United States The Glowie Infestation: No Longer a Fringe Excuse

Basics of glowies
  • Sobek

    Disgusting Scalie
    Glowie / Glowni**er: Normally used for the CIA but also used for agencies like the ATF, FBI, etc. Their inability to blend in to the native population's habits, patterns and speech makes them stick out like a sore thumb to the population, hence they "glow in the dark." The most common trappings of government shills are their inability/hesitation to use the major racial slurs, improper use of memes, and the pushing of mainstream political theories.

    The term originates from schizophrenic computer programmer Terry Davis (RIP), who claimed in 2017 that "CIA ni**ers glow in the dark" in a video. Glowposting is used to refer to agents who post bait content on the internet.

    The idea of glowies has been almost as old as secret services and police, however it used to be referred more as infiltrator and double agents before. The new term has popularize the idea by giving it a catchier name and better explaining it, and pointing out the main difference between the modern glowie and their forefathers from the older days: Their incompetence at their jobs. Weather older double agents and infiltrators who trained hard to make their way into the Mafia or terrorist groups were decent at their jobs and truly worked into it, the glowie is painfully bad and almost comedic levels of incompetent, remaining alive only because the "dangerous extremist groups" they infiltrate are simply not as dangerous as they like to claim when asking for millions and millions of dollars in funding from politicians and bureaucrats who also know nothing about the groups they are fighting against.

    The term has now entered the cultural zeitgeist of the USA in force since the Jan 6th "insurrection", as it became clear in the following weeks that far from the media narrative of a organized coup by the "alt-right" Trump Supporters, the conflagration was the result of much of the mob being simply allowed inside of the building. The damage? Minimal. The loss of life? One, not the multiple implied by headlines, a single woman shot by security despite a large wooden door between them that was not even close to being broken down. And then there is the glowies themselves.

    As soon as the protesters involved began to be prosecuted people noticed how many witnesses there were ready to testify, whose names are never shown and people who had to have been on the ground to claim those things under oath, but none of them were being prosecuted. And not in a plea deal, they had no names attached. Tucker Carlson would call them out on his show, ensuring that, even if they didn't know the specific name, most of the mainstream conservatives would now be aware of the concept.

    In 2020, news broke of a plot to kidnap a US Governor in a blatant act of terrorism. Months later, we find out that of the 12 agents were involved, along with 8 witnesses from the FBI.

    They had literally a 2-to-1 ratio of Fed-to-Terrorist

    What about the "Justice for Jan 6th" rally on September 28th? A event that came from nowhere, asked Trump Supporters to come protest in the middle of D.C. and then had the media talk about it for a week and the DHS warn it was "gonna be bad"... Only for people to wise up and not show. We did, however, get to see glowie on fed violence as the only arrest was the D.C. local police surrounding a man with what appeared to be a concealed carry gun only for him to turn out to be a glowie. And, of course, do not forget the other Glowie group, a bit more (or less, depending on your point of view) trained who were all standing around with the same outfit looking 100% legit?


    And, not a week ago, we saw the pathetic attempt to frame Youngkin as alt-right with the totally legit Charlottesville alt-right protesters taking a photo in front of his bus and then having Twitter boost it. It failed, pathetically, as people realized that white-supremacists wouldn't exactly include a black guy. And those people look suspiciously like Democrat party members involved with McAuliffe's campaign. In the end the Lincoln Project claimed it was "just a prank bro" while not explaining why they had retweeted claims that it was real.

    These are just proven examples of glowies. There are more which might be but we don't have solid proof. I propose we use this thread to store any possible glowies for future reference and to keep watch. The fact is the US Government openly considers a good portion of it's population right now as being terrorists, and just like how they were happy to try and entrap Richard Jewel and to stand around begging for Muslims to just please, please do some terrorism so much the mosque called the local police on the agent leading to a hilarious case of incompetence. The fact is that the "false flag" claim is no longer just a schizo excuse in the realm of hardcore conspiracy theorizing, it is slowly becoming a accepted tactic by the US Government and they have no qualms about using it. The same people who once professed a love of human rights and defense of freedom are now happy to throw us "racist mysognist far-right" under the bus and will gladly comply with the media spin.

    Vigilance must be constant. Always doubt, especially if it looks too perfect to be real.
    101% real leak guys they are legit trust me
  • The most REAL and LEGIT right wing extremist neonazis to ever roam the USA guys!

    How can you chuds deny this? I bet you are all just scared we are beating you nazis out of society and giving you what you deserve! No way any of this is real, this talk of Federal agents faking groups is complete nonsense! Look at these massive logs of them talking about their extreme politics which we just leaked in a mainstream website showing how they DARED *gasp* deface anti-racist artwork! Truly the worst threats to our democracy that have ever existed! /s

    It's fucking amazing how desperate these people are to believe this complete nothingburger. It's some of the worst acting I have ever seen. They will say Sieg Heil after skirting around anything even remotely edgy with a 10 foot clearance less than a second after they are "done" recording their little propaganda video? Do you honestly expect me to believe this shit? Bunch of Neo-Nazis who at no point even try and name the Jew or say the N-Word despite going "Sieg Heil" on camera with literal fasces on their propaganda? It's fucking embarassing.
    Rolling Stone Magazine accidental W
  • We do a little necroing, we do a little necroing...

    So I didn't even notice this article until someone else linked it to me, and since it comes from the Rolling Stone magazine I am putting it on a archive link. The main people talking about it are lefties, mostly using it to imply that the USA itself and the Police, especially the FBI are closeted White Supremacists. They are wrong of course, but I am not going to waste any time trying to defend them because honestly they brought it on themselves.

    Article: The Satanist Neo-Nazi Plot to Murder U.S. Soldiers - Rolling Stone

    Where I got it from:

    Tl;Dr: FBI was literally bank rolling and propping up one of the biggest Neo-Nazi orgs in the USA for almost 20 years, paying their leader something like 140 grand a year to write the most vile absurd shit and build his cult of weirdos under the excuse of claiming this is basically just COINTELPRO.

    Also worth pointing out that for all they claim this O9A shit is apparently huge among "neo-nazi zoomers" and a big threat the FBI created against americans I had NEVER heard of it. At all. I never even heard of the arrest of the guy they mention at the start of the article, though maybe that is because it happened in June 2020 and we were all busy looking at the Antifa rioting and BLM screeching.
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    Very real arrest
  • So... Patriot Front were "arrested" on their way to "disrupt a LGBTQ+ event"...


    1. Why did the police not remove their masks? Not even their sunglasses?
    2. Why are they so compliant? They aren't even talking, trying to plead their right to free expression and counter protest. They just... gave up?
    3. Why are they all perfectly piled on the corner at exact distance from each other? Did any of them even try and resist arrest?

    Shit glows like crazy. This looks like a fake arrest to be honest