Old South.

If there are those who want to remember the legacy of the Confederacy, if they want monuments, well, then, my body is a monument. My skin is a monument.

Dead Confederates are honored all over this country — with cartoonish private statues, solemn public monuments and even in the names of United States Army bases. It fortifies and heartens me to witness the protests against this practice and the growing clamor from serious, nonpartisan public servants to redress it. But there are still those — like President Trump and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell — who cannot understand the difference between rewriting and reframing the past. I say it is not a matter of “airbrushing” history, but of adding a new perspective.

I am a black, Southern woman, and of my immediate white male ancestors, all of them were rapists. My very existence is a relic of slavery and Jim Crow."

Then feel free to enlighten me.
As I do not have an account for getting onto the NYT, I only read a few paragraphs I could find as an excerpt. If there is something in the rest of the article that changes the message given in this:
~~An Excerpt~~
"I have rape-colored skin. My light-brown-blackness is a living testament to the rules, the practices, the causes of the Old South.

If there are those who want to remember the legacy of the Confederacy, if they want monuments, well, then, my body is a monument. My skin is a monument.

Dead Confederates are honored all over this country — with cartoonish private statues, solemn public monuments and even in the names of United States Army bases. It fortifies and heartens me to witness the protests against this practice and the growing clamor from serious, nonpartisan public servants to redress it. But there are still those — like President Trump and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell — who cannot understand the difference between rewriting and reframing the past. I say it is not a matter of “airbrushing” history, but of adding a new perspective.

I am a black, Southern woman, and of my immediate white male ancestors, all of them were rapists. My very existence is a relic of slavery and Jim Crow."

Then feel free to enlighten me.
Here is the whole article:
NASHVILLE — I have rape-colored skin. My light-brown-blackness is a living testament to the rules, the practices, the causes of the Old South.
If there are those who want to remember the legacy of the Confederacy, if they want monuments, well, then, my body is a monument. My skin is a monument.
Dead Confederates are honored all over this country — with cartoonish private statues, solemn public monuments and even in the names of United States Army bases. It fortifies and heartens me to witness the protests against this practice and the growing clamor from serious, nonpartisan public servants to redress it. But there are still those — like President Trump and the Senate majority leader, Mitch McConnell — who cannot understand the difference between rewriting and reframing the past. I say it is not a matter of “airbrushing” history, but of adding a new perspective.

I am a black, Southern woman, and of my immediate white male ancestors, all of them were rapists. My very existence is a relic of slavery and Jim Crow.

According to the rule of hypodescent (the social and legal practice of assigning a genetically mixed-race person to the race with less social power) I am the daughter of two black people, the granddaughter of four black people, the great-granddaughter of eight black people. Go back one more generation and it gets less straightforward, and more sinister. As far as family history has always told, and as modern DNA testing has allowed me to confirm, I am the descendant of black women who were domestic servants and white men who raped their help.

It is an extraordinary truth of my life that I am biologically more than half white, and yet I have no white people in my genealogy in living memory. No. Voluntary. Whiteness. I am more than half white, and none of it was consensual. White Southern men — my ancestors — took what they wanted from women they did not love, over whom they had extraordinary power, and then failed to claim their children.

What is a monument but a standing memory? An artifact to make tangible the truth of the past. My body and blood are a tangible truth of the South and its past. The black people I come from were owned by the white people I come from. The white people I come from fought and died for their Lost Cause. And I ask you now, who dares to tell me to celebrate them? Who dares to ask me to accept their mounted pedestals?

You cannot dismiss me as someone who doesn’t understand. You cannot say it wasn’t my family members who fought and died. My blackness does not put me on the other side of anything. It puts me squarely at the heart of the debate. I don’t just come from the South. I come from Confederates. I’ve got rebel-gray blue blood coursing my veins. My great-grandfather Will was raised with the knowledge that Edmund Pettus was his father. Pettus, the storied Confederate general, the grand dragon of the Ku Klux Klan, the man for whom Selma’s Bloody Sunday Bridge is named. So I am not an outsider who makes these demands. I am a great-great-granddaughter.

