United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

Yes it is.
The mail in ballot system exists solely to facilitate voter fraud. And it is extremely difficult to create such a system that is not rife with voter fraud.
No, no it doesn't, and this is one of the brainbugs the GOP needs to rid itself of.

Vote-by-mail can be done securely, safely, and with oversight.

We've had it in CO for a long time now, long before Trump was in politics, there are bar codes and now those QR codes attached to every ballot to ensure you can actually track your ballot electronically and make sure it is counted correctly.

There are ways to do vote-by-mail legitly, it is not even that hard, and the new leadership of the RNC in Laura Trump is moving towards getting the GOP to stop shooting itself in the foot on this issue (even if her dad is still dumb about it sometimes).
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The critical caveat is that several contentious states rather blatantly violated the laws they did have on the books with changes to procedure via executive fiat, improperly printed ballots, incorrect materials for ballots, and many a chain of custody broken. Entirely aside all the statistical anomalies, we know for a fact that more ballots than the margin were illegally recorded because they failed to meet the very particular standards for being cast legally.

And it's impossible to make it more secure than in-person voting with a secret ballot system as is required in US law, because the ways the extra hands add security all rely on broadening knowledge of the contents beyond the voter.
The critical caveat is that several contentious states rather blatantly violated the laws they did have on the books with changes to procedure via executive fiat, improperly printed ballots, incorrect materials for ballots, and many a chain of custody broken. Entirely aside all the statistical anomalies, we know for a fact that more ballots than the margin were illegally recorded because they failed to meet the very particular standards for being cast legally.
The problem is that the laws had requirements but no solutions.

We need in statute that votes wihtout a proper chain of custudy cannot be coutned. Also written law declaring when an recount verses and emergency re-vote is necessary.
Yes it is.
The mail in ballot system exists solely to facilitate voter fraud. And it is extremely difficult to create such a system that is not rife with voter fraud.
So when men and women of the armed forces are deployed overseas and they mail there votes in , they are committing fraud?
Please don't conflate absentee voting with universal voter registration and mass mail in ballots.

Absentee voting is totally fine. You can't vote on election day, request a absentee ballot, and mail it in. Cool.

The other gives them everything they need to produce fraudulent ballots out of thin air whenever they need to "fortify" a particular result.

No one is saying all forms of ballots by mail are bad. But the mass registration and universal mail in ballots are very very bad indeed.
So when men and women of the armed forces are deployed overseas and they mail there votes in , they are committing fraud?
1. what bigking said.

2. armed forces have a military base. they are not just random individual soldiers sleeping in hotels in various countries.

why are they not voting in their military base? and then having the military bring those ballots back to the states in a secure manner instead of just tossing it into the public mail system?

and lets call it "military voting" instead of "mail in voting" to make it clear that it is only for military and NOBODY ELSE.
Biden giving a speech to his supporters

In that case, why make an exception for the military? They knew what they were potentially signing up for.
The military didn't LEAVE, they were DEPLOYED.
They are abroad under ORDERS from the country.
They are there SERVING the country.
They are there TEMPORARILY.
They are also literally not allowed to just return on their own volition. (doing so is called going AWOL and gets you thrown in prison)

This argument reminds me of my college professors equating abortion to the execution of a serial killer or the self defense shooting a home invader.
Because we don't wave our right to vote when we joined?

Seriously, this is a stupid hot take.
Hey, it's not my idea. You don't waive your right to vote, but if we're banning all mail-in voting other than for military personnel, I think it's a bit weird to make that exception. If you're on leave or lucky enough to be close enough to your polling place you can vote your heart out.
The military didn't LEAVE, they were DEPLOYED.
They are abroad under ORDERS from the country.
They are there SERVING the country.
They are there TEMPORARILY.
They are also literally not allowed to just return on their own volition. (doing so is called going AWOL and gets you thrown in prison)

This argument reminds me of my college professors equating abortion to the execution of a serial killer or the self defense shooting a home invader.
Those two comparisons are very different from each other in my opinion! Are you talking about two (or more) different professors that presented different analogies?
Hey, it's not my idea. You don't waive your right to vote, but if we're banning all mail-in voting other than for military personnel, I think it's a bit weird to make that exception. If you're on leave or lucky enough to be close enough to your polling place you can vote your heart out.

Those two comparisons are very different from each other in my opinion! Are you talking about two (or more) different professors that presented different analogies?

Military personnel don't do mail in ballots.

They do absentee voting, which is a very different system from the state level mail in voting.

And they do this because the Government sends them outside the country. Which is not an excuse that can be used by Americans living in America who use mail in voting.
As someone in the military.
Bases can not do voting as they would not be able to do voting legally as it is a state by state basis. They would have to have a rep from every state at every base, to do polling officially that way.
Since outside of the general election, states don't do elections on the same day generally.

We also do Absentee voting or ballots.
Not mail in.
In GA at least you have to have a GA license and have a document you scanned, took a photo of, and then scanned again with your ID on it front and back.
Bases can not do voting as they would not be able to do voting legally as it is a state by state basis. They would have to have a rep from every state at every base, to do polling officially that way.
That is just stupid. it is pretending there a problem where none exists.
All they have to do is put a big state sticker on each external envelope containing a ballot.

It can even be collated in the bigger military bases for tallying and then simply tell each state the results from the military for that state.

> Texas, we have XXXXX military personal whose home address is from TX according to their ID. We counted the ballots in base XYZ under supervision ABC. and here is the result.

If the states really cry out against this "outrage" of having the military do the tallying and tell them how many soldiers from their states voted for each thing... then they could just deliver those ballots directly to the state for states who want to go through that extra effort.
Simply ship those envelopes by the military (not the public sector mail system) to each state for tallying.

Or they can just pass a federal law mandating the states accept those military ballots.
There are many other plausible solutions here. No need to try to come up with a ridiculous problem where none exists.
That is just stupid. it is pretending there a problem where none exists.
All they have to do is put a big state sticker on each external envelope containing a ballot.

It can even be collated in the bigger military bases for tallying and then simply tell each state the results from the military for that state.

> Texas, we have XXXXX military personal whose home address is from TX according to their ID. We counted the ballots in base XYZ under supervision ABC. and here is the result.

If the states really cry out against this "outrage" of having the military do the tallying and tell them how many soldiers from their states voted for each thing... then they could just deliver those ballots directly to the state for states who want to go through that extra effort.
Simply ship those envelopes by the military (not the public sector mail system) to each state for tallying.

Or they can just pass a federal law mandating the states accept those military ballots.
There are many other plausible solutions here. No need to try to come up with a ridiculous problem where none exists.
Every state has thier own ballot measures. That's the thing
You would basically be bypassing what the constitution puts into place about states decide how elections are run, even if for a small population.
The feds can not dictate to states how to run elections.

And the military doesn't have its own mail sector. We use USPS or UPS for everything depending on what it is.
Things that inovle the USPS often to differentiate between the two when being shipped, especially overseas.

I voted from Korea in 2020.
In GA, that was before we had to have ID verification.
I had to print out a document and have envelopes sealed.
If the envelope was not sealed fully, it wouldn't be accepted.

It was sealed and got excepted.

You are basically saying we should give the fed more power against the constitution for a small populace instead if what we already have
The military didn't LEAVE, they were DEPLOYED.
They are abroad under ORDERS from the country.
They are there SERVING the country.
They are there TEMPORARILY.
They are also literally not allowed to just return on their own volition. (doing so is called going AWOL and gets you thrown in prison)

This argument reminds me of my college professors equating abortion to the execution of a serial killer or the self defense shooting a home invader.
...Fucking "you wot, mate?" right here.

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