Russian Invasion of Ukraine 2022

It Appears a Number of the T-62 Tanks Will Be Utilized by Seperatist Russian Forces from Luhansk and Donetsk.

Mastiff Armored Vehicles Spotted in Ukraine. One of the mix of over eighty Armored Vehicles Promised to Ukraine from Britain.

Russian Mi-35 Helicopter Reportedly Shot Down by Ukrainian Forces.

Ukrainian MiG-29 Taken out at an Airfield As Well it seems.

Another odd Russian Drone Captured by Ukrainian Forces. IIRC this isn't the first drone operated or owned by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations lost over Ukraine.

An Azerbaijani 82mm Mortar Apparently Spotted in Ukrainian Service. Azerbaijan Hasn't Disclosed Sending Ukraine any Military Aid to Ukraine however.

Twenty Lithuanian M113's Revealed to be in Ukrainian Military Service in the Donbass.

Slovakia Has Recently Announced it Donated one Mi-2 and four Mi-17 Helicopters to Ukraine.

Norwegian Supplied M109 Sporting some Possible Shrapnel Damage.

Picture of Ukranian Fighters from the reportedly Far Right (and amusingly named) Misanthropic Battalion.

sooo....what makes them 'far right'?

The misanthropic division that is.

Depressed Young Politically Conscious White Males With Assault Weapons.

But the Misanthropic Battalion is like the International Component of the Azov Battalion and recruit amongst Far Right people abroad allegedly.
Allegations Surfacing of Russians Interrogating, Torturing and Disappearing Workers at Captured Ukrainian Nuclear Plants due to Fears of Spies.

Ukrainian Brigadier General offers Rough Estimate on Ukranian Equipment Losses and States more Artillery and Munitions and Armored and Logistical Vehicles are Needed, including MRL Systems.

Thank to Captured Ukrainian Farmland Bring Looted, Russia Boasts Predictions of Record Grain Production.

Russian Armor Reportedly Destroyed by Ukrainian Javelin/Korsar Teams in Allegedly in an Area that Russia Announced They Controlled.

Russian Soldiers Social Media Post Might've Helped Target a Russian Munitions Site.

Igor Girkin is Reporting a Mass Surrender of (Mostly Wounded) Russian Forces in the Luhansk Region.

Pentagon Released a Large List of Publicly Disclosed Military Equipment It Has Shipped to Ukraine.

A Large Russian Seperatist Military Depot Was Apparently Successfully Struck by a Ukrainian Tochka Ballistic Missile, Reportedly Triggering A Large Number of Impressive Explosions and Creating Local Ammo Shortages for Separatist Forces.

Despite Sinking Weeks Ago, Allegedly Family Members of the Moskva cruiser are seeking very basic answers, like if their loved ones are still alive.

Ukrainian Organizations are Distributing Kid Friendly Identification Cards to Help Spread Awareness of the Explosives Hazards That Now Populate the Ukrainian Land in the Wake of Russian Liberation Efforts.

Igor Girkin is Reporting a Mass Surrender of (Mostly Wounded) Russian Forces in the Luhansk Region.

Pentagon Released a Large List of Publicly Disclosed Military Equipment It Has Shipped to Ukraine.

A Large Russian Seperatist Military Depot Was Apparently Successfully Struck by a Ukrainian Tochka Ballistic Missile, Reportedly Triggering A Large Number of Impressive Explosions and Creating Local Ammo Shortages for Separatist Forces.

Despite Sinking Weeks Ago, Allegedly Family Members of the Moskva cruiser are seeking very basic answers, like if their loved ones are still alive.

Ukrainian Organizations are Distributing Kid Friendly Identification Cards to Help Spread Awareness of the Explosives Hazards That Now Populate the Ukrainian Land in the Wake of Russian Liberation Efforts.

I wouldn't say kid friendly.
Just something they could understand if they see
Russian Armored Vehicles including T62 Tanks Allegedly Spotted North of Popasna Located on the Southern edge of the Severodonestsk Pocket.

Kherson Partisans Apparently Struck at more Local Collaborationists, injuring their Target.

Ukrainian Forces Deploying from a British Donated Mastiff Armored Vehicle. One of the Soldiers is Equipped with an Italian donated Beretta MG42/59.

Russia Reports it Deployed Multiple Su-57's in Support of their Special Military Mission.

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Su57? for what? ukrainians have few planes left,and Su-57 is no good for ground attacks.
They have better stealth than old planes, and thus better survivability, espicially now that those Brit Starstreaks and potentially other western MANPADs/SAMs on on the field.

They might also be running out of the logistics trial for other airframes, and are being force to use low hour proto-types/limited runs just to preserve their reserves.
As can be seen here, the Russians Have Used Their Artillery to Create Cisterns for the Mariupol Residents to Draw Water From.

Australian M113's Being Sent to Ukraine.

Article on Some of the Plethora of Irregular Troops Fighting on the Side of the Russians in this Special Military Operation. Some of those discussed include the Wagner PMC Mercenaries, volunteers from the National Bolshevik Party of Russia, fighters from the long established 'Union of Donbass Volunteers,' an organization that has chapters all across Russia that recruits Russians to fight alongside the Seperatists in the Donbass, and the far-right Rusich Group among others.

Bellingcat said:
on April 20 the Rusich fighter and social media rapper Yevgeny Rasskazov published a photo of himself and a colleague on Telegram. In it they stand in front of a truck that bore the marking “88” – a common neo-Nazi code for “heil Hitler”, with the two eights representing the eighth letter of the alphabet (HH). The truck also bears a Tyr rune, a symbol with established far-right symbolism.

A truck of the same model with the ᛏ88 marking — albeit in a different position — was also seen in a May 10 video posted to VKontakte by Timur Okkert, a Cossack and SDD member frequently spotted alongside Borodai. It is not known whether these two vehicles are one and the same.

Frontline Hooligan, an Article (and Documentary Video) on How 'Anti-Fascist Football Hooligans Became a Military Unit of Ukraine.

Ukrainian Missiles Reportedly Struck at Least One Natural Gas Platform Operated by Russia.

Claim that Ukrainian Artillery Destroyed the Headquarters of the 1st DNR Army Corps in Donetsk.

Ukrainian Oil Refinery Struck by Russian Fires In the Kharkiv Oblast Still Burning.

Claim of Another Russian Officer Captured Flying Jets While in the Employ of Wagner PMC.


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