And here I’m called to say that there is much about the South that is precious to me. I do my best teaching and writing here. There is, however, a peculiar model of Southern pride that must now, at long last, be reckoned with.
This is not an ignorant pride but a defiant one. It is a pride that says, “Our history is rich, our causes are justified, our ancestors lie beyond reproach.” It is a pining for greatness, if you will, a wish again for a certain kind of American memory. A monument-worthy memory.

But here’s the thing: Our ancestors don’t deserve your unconditional pride. Yes, I am proud of every one of my black ancestors who survived slavery. They earned that pride, by any decent person’s reckoning. But I am not proud of the white ancestors whom I know, by virtue of my very existence, to be bad actors.

Among the apologists for the Southern cause and for its monuments, there are those who dismiss the hardships of the past. They imagine a world of benevolent masters, and speak with misty eyes of gentility and honor and the land. They deny plantation rape, or explain it away, or question the degree of frequency with which it occurred.

To those people it is my privilege to say, I am proof. I am proof that whatever else the South might have been, or might believe itself to be, it was and is a space whose prosperity and sense of romance and nostalgia were built upon the grievous exploitation of black life.

The dream version of the Old South never existed. Any manufactured monument to that time in that place tells half a truth at best. The ideas and ideals it purports to honor are not real. To those who have embraced these delusions: Now is the time to re-examine your position.

Either you have been blind to a truth that my body’s story forces you to see, or you really do mean to honor the oppressors at the expense of the oppressed, and you must at last acknowledge your emotional investment in a legacy of hate.

Either way, I say the monuments of stone and metal, the monuments of cloth and wood, all the man-made monuments, must come down. I defy any sentimental Southerner to defend our ancestors to me. I am quite literally made of the reasons to strip them of their laurels.

So this woman has legit reasons to feel this way, given her genealogy and the fact her story is hardly unique.

This is why I am not shy about condemning the CSA and its symbols, because we are still living with the repercussions of that evil and the ghost it left to linger.
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Did you actually read the article, or just assume you knew what is was about because of the title?

Because I read it, and while I think the writer trying to stick Trump with blame for stuff is misplaced, her point about her hertiage and how her ancestors were treated has a point to it.

She is not coming out against racial mixing she is pointing out that mixing was not voluntary on the part of mixed race people born to slaves.

But I committed the heresy of daring to say the left, or someone in the Left, may have a point. Thus tribalism kicks in, the insults come out, and I see once again why the US needs a third party badly.

Does she actually know? I can't read the article since its behind a paywall. Does she know when this race mixing she hates occurred? And from the little intro, her criticism isn't the incredibly short lived Confederacy, but white people.

She doesn't even narrow it down to southern white people. Just white people in general. And its a blood sin, so its impossible to remove.

The sin is race mixing, breaking up the purity of her blood. And as even you recognized, her beef is explicitly with the grandson of a German Immigrant who's bloodline has had absolutely nothing to do with slavery in the confederacy. Its a blood sin on the whole white race she's pushing.

Its basically just a blood libel against white people rather than Jews. Almost worse, since its probably historical fact that the Jews played at least some role in executing a Jewish deviant, and most Jews maintain some self identification with the historical kingdom of Israel. The relationship between the Confederacy and most white people is completely fabricated, rather than just extremely tenous.

As long as people want the take pride in the Confederacy, and display it's symbols in public, this is going to be part of the lash-back against it. The ghost of the Confederacy lingers on, because the Klan and the it Dem friends caused Reconstruction to be botched.

This only three generations or so ago, not that long ago and not ancient history either. There are people alive who had grandparents who were born as slaves. Do not discount the effect that and the Dems sabatoging of the black community for generations has had. The fact is the Dixiecrats base switching to GOP also was not unnoticed by them either.

You keep acting as if 'not caring' will actually help the situation, instead of empathy and trying to understand people's nuanced views. It only widens the divide, instead of treating the cause of the tension.

I'm seriously starting to think the US needs our own Truth and Reconciliation type proceeding, because the roots of the problems go back farther than anyone who's alive can be responsible for. But that means listening to the other side, not simply destroying them, and not many are interested in that these days.

