Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

Everyone in Hollywood and in culture in general was making Iraq war commentary though.

But the clone wars and rise of the empire honestly don’t correspond really to the Iraq war? Except in a very loose sense?

It doesn't, but they were trying to make the point that Bush, just like Palpatine, was an evil tyrant using a war to gain power for sinister purposes.
Original Trilogy seemed to be a pretty generic underdog/righteous-rebellion story. Mapping politics onto it later invited Vietnam parallels but...Well, in deleted scenes you had stuff like Biggs warning Luke about the nationalizations of the economy the Empire was engaged in. Which, maybe was deleted for some waggledy-finger political reason of messaging, but more likely seems representative of the Empire being a very generic totalitarian state as presented in the movies. Because it was some operatic 'good v. bad' storylining, and we didn't really have to attach motives and have fully-fleshed Imperial characters (Tarkin and Needa and anyone else getting that later in the EU, while being 'menacing bad-guy authority figures' in the movies because that's all they needed to be).

The Prequels laid-on the Iraq-analogy a lot more heavily and obviously. Dunnow if I buy Lucas having much of an explicit 'political message' with the originals based on his later statements--he seemed intent at the time with the idea of making a Buck Rogers-y serial that was in that same vein of 'fun' and 'light' fare.
Given some of the stuff floating around the various scrapped drafts that have percolated up over the decades I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a far less developed version of the Lord of the Rings/Silmarillion thing going on.

That is, Lucas had some vague idea of the origins of the Empire in his mind while writing the OT and those origins had Vietnam/Nixon parallels, but he (or Gary Kurtz) didn’t think that actually sitting down to explain that fit with the script they actually shot.
The empire in the OT is pretty much generic evil overlord faction with British accents, and mooks in white armor.

As for the origin of the empire-I’ve read before that originally the empire was supposed to be a military dominated aristocracy with the emperor as a puppet figure head.

It wouldn’t surprise me that the idea of Palpatine as a force using dark lord was a relatively late concept in Lucas’ mind. Probably either around the time of ESB or after.

Though possibly the idea had crystallized by ESB given the hologram conversation between Vader and Palpatine.
We're at the point where being offered a Star Wars movie to direct is like getting pretzels on an airplane.
You mean, its food you take but leaves you unsatisfied and complaining about not getting First class?
Everyone gets offered, plenty of people turn it down, and it’s such a cheap, bland imitation of what it should be that it would take a master of their craft to turn it into something truly good.
TLJ is a morally and thematically bankrupt film, this is hardly a surprise.

Though myself and others have noted the stunning anti intellectualism and “old wisdom is holding you down” message of TLJ.

Something else to condemn Johnson for.
TLJ is a morally and thematically bankrupt film, this is hardly a surprise.

Though myself and others have noted the stunning anti intellectualism and “old wisdom is holding you down” message of TLJ.

Something else to condemn Johnson for.
Utilization and ignorance. Luke gives his speech cut from the force and later called out not having read the texts

there was a reason why I said the ultimate change needs to be luke surviving at the end in order to go out to the universe to make right what he's done wrong and not disappear when it's convenient now that it's been established how extra special Or essential Ray is for succeeding where he failed.
But nope where the books change position. . Before they're in a shrine and a center deep in a tree on planet on an island. They end up next to a blanket in a shelf. Meaning that they gone from a figure of reverence not even to be approached or understood to what they should be reference materials that are utilized in order to better person alongside something like a blanket. The Last Jedi has some pretty reasonable criticism / lessons that it just does kind of meanly and I think has odd mixed messages. On My Level, I appreciate the Jedi being able to use guile in order to save lives on another I just like the fact that Luke's heroism ultimately can only be an illusion that he uses well to save lives.

It's like the entire Canto by detour. Yes, it flushes out the Star Wars universe and ads in the necessary realities of how War becomes an industry where the people who helped fuel it are often the least affected or even the most profiting of it. But not only does it feel wrong that Rose is saying that to Finn. But it feels like we're taking a very artificial aside in order to the lecture early audience. . In ways that feel again very artificial. This ads and other things associated with her like the bit with the horses. Bribing kids with military insignias which is totally different Than turning War into a commercial industry.

But it's not wrong about how being trapped by the past can happen, but it's got a reasonable message illustrating how you should utilize the past
Not to mention the moral absurdity of being concerned about the space horses while seemingly not caring about the child slaves in the same establishment. Or the fact that releasing them to run around the casino where they will either:

A. Be corraled and led back to their stables.
B. Escape into the wild where they'll quickly die due to not having learned to survive out there.

Is rather bizarre and not a real blow against Canto Bight.
Weird. Didn't KK just a few days ago state she intends to hire a female director for another movie, or did she change her mind?

Well Disney is planning on slowing down... so only the follow people have been attached to potential new films.

Kevin Feige
Deborah Chow
Taika Waititi
Rian Johnson
Bryce Dallas Howard
JD Dillard & Matt Owen

So yeah... Star Wars is definitely slowing down. :poop:

I mean they did cancel James Mangold's Boba Fett film project, and D&D's Star Wars thing since they went to Netflix. Instead we got the Mandalorian TV series and fifteen new animated and live action projects for television instead.

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