Aaron Fox
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  • So given the potential parallels to a certain game, how long do you think until we have Putin II?
    Aaron Fox
    Aaron Fox
    It's... not going to be Putin II. It'll be someone else who makes Putin look like fluffy kittens... and is more than willing to abuse technology to get what he wants.

    Putin is stuck in his KGB ways, only investing in technology if it keeps his friends happy or makes his KGB ways more effective. He isn't going to go 'all in' in something like AGI and whatnot.
    Hlaalu Agent
    Hlaalu Agent
    Pretty much. Putin is probably the leader Girgor overthrew in the early stages of that campaign. Funnily enough I recall that the Ukranians actually were allied with Grigor in the Russian Campaign of EE.
    Aaron Fox
    Aaron Fox
    The renegade province of Dombas, to be specific. Even then, Girgor roflestomped Ukraine (and much of Europe) after he gained control of Russia (which, if cut content is believed, has a similar situation to when Napoleon returned to France where at first the papers despised him, before slowly welcoming him with open arms)...

    ... that campaign had Novaya Russia basically requiring time travel (with a similar method to the Red Alert series, no less!) to stop.
    Hey Fox, how are the GURPS conversions going?
    Aaron Fox
    Aaron Fox
    Been putting them off a bit as of late, but I'll be returning to them soon. Had a major bump on the road of life.
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