Acknowledging the concerns and views of people like this woman, showing that they are not wrong to have, but are aimed at the wrong targets, is how you pull the Leftist blinders off reasonable people stuck in a Leftist bubble. Getting tribal and insulting about things, like the dark mirror of Far-Lefties, doesn't help fix one damn thing.

So, you do support blood libel then? That's what your arguing for here: the punishment of, not even sons, not even grandchildren, but of racial categories.

Sometimes, peoples concerns aren't valid. Her concerns are wrong to have. I have a more valid blood libel against the English than she does against white people.

I'm gonna be blunt, that the Left has embraced this tactic is entirely the fault of the Evangelical Right trying to shove Christianity down people's throats as law for so long.

That is where the entire concept of 'Original Sin' comes from to begin with.

Like, do you all not see how what the Far-Left is doing now is in large part a cultural backlash against the Evangelical Right, mega-churches, the history of people being forced to convert or die, and against the people who they see as discriminating against other religions.

It's also a rebuke against the Evangelical Right for embracing the Dixiecrats when they switched, because they were fellow Bible-Thumpers never mind if they were segregationists.

As far as I can tell, both sides use shaming tactics to try to force people to fall into line. The only difference is which angle they try to aim that shame down.

As others have pointed out later, much of what your arguing here is simply not true. Which where a lot of the frustration comes from-your using false things that never happened as your point of critism of the right, and the right is of course naturally defensive about being condemned for things it didn't do.

Original sin is a core Christian concept. If your criticism is with Orginial sin, then your Criticism with with the entirely of Christianity. Many on the left state this openly. The right has many people even who have a criticism of Christianity in its whole, such as the Randians or other people of "rationalist" persuasions.

Megachurchs have basically been with Christianity for its entire history. Or at least, since Christianity stopped being a persecuted underground movement. Cathedrals are not particularly small buildings after all.

Christianity has been immensely inconsistent on "convert or die" to the point where its basically never been true as a general rule. One of the North's critism of the south was that for a while they discouraged their slaves from converting to Christianity. There are hindus in India because the East Indian Company forbid much evangelism, much to the annoyance of many protestants. If Christianity ever had any sort of consistent convert or die policy, there would be no liberal opposition. The lefts existance is only due to the immense softness Christianity displays to its opponents, and an immense willingingness to live and let live.

And by holding it against the Republicans who letting southern whites vote for them, you once again put forward a blood libel against them that they can never move past.
Does she actually know? I can't read the article since its behind a paywall. Does she know when this race mixing she hates occurred? And from the little intro, her criticism isn't the incredibly short lived Confederacy, but white people.

She doesn't even narrow it down to southern white people. Just white people in general. And its a blood sin, so its impossible to remove.

The sin is race mixing, breaking up the purity of her blood. And as even you recognized, her beef is explicitly with the grandson of a German Immigrant who's bloodline has had absolutely nothing to do with slavery in the confederacy. Its a blood sin on the whole white race she's pushing.

Its basically just a blood libel against white people rather than Jews. Almost worse, since its probably historical fact that the Jews played at least some role in executing a Jewish deviant, and most Jews maintain some self identification with the historical kingdom of Israel. The relationship between the Confederacy and most white people is completely fabricated, rather than just extremely tenous.

So, you do support blood libel then? That's what your arguing for here: the punishment of, not even sons, not even grandchildren, but of racial categories.

Sometimes, peoples concerns aren't valid. Her concerns are wrong to have. I have a more valid blood libel against the English than she does against white people.

As others have pointed out later, much of what your arguing here is simply not true. Which where a lot of the frustration comes from-your using false things that never happened as your point of critism of the right, and the right is of course naturally defensive about being condemned for things it didn't do.

Original sin is a core Christian concept. If your criticism is with Orginial sin, then your Criticism with with the entirely of Christianity. Many on the left state this openly. The right has many people even who have a criticism of Christianity in its whole, such as the Randians or other people of "rationalist" persuasions.

Megachurchs have basically been with Christianity for its entire history. Or at least, since Christianity stopped being a persecuted underground movement. Cathedrals are not particularly small buildings after all.

