"Woke" Franchises

Does not invalidate my point in the slightest.
Totally does. If it were just riding the MCU's coattails, it would be just another Ultron or CW. Instead it's one of their blockbusters and its sequel nearly made a full billion despite the death of the titular BP and MCU popularity being in decline.

Because Chinese culture and Western ones are of course identical
Far as I know, it also made buckets of cash in the US.

Even if that was true, the tide turns ever more in our favor each day as the glamor of Modernity wears ever thinner.
LOL. LMAO even. We are losing harder and harder every day. Even your golden calf winning in 2024 won't change that. Socialism has taken over every institution, Intersectionality became mainstream a decade ago, even the right wingers are calling for state control of the economy, and Christianity is in steep decline.

In modern times, kids grow up watching cartoons with lesbian heroines fighting "fascists", bigots, Christians, and evil parental figures who refuse to recognize their "real identity". Then they watch movies where fratbros get beaten up by Strong Female Characters. Then they watch an adaptation, historical work, or sequel that has been "reimagined for modern audiences". Then they go to college and learn about how evil their entire culture, race, and nation are. Then they find work in companies that hold seminars on all kinds of -isms and -phobias. Then they read media talk about how it's critical to destroy capitalism and give the state total control over our lives For The Greater Good.

We have very much lost the Culture War, decades ago. Lost it badly, lost it miserably, and lost it hopelessly. Denying that out of petulant pride* just means we will be ground to powder before we can reorganize and make a comeback.

*because radicals cannot accept the idea that they're fringe radicals
There's a reason entertainment companies keep giving those activists the go-ahead. This trend is genuinely very popular among the modern audiences.
No they don't. They keep doing it because BlackRock DEI/ESG scores encourage it because that is what BlackRock wants, thus they say to both the companies and the investors that a company with a higher score is a good investment. Most of it isn't actually making a profit in reality, but is in fact an ever increasing bubble certain industries are already starting to feel like Disney.

Meanwhile, sure some of it did well like Black Panther, but hardly any of it is doing well now. As Disney keeps pumping out garbage and getting garbage returns as well. Just because something that is woke or perceived to be woke does well every once in a while you have like nine other times it does garbage, if only because they keep churning it out in mediocre at best, horrible at worst, ways.
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And I can't help but be really satisfied about that. The dead silence when The Marvels flopped was worth watching. They weren't too invested into that, but still. The success of Hogwarts Legacy was a lot more satisfying in comparison.

Eh. From what I heard Hogwarts legacy wasn’t exactly what you’d call non-woke either. But I never played the game or really looked into such claims, so feel free to take my hearsay with a grain of salt.
Hogwarts Legacy ended up having some extra pronouns iirc, the male body woman voice thing, and a mtf trans character who I'm not actually sure how prominent the knowledge that they're mtf trans is in game.

I can't verify cause I don't own. Not without going back and watching let's play stuff.

But for pretty much everything else it's pretty lowkey other than having a surprisingly and incredibly racially diverse staff and cast, most of which can be explained because of the time period and the British Empire being an Empire. But the rainbow stuff is just a blip afaik.

It's more woke than HBS Battletech turned out to be, but it's less woke than it could have been.
So then, gentlemen when do we think the “woke” epoch comes careening to its final inferno of an ending? I myself think that whilst the 2020s will remain the “clown decade” it’ll be the last hurrah. Financial issues are biting into the industries now because, as it turns out, shadowy investment firms aren’t as reliable as a loyal customer base. Worse, the buzzwords like “racist” have lost much of their power, and with twitter gone a major source of narrative crafting has gone with it.

The 2030s will be when the culture crawls out of the progressive ashes. But not before I fear; the wave must run out of steam first. Alas, many of the big woke projects that will humiliatingly bomb have already been in the works for years so, like a wave, they can’t be stopped but will loose even more money.

And of course, the industry is already infested with progressives. And the proggies will fight tooth and nail to keep their control over the culture. A doomed effort to my mind, but would still cause terrible damage.
So then, gentlemen when do we think the “woke” epoch comes careening to its final inferno of an ending? I myself think that whilst the 2020s will remain the “clown decade” it’ll be the last hurrah. Financial issues are biting into the industries now because, as it turns out, shadowy investment firms aren’t as reliable as a loyal customer base. Worse, the buzzwords like “racist” have lost much of their power, and with twitter gone a major source of narrative crafting has gone with it.

The 2030s will be when the culture crawls out of the progressive ashes. But not before I fear; the wave must run out of steam first. Alas, many of the big woke projects that will humiliatingly bomb have already been in the works for years so, like a wave, they can’t be stopped but will loose even more money.

And of course, the industry is already infested with progressives. And the proggies will fight tooth and nail to keep their control over the culture. A doomed effort to my mind, but would still cause terrible damage.

I hope you're right. We might keep in mind, though, that executives generally have no clue. They don't know what's good. They can only find out what's bad, post facto, by way of clear losses. And then they course-correct. But in what direction? Again: little in the way of a clue, right there. They remain reliant on what's called "the creatives" these days. Annnnddddd.... most of those spots are by now taken over by the worst kind of idiot you can imagine.

So, for things to change, they'll have to get rid of those idiots (by a long process of finding out which of them produce shit that incurs losses... which the executives, having no clue, can mostly do by trial-and-error alone). And then they have to replace them with capable people. Which, again, is mostly trial-and-error for clueless executives. They don't know what talent looks like.

