Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

I never even finished the movie. I got as far as their ship crashing on Planet Orangeteal, then I had to go get ready for work, so I just paused it on Netflix and never went back to it. I eventually watched LE EPIC FINAL BATTLE on YouTube a few months later, and was left really underwhelmed.
That writing committee and that brainstorm board they showed in the announcement video doesn't fill me with any coincidence they'll do anything resembling a good job on this High Republic gig.
In twenty years, that brainstorm board is going to be the title image of Wikipedia's "Death by Powerpoint" page.

They stole that from Dark Empire. Disney declared old eu non-canon so they could cherry pick ideas out of without paying the people who made those ideas in the first place.

Seriously, that's got to be the most tinfoilhat explanation for the Legends Canon that I've ever heard. The authors of the old books and comics did not own their ideas. They did not own their characters, they did not own their plot beats, nada. Not unless they got some sweetheart deal when they signed a deal with Lucasarts or Lucasbooks. The rights to those ideas lay with the owner of the franchise, and therefore would have been bought by Disney when they acquired Star Wars.

The authors get royalties for reprints of the novels and the comics they wrote, but adaptations are another story. Disney could have adapted the Thrawn Trilogy straight from the book, and if Timothy Zahn got any money out of it, it would have been as a courtesy.
I’ve always joked, when is Tommy Veitch going to get his royalty money?

This just confirms the question.

Disney owning the rights to the old EU means that it can mine it for content, concepts, and other stuff without having to give credit or pay a dime to EU authors.

So much for the New Canon being able to stand on its own two feet, without needing to poach legends content.
So what's stopping Palpy from coming back as a Clone a "third" time for the next trilogy? :sneaky:
In the old EU, a Jedi dragged his soul down into Chaos(SW Hell) and it was held there in perpetuity to prevent his return.

If we're ripping off DE, then we forgot about Empatajayos Brand so he could return.
In the old EU, a Jedi dragged his soul down into Chaos(SW Hell) and it was held there in perpetuity to prevent his return.

If we're ripping off DE, then we forgot about Empatajayos Brand so he could return.


I don't know why I shouted that out...

I don't know why I shouted that out...
If they really want to rip off DE, I am almost sure that is exactly the explanation they will use.
I hear even more retarded retcons are on the way. Basically the whole franchise is going to be retconned. So be warned.
I hear even more retarded retcons are on the way. Basically the whole franchise is going to be retconned. So be warned.

Well it's... kinda what some fans wanted... to retcon the sequel trilogy and start over... it's an awfully haphazard way of doing it though... :unsure: :p
I mean as much flack as Dark Empire got, it at least made sure to state Palpatine could never rise again.

And the old EU never resurrected him again. Not even in the post ROTS era. Where it aped prequel concepts and motifs a lot.

It would not surprise me if Palpatine in the Nucanon is treated like the joker or Solomon Grundy or something a villain that comes back again and again.

But then again, that would require consistency on Disney’s part.

I honestly kind of feel bad for Pablo Hidalgo and the other Story Group people, having to deal with all these retcons and justify them in the books by more retcons and then have them retconned again. Not to mention he has to defend this stuff on Twitter as a spokesman. When he strikes me alongside say Abel Pena and Leland Chee as smart guys who know this stuff is nonsense.

So much for “one vision one story”.
I honestly kind of feel bad for Pablo Hidalgo and the other Story Group people, having to deal with all these retcons and justify them in the books by more retcons and then have them retconned again. Not to mention he has to defend this stuff on Twitter as a spokesman. When he strikes me alongside say Abel Pena and Leland Chee as smart guys who know this stuff is nonsense.

So much for “one vision one story”.

I've sort of made peace with the "if I like it, it's canon" philosophy of Star Wars— that seems to be the healthiest way to view these massive franchises.
So thinking of the old EU, I have become my read of Star Wars Invincible.

Primarily in preparation for my upcoming fanfic, but also just to refresh my memory and well for lack of much else fun to do, “fun” being a word in question.

Denning’s characters genuinely lack pathos, and emotional gravitas. This is a heady dark novel concluding a nine book series, and Denning just can’t seem to make Jaina and her circle of allies not either come across as shallow or outright sociopathic. Caedus first POV is literally, “I need to be a better Sith Lord, and this means experiencing pain and stop focusing on myself”. Like, your waiting now to make Caedus an introspective and actually menacing villain?

I mean it’s better than Ren, because Lord Caedus is capable of introspection and resolutely chooses not to enact retribution against the moffs. Whom he and they proceed to threaten and cajole each other.

Jaina learns to fight like a Mandalorian, and I’m not sure what this profits her given I know the outcome of the book.

Also when discussing options of removing Jacen-they say they’ve tried capture and tried “politicssss” to quote Saba Sebatyne, when? The Jedi outright left the GA and now have a non aggression pact with the Hapans and Confederation. Like they didn’t publicly reveal that Jacen is the father of Allana, or that he and Niathal conducted a coup de etat(oh right Niathal is their “ally”). And try to discredit him or his political supporters?

I’ll probably read the whole book but the POD for my fanfic is coming up soon.

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