Christianity has been immensely inconsistent on "convert or die" to the point where its basically never been true as a general rule. One of the North's critism of the south was that for a while they discouraged their slaves from converting to Christianity. There are hindus in India because the East Indian Company forbid much evangelism, much to the annoyance of many protestants. If Christianity ever had any sort of consistent convert or die policy, there would be no liberal opposition. The lefts existance is only due to the immense softness Christianity displays to its opponents, and an immense willingingness to live and let live.

And by holding it against the Republicans who letting southern whites vote for them, you once again put forward a blood libel against them that they can never move past.
So I assume you didn't read the copy of the article I just posted, and instead went on this rant without looking at the context of what I was saying.

Fucking typical.
yup. It is literally bad things happened, there for all white people need to feel guilty forever. At least she has a family story of a bad thing actually happening a 100 years ago. So, we need to kill all the southerners then? Or do we merely need to make them understand their existence is invalid because some girl feels bad in her skin?
Original sin is a core Christian concept. If your criticism is with Orginial sin, then your Criticism with with the entirely of Christianity. Many on the left state this openly. The right has many people even who have a criticism of Christianity in its whole, such as the Randians or other people of "rationalist" persuasions.
What I love about this is that, so what if Original Sin is a Christian concept? The left which claims to be all loving of the science and is rational embraces this and pushes it. But no, Christianity is to blame.

And by holding it against the Republicans who letting southern whites vote for them, you once again put forward a blood libel against them that they can never move past.
Of course, nobody can ever move past it. Thats the fucking point. Leftists want to forever shame people who they hate so that they will be quiet and die like good cattle. But the left claim they are loving. No, they don't hate Imperialism or colonialism. Leftists only hate the fact that it was done by the west. If non-westerners did it, its ok.
Anyways here's some fresh media cringe.

Eight positive stories/remarks.
Four negative stories/remarks.

34 positive stories/remarks
634 negative stories/remarks

As you can clearly see Trump has been praised by the media FOUR TIMES as much as Biden! 😁
@Harlock @Spartan303 @bullethead so is it against the rules to put words in people's mouths, or is that kosher?

Because this is bullshit and trying to claim I said things I didn't.

@LifeisTiresome your lies about my views are just that, lies by someone who doesn't want voices in the center to be heard or listen to.

It is not and it kills any meaningful attempt to gain some sort of resolution, makes it personal and you wind up with this.

As a general point this is a forum based on discussion, not debate. May sound like the same thing but it isn't, in a discussion you state your case, back it up with facts, then listen to the other side and figure out if they have a point. There is no win condition, you do not need to destroy the person opposite you, tear them down, use dirty tricks or try to piss them off. This isn't SB.

Now this place was founded on the idea of discussion, not debate, you share ideas and if someone has a different view point then you shrug and move on. Enough hate and shit out there without importing it into here. Act like a cunt in here and you prevent people who don't share pure right wing views from wanting to get involved which turns this place into an irrecoverable echo chamber.

Now there is a lot of pretty serious far right commentary on this site. There is. Not the bullshit other forums claim but there is still enough to make swathes of this place toxic to anyone who isn't an American conservative. This isn't a conservative forum, it is a general gathering place for those who don't like how things have gone elsewhere on the net, and by driving discussions to the right by gunning down moderates then you just fuck it all up and alienate decent people.

You don't have to be a saint, just don't go over the line into being an utter cunny. Not hard.
A new standard in journalistic cringe: THE KIDS ARE ALT-RIGHT: WHEN YOUR STAR PUPIL GETS RED-PILLED

Olivia, a 34-year-old teacher in Kentucky, had the “great displeasure” of watching one of her 14-year-old students become radicalized online. “[He went] from a sweet kid to a year later tweeting that if homosexuals weren’t willing to change their ways, they should be killed,” she says. “He then started tweeting about Black Lives Matter, immigrants, liberals, feminism and anything else he could get his hands on. This was a kid that was generally kind and quiet, but he began following far right figures on Twitter and the rest is history.”

