United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

The fact they kept records of the members to such autistic level of detail is honestly creepy. Even if they aren't glowies, it's a massive fucking OpSec failure and just begging to be misused info.

Also you are right that the "Abolish the F.B.I." and the megaphone F.B.I. logo look different. Quality doesn't look too good to be able to tell if it is just a different version of it really is not "Abolish the F.B.I."
I find it plausible that, for some reason, they have an entirely different line of Abolish stickers and there's multiple designs, though also a bit unlikely as organizations tend to like very unified symbols and patterns for recognition. If a better picture comes out I'll retract the argument, but I won't accept the clearly different sticker on the pole as proof when the Megaphone is unreadable, that could be "abolish" or it could be a serial number or even "Property of" given the only clear part is there's a space towards the end.
It may well be the case that most of the members are on the level but that the leadership of the group are FBI who encouraged the record keeping to better entrap the members.

I suspect that at least some of those guys are victims of the FBI rather than glowies, since they seem to be getting doxxed. Even if the ridiculous “conspiracy to riot” charges don’t stick (where was that charge during 2020?) then the members’ lives are still going to be devastated by this.

The FBI are acting in a purely political way, going after this group because of their ideology or to manufacture outraged over a supposed far right group.
Hey, glowies? I know you're here reading this and I've got an important message you're not irreplaceable. Keyword loggers to spy upon people, robodogs to kick down doors and shoot them. You're in the same boat as all of us, even if you don't realize it yet.

"Comrade, we know that you have served the Cause faithfully for years. But the Party no longer requires your service. Please face wall, comrade."

Remember all those "white supremacists" pulled out of the uhaul, on their way to the pride parade, in uniform...? Here's video of them loading under the supervision of Idaho State Police...BUSTED!!
That highlighted part is sadly the crux of the issue. Truth is most of us don't feel like we should organize because that goes against the conserve part. The fact is a lot of people are in denial of how fucked the situation is.

I disagree, I'd say most Conservatives are wary of organizing because of an almost decade long chilling effect thanks to leftwing administrations.
So how bad is this for the Feds?

Glowfront and it's ilk seem to be effectively irrelevant. They're not actually doing anything noteworthy and so can't inspire any sort of crackdown or expanded law enforcement action, and while I'm sure it's helpful for the left to be able to point to them as boogeyman, it's not that helpful. If PF didn't "exist" they'd use some other group, or just repost half century old photos of the Klan, both of which they already do. Glowfront is also making next to no traction or gaining any notice on the right, outside of spaces like this where everyone but like one guy sees them for who they are.

So it's not bad for the feds, or good for them, it's just a pathetic waste of time and money that could be spent solving real crimes. About par for the course when it comes to federal law enforcement.

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