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  • Dont be leaving the forum over a misunderstanding, at least not over one this one sided.

    It would suck.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    If they did that, then they will hopefully never experience a fraction of the shit we've seen much less how bad it got for our folks in the 70s.
    Yeah, we don't need to guess what will happen, we've seen what the far left will do to people they don't like when they have the chance. Hopefully it will go better for the US if they get tested.

    And Spartan is definitely the man, he just pointed me at the Solar Warden books which look great
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    He did the same for me! I'll be checking it out after July 4th I think.

    and I just mass chapter dumped :ROFLMAO:
    I did another twist...I hope they aren't becoming cliché
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    It was a shout out to something Russell said in an interview where Jack's TV dialog was more consistent with the characters he was famous for playing at that point. Which is true looking back on it. A lot of Big Trouble in little China in Anderson's Jack. Though RDA was amazing on his own.

    I kinda just went with that.

    You know it's wild that SB kinda seemed to define Fans Works for an entire generation and now it's like an Aslyum movie without any of the charm.
    To be honest I think SB still does define fanworks, it all turned into Asylum grade dross churned out for minimum effort. I reckon you are right on that one.

    Good point on the character lines, and now I need to go watch Big Trouble again, been years :) I respect Russell played some of the finest manly roles of the 80s with solid variety in each performance. I don't know much about the man but to me Snake Plissken is still the definition of cool.
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    The Immortal Watch Dog
    I guess that makes sense, it was the first quality domino to fall huh?

    Him and Schwarzenegger are criminally underrated as far as actors go. Conan may as well be a silent film and he conveys so much with facial expressions alone that he doesn't need to talk.

    Russell can do both and do them both really well. Big trouble vs Tombstone being a good set of examples and Stargate too.
    Quick question, do you have the various PDFs for the Bab5 Wars game, including GURPOS and the various faction books? I would like to have a copy of them for possible future fanfic endeavors...
    Over on SB, there's a "find all threads by $user" button on the postings, any hope to get this here as well? It's one of my favorite ways to navigate stories of the usual suspects (you, Skeet, Arminas...), so losing that would be a real inconvenience. Went to your posts looking if you had ported over anything else without having to sroll through every single post, found nothing.
    • Like
    Reactions: Ddmkm122
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    The option already exists. See where it says Follow/Start Conversation/Find? Find has a drop down menu that has Find all Content and Find all Threads for that user.

    XF2 just moved it to a stupid place compared to XF1 and "solving" the problem would require direct template editing. Which really isn't worth the trouble.
    Thanks. Really stupid place.
    And editing wouldn't help me anyway because I use XF Default.
    Emperor Tippy
    Emperor Tippy
    Someone uses that abomination against eyesight? A truly cruel demonic entity must have possessed you to cause that kind of heresy, I recommend you visit your local Priest for an exorcism as soon as possible. 😛

    Joking aside, a template edit would fix the default style as well. The other templates that we use are based off of the default and don't actually alter the template that would be edited.
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