Jennifer, a 30-year-old teacher in Arizona, had a similar experience. She had one student in the third grade who was a flat-earther, and he’d raise this and other conspiracy theories about vaccines and the Illuminati at school. “He’d tell my class the earth is flat during our gravity lessons, and it was so difficult to explain to him that it can’t be true,” she says. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: [C_H's Note: This is only difficult when you're an Ed. major who's dumber than your students.] “He’d repeatedly tell me that I’m wrong and try to derail the class. He questioned me a lot in front of the kids as if he was testing my authority as a teacher.” He continued his mission outside of the classroom, too, sharing conspiracy videos from YouTube with other students during recess.

If this woman was intelligent and creative teacher, she could have turned this into an opportunity to conduct a simple experiment proving the earth is round. Clearly she is far too stupid to manage that. She could just tell the kid to shut up and stop being disruptive but she's probably one of those spineless youngish teachers who feels a pathological need to be liked by "her kids."

Often, it’s hard for educatorss to tell whether a student is being truly red-pilled in the sense that they’re being radicalized online, or whether they’re parroting views that they’ve grown up with in their conservative households. Tessa, a 29-year-old in the Midwest who teaches 14- to 18-year-olds at a private school for students with learning impairments, says that while many of her students “simply take on the talking points and politics of their conservative parents,” this can make them especially ripe targets for full-blown radicalization and infatuation with far-right figures. “A few started listening to Joe Rogan’s podcast, which led to them reading Jordan Peterson’s books,” she says. “I think that Joe Rogan’s ideology is the biggest threat to critical thinking in the last decade.

There you have it, FAR-RIGHT sons-of-bitches like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are REDPILLING your SUPER RACIST KIDS, and basically, their teachers are fucking stupid.

Jesus Christ. Imagine thinking a meathead like Joe Rogan is a bigger threat to kids’ critical thinking than an anarcho-adjacent Third Worldist ideology that forces them to admit they’re racist in order to get to Secular Heaven or whatever.

Another problem when students are red-pilled is that they then attempt to convert other classmates. Red-pilled students become highly argumentative and confrontational during lessons to sway the class toward their ideas, which puts educators in a bind. On one hand, they want to encourage the exploration of ideas in the classroom, but on the other, they don’t want class time to be endlessly derailed with debates about long-settled science and ethical norms, like racism being bad and LGBTQ+ people deserving rights.

“It’s hard because if I disregard [the manosphere students’ questions], I sometimes feel like it makes other students think, ‘Huh, she doesn’t have a good answer for that, it must be true!’” Ferderber explains. “So it doesn’t work to say, ‘I won’t dignify that with a response,’ but if you go down the rabbit hole with them, is it serving the needs of the other students?”

Of course, teachers are human too, and the emotional impact of being constantly challenged in the classroom can take a toll. “It was so frustrating,” Jennifer says about her flat-earth student perpetually derailing the classroom with his conspiracies. “He literally made me feel like I was a fraud, and it didn’t help that I was a new teacher at the time. When he’d tell me I was wrong and that these are the ‘alternative facts,’ I could feel my class lose their trust in me. It was a crazy power struggle for sure.”

It can also be devastating for inessential workers to realize that, despite their best efforts, some of their students might end up holding hateful beliefs long term, and many of them take it personally. “My biggest worry is that they’ll be stuck in their thinking forever, and that they’ll join the Proud Boys or something,” Tessa says. “I feel like I should be able to do a better job at teaching critical-thinking skills and they should have enough trust in me to believe that I’m telling them the truth.”

“Honestly,” she adds, “it makes me feel like I’ve failed at my job.”

Who the fuck has a "power struggle" with a fourteen-year-old? What kind of teacher has that little control over their classroom? :ROFLMAO:

It's like something out of a satire—a generation of inessential education workers so piggishly stupid and emotionally incontinent they can't actually out-argue a middle-schooler who watched a couple YouTube videos. Honestly this whole thing reads like a bogus trend article, but if it isn't made up whole-cloth these Gen-Z shitlords deserve a medal for making their idiotic teachers cry.
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So this woman has legit reasons to feel this way, given her genealogy and the fact her story is hardly unique.

