Russia-Ukraine War Politics Thread Mk. 2

Heh, if Russia gives tech/weapons to North Korea, South Korea is going to start giving Ukraine access to it tactical ballistic/cruise missile inventory.

I think the main shortcoming of the South Korean missile program is until recently, they abided by agreements where they would limit their missile ranges to no more then 800 kilometers with a maximum payload of 500 kilograms regardless of whether purchased or developed domestically. That was ended back in 2021 when the United States lifted those restrictions which were a legacy of a 1979 arms agreement with the United States in order to access American missile technology. The original limitation was to 180 kilomters, then raised to 300 kilometers in 1997, 800 kilometers in 2012 and allowing the development of solid fuel rockets for space launches back in 2020. All of these revisions and the final lifting of limitations was due to North Korea doing it's own missile tests of course. The latest cruise missile, the Hyunmoo-4 actually started development back in 2017 when it was agreed between the US and South Korea that the prior bilateral agreements were going to be revised.

So this is all quite timely.
I think the main shortcoming of the South Korean missile program is until recently, they abided by agreements where they would limit their missile ranges to no more then 800 kilometers with a maximum payload of 500 kilograms regardless of whether purchased or developed domestically. That was ended back in 2021 when the United States lifted those restrictions which were a legacy of a 1979 arms agreement with the United States in order to access American missile technology. The original limitation was to 180 kilomters, then raised to 300 kilometers in 1997, 800 kilometers in 2012 and allowing the development of solid fuel rockets for space launches back in 2020. All of these revisions and the final lifting of limitations was due to North Korea doing it's own missile tests of course. The latest cruise missile, the Hyunmoo-4 actually started development back in 2017 when it was agreed between the US and South Korea that the prior bilateral agreements were going to be revised.

So this is all quite timely.
Good.When we stop being german colony,we could buy from them again.

The Norks look like they will be sending troops to aid Russia in Ukraine, not just ammo or parts.
The Norks look like they will be sending troops to aid Russia in Ukraine, not just ammo or parts.
It will be interesting to see how they perform. It would be quite funny if it turned out that North Korea can do what Russia has already managed to forget and is struggling to re-learn. I.e. Coordination at the Battalion to Corps level.
Many of Russia's problems (and to some extent Ukraine's but much less so) are due to the fact that they have coordination deficiencies. Half the reason why this is going so poorly is due to the fact that the Russians are attacking Ukrainian positions with single platoons. As you can easily guess, such platoons only achieve death.
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Also interesting to point out that the US is still in at War with North Korea. We are in a Cease Fire, nothing more. This is the case with a number of European countries as well.

This might be what stirs Ukraine up into a broader war.
But,i would add,that Putin belived in taking Kiev in week in 2022,and that ukrainian army just surrender becouse they are russians.
Which mean,that dude is mad.
Ukrainian nation was artificially created by germans in 19th century - but now it is real thing.

Another thing - USA after 2022 never tried to defeat soviets,only made them agree to alliance against China.
Kinda like Napoleon in 1812,when he do not really tried to defeat russians,only made them agree to alliance against England.

It would fail,and the sooner USA undarstandt that Moscov must be defeated before they agree to any alliance,the better.
It will be interesting to see how they perform. It would be quite funny if it turned out that North Korea can do what Russia has already managed to forget and is struggling to re-learn. I.e. Coordination at the Battalion to Corps level.
Many of Russia's problems (and to some extent Ukraine's but much less so) are due to the fact that they have coordination deficiencies. Half the reason why this is going so poorly is due to the fact that the Russians are attacking Ukrainian positions with single platoons. As you can easily guess, such platoons only achieve death.
They tried early on, but it's very hard to do effective large scale coordination on a fast changing, drone and EW filled modern battlefield, with cold war era communications equipment supplemented by walkie talkies from alibaba.
And then it became impossible once too many of the troops trained to even attempt it died.
Yeah, the attacks with single platoons are suicidal, but the one reason they are useful for is to bait out defender's fire, so that the non-disposable troops behind them can point artillery at it. They are, essentially, a land based, biological equivalent of the MALD.
They tried early on, but it's very hard to do effective large scale coordination on a fast changing, drone and EW filled modern battlefield, with cold war era communications equipment supplemented by walkie talkies from alibaba.
And then it became impossible once too many of the troops trained to even attempt it died.
Yeah, the attacks with single platoons are suicidal, but the one reason they are useful for is to bait out defender's fire, so that the non-disposable troops behind them can point artillery at it. They are, essentially, a land based, biological equivalent of the MALD.
So,old soviet tactic with penal battalions to attack enemy lines,so they could destroy their position with artillery.Only difference - no big wave attacks after that.
They tried early on, but it's very hard to do effective large scale coordination on a fast changing, drone and EW filled modern battlefield, with cold war era communications equipment supplemented by walkie talkies from alibaba.
And then it became impossible once too many of the troops trained to even attempt it died.
Yeah, the attacks with single platoons are suicidal, but the one reason they are useful for is to bait out defender's fire, so that the non-disposable troops behind them can point artillery at it. They are, essentially, a land based, biological equivalent of the MALD.
Every two days they create assault companies of 100 men. The life expectancy is 48 hours. They expect them to fight until they die or are incapacitated. If they're too injured they are left to die or shot to save supplies for more valuable troops.
Meanwhile in Georgia with a Russian puppet government controlled by a Georgian born Russian oligarch. Russia is threatening to invade to cut the EU pipelines and secure Chechnya, Dagestan and Armenia. Which are currently in open fighting against the Russian interior troops. If Georgians manage to kick out the Russian aligned government and join the EU and NATO. Russia and China lose control of all three and the oil, gas and trade corridor.
Compilation from polish press :