I think 2030s may be on the optimistic side; at least f we're thinking early-to-mid 2030s. We're plausibly past the peak of active Woke-ism fucking things up, but now the inertia will have to be overcome. The "already rolling wave", as you put it. I think it might roll on a little longer than we might hope. A "back to sanity" kind of "counter-wave" might really start building in the late 2030s or early 2040s, and pick up over time, reaching up to a roaring height over the course of the two decades after that. (Because once they do stumble onto something that makes actual money, they promptly do more of that.)

Naturally, I'll be very happy if it happens a bit sooner, and I certainly agree that it is going to happen. But I don't trust studio heads and their underlings to have the prerequisite good sense to really help the process along with anything resembling efficiency. So we'll be surfing on the wave of scummy water for a bit longer...
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Wasn't there a minor shake up at Blackrock? Like the investors were unhappy with how much money they weren't making?

I remember hearing that. And that the ESG loans and stuff were basically drying up because of it.

I think movies are about burned out, definitely on the downward slope from peak wokeness.

Comic books will still burn for an unfairly long amount of time due to inertia and merch sales.

Video games will be another dev cycle before they've cleared the hump, I think. Say 3-5 years. AAA gaming is getting so ridiculous that people aren't buying anymore, and AA and A gaming is still pretty cost effective. Eastern companies are coming back to the fore, and Eastern European companies, while every one else is starting to languish.

I expect TV will still be pretty woke for most of the rest of this decade, watch patterns make streaming networks a considerable amount of money off of old but good shows like Friends and Seinfeld, that lets them do shit like make the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (and fuck it up hard), Wednesday (and fuck it up hard), and try making live action of various IPs like the Witcher and One Piece (and fuck the former up extremely hard, and the latter up considerably but not entirely (from my understanding, didn't watch live OP)).

This decade will be the make or break for most of the rest of our lives on wokeness.

I still expect it to linger well into the early '30s. But we'll see more normie shit increasingly starting about now.

Edit: Forgot Tabletop and Wargames, that'll take a long time to burn out. Because they'll keep kickstarting shitty things like Thirsty Sword Lesbians and getting enough funding to make it work, along with the 'steal from the kickstarter' shit.
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I think we are at the start of the down swing. there may be some spikes of resistance as this works through. but the normies are sick of this shit. they also don't have nearly the disposable income to keep some virtue signal industry alive to show they aren't evil bigots. economic factors are aligning with their actual desires meaning they have easy excuses to not feed money to industries that hate them.
Wasn't there a minor shake up at Blackrock? Like the investors were unhappy with how much money they weren't making?

I remember hearing that. And that the ESG loans and stuff were basically drying up because of it.

I think movies are about burned out, definitely on the downward slope from peak wokeness.

Comic books will still burn for an unfairly long amount of time due to inertia and merch sales.

Video games will be another dev cycle before they've cleared the hump, I think. Say 3-5 years. AAA gaming is getting so ridiculous that people aren't buying anymore, and AA and A gaming is still pretty cost effective. Eastern companies are coming back to the fore, and Eastern European companies, while every one else is starting to languish.

I expect TV will still be pretty woke for most of the rest of this decade, watch patterns make streaming networks a considerable amount of money off of old but good shows like Friends and Seinfeld, that lets them do shit like make the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (and fuck it up hard), Wednesday (and fuck it up hard), and try making live action of various IPs like the Witcher and One Piece (and fuck the former up extremely hard, and the latter up considerably but not entirely (from my understanding, didn't watch live OP)).

This decade will be the make or break for most of the rest of our lives on wokeness.

I still expect it to linger well into the early '30s. But we'll see more normie shit increasingly starting about now.

Edit: Forgot Tabletop and Wargames, that'll take a long time to burn out. Because they'll keep kickstarting shitty things like Thirsty Sword Lesbians and getting enough funding to make it work, along with the 'steal from the kickstarter' shit.

Honestly if woke stuff gets it's own niche audiance that's fine. I'm just sick of it affecting EVERYTHING!!!
And of course, the industry is already infested with progressives. And the proggies will fight tooth and nail to keep their control over the culture. A doomed effort to my mind, but would still cause terrible damage.
Most would rather see entire industries bankrupted than stop churning out propaganda, let alone whatever companies they've infested. I would not be surprised if many of the big names in the corporate world end up disappearing over the next few decades.
So the latest season of the boys has decided to throw out the three season relationship between Frenchie and the Kimiko in favor of giving him a boyfriend for seemingly no good reason.
I'm not sure if woke media will ever go away because we seem to be experiencing a phenomenon for 3 generations where the first half of the generation is mostly functional but the latter half of a generation seems to be... prone to mental illness and I'm not sure where it all comes from. The only thing I can think of is Their parents facing mass trauma. Late Gen zers had to deal with a post 9/11 and Late Gen-Alpha have to deal with post COVID. But I'm not sure what late Gen millennials had to deal with (this would be late 80s early 90s)
I've been avoiding the Boys since watching the 1st episode. I don't need a dive into darkness.
Yeah it is that but in general its made it a point to make fun of everything and everyone so hasn't seemed too biased towards one side or the other. It definitely has a lot of gay characters but generally these have been characters who were extreme hedonists and anyway I can look past that but making an established character gay out of nowhere is extremely annoying.

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