This is why I am not shy about condemning the CSA and its symbols, because we are still living with the repercussions of that evil and the ghost it left to linger.

The later parts of the article do come across as a lot less hysterical. She is still building herself into a living monument of victimhood, based on what happened to her ancestors a 160+ years ago.

If we assume historical honesty on her part, absolutely horrific things happened to her ancestors. Things that never should have happened, and that people should have been tried, convicted, and then imprisoned or executed for. I personally advocate that repeat-offenders of rape be emasculated; it is a very serious crime.

She has no ground with which to try to tie Donald Trump, or the rest of the Republican party to these crimes. The Republican Party was literally founded because the Whigs were not sufficiently anti-slavery, the Republican Party was the principle advocate for ending segregation, etc, etc.

The fact that you had a bad encounter with a covert racist who claims allegiance to the Republican party does not give you, or her, the right to try to smear all Republicans, or worse, all white people, with the crimes of the Democrats who supported slavery, and supported and created the Confederacy, Segregation, the KKK, etc, etc.

Nothing in the greater body of the article in any way counters my criticism of her opening statement about 'rape-colored skin.' At best she was being deliberately sensationalist in a pejorative way, at worst, she's accusing a man I know to be a good and loving husband and father of being a serial rapist. That family had four kids, then adopted at least four more; I don't live in the same area as they do anymore, so I don't know if they're still adopting as their kids continue to grow up and move out of the house.

I'll take her criticisms as actually made in good-faith and out of real grievance, when she also calls out people like Ralph Northam, and demands that the dozens of buildings and places named after Robert Byrd (KKK member back in the day and Democrat Senator for 40+ years) be renamed something else. He was a member of the Democrat Party in good standing into the 21st century, and Hillary called him a 'mentor.'

All of that said, I agree with the idea of having each locality put to a vote whether to remove any given statue. Whether that's because it's of a Confederate, or because you think it's ugly. That's a decision each given community should be able to make on their own. With the possible exception of DC, as it's the national capital, so arguably that should be something approached on a more national scale.
A new standard in journalistic cringe: THE KIDS ARE ALT-RIGHT: WHEN YOUR STAR PUPIL GETS RED-PILLED

If this woman was intelligent and creative teacher, she could have turned this into an opportunity to conduct a simple experiment proving the earth is round. Clearly she is far too stupid to manage that. She could just tell the kid to shut up and stop being disruptive but she's probably one of those spineless youngish teachers who feels a pathological need to be liked by "her kids."

There you have it, FAR-RIGHT sons-of-bitches like Joe Rogan and Jordan Peterson are REDPILLING your SUPER RACIST KIDS, and basically, their teachers are fucking stupid.

Jesus Christ. Imagine thinking a meathead like Joe Rogan is a bigger threat to kids’ critical thinking than an anarcho-adjacent Third Worldist ideology that forces them to admit they’re racist in order to get to Secular Heaven or whatever.

Who the fuck has a "power struggle" with a fourteen-year-old? What kind of teacher has that little control over their classroom? :ROFLMAO:

A generation of inessential education workers so piggishly stupid and emotionally incontinent they can't actually out-argue a middle-schooler who watched a couple YouTube videos. Honestly this whole thing reads like a bogus trend article, but if it isn't made up whole-cloth these Gen-Z shitlords deserve a medal for making their idiotic teachers cry.

Well thankfully their problems are over. Teachers Unions across the country have been powerful in their demand to not do their job this Fall with many of them threatening to strike if people have the temerity to suggest they go to work. Some teachers have taken to even mailing (yeah US Postal Service) in mailing their obituaries to local Republican government officials ahead of time. So they won't have to deal with those red pilled brats anymore.

Article said:
manosphere” — a misogynistic online subculture that includes incels, pick-up artists and Men Going Their Own Way

I always knew these three groups were basically the same... waitaminute... :unsure:
Who the fuck has a "power struggle" with a fourteen-year-old? What kind of teacher has that little control over their classroom? :ROFLMAO:
She should have responded by saying “yes there is a satanic Illuminati conspiracy to convince you the earth is round, I serve this all powerful conspiracy and if you don’t submit then bad things will happen to you, obey”

(Obviously I’m joking and people genuinely do believe that the earth being round is a Jewish-Masonic-Satanic plot which is bad but still).

More seriously, she could have said “YT conspiracies are shit, it’s nonsense and I’m not going to debate it with you.”
She should have responded by saying “yes there is a satanic Illuminati conspiracy to convince you the earth is round, I serve this all powerful conspiracy and if you don’t submit then bad things will happen to you, obey”

(Obviously I’m joking and people genuinely do believe that the earth being round is a Jewish-Masonic-Satanic plot which is bad but still).

More seriously, she could have said “YT conspiracies are shit, it’s nonsense and I’m not going to debate it with you.”

Yeah that's the problem with Youtube Conspiracies and Flat Earth nonsense and the like, it's all based on negative evidence and the like and all they have to do is find one slip up while the person based in reality has to defend everything flawlessly so to speak in a debate like that.

The entire subculture of Flat Earth is an excellent microcosm for studying how people can believe such nonsense despite the preponderance of evidence stacked against it. And it's not just dumb retards or anything to. It's often smart people who take their time to prove the long disproven. There's just something else there that isn't related to ones IQ or whatever.
First, thank you for actually going through the article. Now we discuss concrete statements, not implied assumptions.
If we assume historical honesty on her part, absolutely horrific things happened to her ancestors. Things that never should have happened, and that people should have been tried, convicted, and then imprisoned or executed for. I personally advocate that repeat-offenders of rape be emasculated; it is a very serious crime.
Here, we are in complete agreement.

She has no ground with which to try to tie Donald Trump, or the rest of the Republican party to these crimes. The Republican Party was literally founded because the Whigs were not sufficiently anti-slavery, the Republican Party was the principle advocate for ending segregation, etc, etc.
The fact this happened is the fault of the fuck-up politics surrounding Veitnam and the Civil Rights Movement post-MLK's death.

It is also partly because some of the Dixiecrat base did flip to the GOP in protest to the the end of segregation.

The GOP couldn't really control that, given the 1st Amendment, but even getting people on the Right to acknowledge it happened at all is like pulling fingernails.

The fact that you had a bad encounter with a covert racist who claims allegiance to the Republican party does not give you, or her, the right to try to smear all Republicans, or worse, all white people, with the crimes of the Democrats who supported slavery, and supported and created the Confederacy, Segregation, the KKK, etc, etc.
I do not attempt to smear all the GOP with it, which you don't seem to grock.

What I do is acknowledge that this part of the GOP base exists, and that I am not ok with celebrating or honoring the CSA.

However, that the leaders of the CSA didn't get tried for treason, due to what was essentially insurgency fears from the Klan and their Dem friends, is a shame on America's past. I am not going to shy away from admitting that. I am willing to admit America has made mistakes and isn't perfect, because that is historical fact.
Nothing in the greater body of the article in any way counters my criticism of her opening statement about 'rape-colored skin.' At best she was being deliberately sensationalist in a pejorative way, at worst, she's accusing a man I know to be a good and loving husband and father of being a serial rapist. That family had four kids, then adopted at least four more; I don't live in the same area as they do anymore, so I don't know if they're still adopting as their kids continue to grow up and move out of the house.
See, I can agree it was a poor choice of ways to phrase that, and is likely deliberately provocative.

But I also get how this could affect her on an emotional level. Especially if she's been in a Dem bubble for years, and doesn't actually understand the Right much at all. She is not the enemy, the people who create the liberal bubbles are, and I'm trying to help you understand how to pierce those bubbles more effectively.

A lot of what I see here would only reinforce those bubbles, if used to try to persuade them the Dems are the real monsters. I'm trying to change that, but more and more it's looking to be a Sisyphusian task, because the truth is this forum's Overton window is very right wing and there are legit reasons for people in the middle not to want to come here, or at least to the CA section.
I'll take her criticisms as actually made in good-faith and out of real grievance, when she also calls out people like Ralph Northam, and demands that the dozens of buildings and places named after Robert Byrd (KKK member back in the day and Democrat Senator for 40+ years) be renamed something else. He was a member of the Democrat Party in good standing into the 21st century, and Hillary called him a 'mentor.'
You expect her to know about that stuff, which is not something people in Dem bubbles are ever really told. I know this first hand.

That is a mistaken assumption, and part of the problem.

Now if she does know, and would have problem with changing those names, then yes she's a hypocrit. I'm fine with changing a lot of CSA stuff as it was put up by Dems anyway, and understand the Dem elite are pretty racist themselves.

All of that said, I agree with the idea of having each locality put to a vote whether to remove any given statue. Whether that's because it's of a Confederate, or because you think it's ugly. That's a decision each given community should be able to make on their own. With the possible exception of DC, as it's the national capital, so arguably that should be something approached on a more national scale.
I agree it should be done locally, through legal channels, and not done by violent mobs.
Yeah that's the problem with Youtube Conspiracies and Flat Earth nonsense and the like, it's all based on negative evidence and the like and all they have to do is find one slip up while the person based in reality has to defend everything flawlessly so to speak in a debate like that.

The entire subculture of Flat Earth is an excellent microcosm for studying how people can believe such nonsense despite the preponderance of evidence stacked against it. And it's not just dumb retards or anything to. It's often smart people who take their time to prove the long disproven. There's just something else there that isn't related to ones IQ or whatever.
Thing that gets me with this is why?

If the global conspirators(Jews, Illuminati, whosever) could convince everyone the earth is round what exactly will this achieve? Of course CTs would argue any number of things. But usually it’s something control us, something ensnare your soul, something something truth

I mean not to mention it requires basically believing the world is a giant projection screen.
First, thank you for actually going through the article. Now we discuss concrete statements, not implied assumptions.
Here, we are in complete agreement.

The fact this happened is the fault of the fuck-up politics surrounding Veitnam and the Civil Rights Movement post-MLK's death.

It is also partly because some of the Dixiecrat base did flip to the GOP in protest to the the end of segregation.

The GOP couldn't really control that, given the 1st Amendment, but even getting people on the Right to acknowledge it happened at all is like pulling fingernails.

I do not attempt to smear all the GOP with it, which you don't seem to grock.

What I do is acknowledge that this part of the GOP base exists, and that I am not ok with celebrating or honoring the CSA.

However, that the leaders of the CSA didn't get tried for treason, due to what was essentially insurgency fears from the Klan and their Dem friends, is a shame on America's past. I am not going to shy away from admitting that. I am willing to admit America has made mistakes and isn't perfect, because that is historical fact.
See, I can agree it was a poor choice of ways to phrase that, and is likely deliberately provocative.

But I also get how this could affect her on an emotional level. Especially if she's been in a Dem bubble for years, and doesn't actually understand the Right much at all. She is not the enemy, the people who create the liberal bubbles are, and I'm trying to help you understand how to pierce those bubbles more effectively.

A lot of what I see here would only reinforce those bubbles, if used to try to persuade them the Dems are the real monsters. I'm trying to change that, but more and more it's looking to be a Sisyphusian task, because the truth is this forum's Overton window is very right wing and there are legit reasons for people in the middle not to want to come here, or at least to the CA section.
You expect her to know about that stuff, which is not something people in Dem bubbles are ever really told. I know this first hand.

That is a mistaken assumption, and part of the problem.

Now if she does know, and would have problem with changing those names, then yes she's a hypocrit. I'm fine with changing a lot of CSA stuff as it was put up by Dems anyway, and understand the Dem elite are pretty racist themselves.

I agree it should be done locally, through legal channels, and not done by violent mobs.

So, that's the thing: your continuing to criticize the right wing for things it didn't do. Republicans voted overwelmingling for the civil rights laws, which are terrible, but their terrible in the way you want.

Your argument is that we didn't kill off all the southern white people. That seems to be your criticism: the white people in the south were left alive, and as they became less racist they started joining the Republican party.

Your also framing this as some way we can flip this woman on side. This is nonsense. One, we aren't talking to her. Two, she works for the New York Times, 3) She sees herself as a monument to the evil of whites. There's nothing to be discussed here.

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