1.Siergiej Kaszin,Alexander Nosowicz/Ru.Baltic/ and other soviets claim,that Moscov would made war uneconomical for USA,and win thanks to attrition.
And,use H bombs to threaten NATO,but without using them for real.

Their problem - as Alexander Łomanow discovered,China to not intend to fight with moscov.
Well,they could still win,if Biden handlers fake elections again.

2.Russian people in Asia are relict of colonialism - and would be removed or assimilated in the future.

3.Moscov control Burkina Faso,Mali,niger - and could take over Chad,too.Which mean control of migration to EU.

4.Moscov plan peace conference in Saudi Arabia with EU,but without Biden.Which mean,that germans still want gave Ukraine to Moscov.

5.Democracy in Moscov ended not in 1999,when Putin take over,but in 1996,when Jelcyn faked elections thanks to oligarchs money.Oligarchs like Bierezowski,Abramowicz,Chodorowski.

And Putin,basically,let them live and keep money,as long as they were loyal.

According to Andriej Zubow,Putin could take over,becouse Jelcyn arleady used secret police and oligarchs to rule and fake elections.
True end of moscov democracy was in 1993,when jelcyn destroyed Parliament.

6.According to rumors,real power on Ukraine belong to Zelensky advisor Andriej jermak,not Zelensky.

7.Belarus changed chief of staff - on general Pawła Murawiejkę,who in 2023 declared,that Belarus could take over lithuania to get harbour on Baltic.
Moscov start changing border on Narva river with Estonia.And claim,tah since Zelensky do not have democratic mandate,they do not have partner for peace talks.

8.Ukraine and Moscov still import and export stuff among themselves.

9.Moscov is infamous for corruption in army - which is old tradition from tsars times.One case - 2012 Moscov gave 26M $ on new anti-missile missiles.All were stealed,they do not even started working on it.
American general Ben Hodges claimed trhat he overestimated soviet army becouse he underestimated corruption.

10.Another polish traitor run to belarus,this time judge Tomasz Szmydt.Previous one,soldier Emil Czeczko,arleady "committed suicide"

11.Jessika Aro from Finland,journalist attacked by Putin,wrote book about Putin world war and his secret operations.One of them was murdering polish president in Smoleńsk in 2010.

12.Moscov prepare to long war with entire West - claim Władislaw Inoziemcev, that is why economist Andriej Bieousow become minister of war.
Who belive,that soviets fell not becouse silly economy,but becouse they spend money in wrong way.
Now,they would spend all on military,and everytching would be OK.
It would be Keyns on steroids - but spending only on military.
And,arresting corrupted generals,which arleady happened.

Moscov also use terror tactic,burning buildings in Europe,sending migrants and hacking GPS.

13.Putin 8.5.2024 made new directive No 314 about state politic in history education.
Basically,everybody who say truth would go to prison.
Nothing new,soviets and tsars did the same.

14.There is no normal Russia - only soviets supporting war.

15.Till 2021,EU,Putin friends,wonted green army with electric tanks.i bet,that it is soviet doing,too.

16.Current Poland premier, Tusk,pretend to be Putin enemy - but in 2010 they were friends.In 2023,before elections,Łukaszenka claimed,that he would be friend.

17.Hungary do not support Ukraine - becouse Ukraine still persecute hungarian minority.

The Norks look like they will be sending troops to aid Russia in Ukraine, not just ammo or parts.

North Korea has an enormous surplus of troops but are terribly deficient in logistics and supply, so that's a predictable move -- but the quality and discipline of those troops is severely questionable.
When I was stationed in Korea wd would jokingly assume they they were as loyal as the distance to the nearest commisar
North Korea has an enormous surplus of troops but are terribly deficient in logistics and supply, so that's a predictable move -- but the quality and discipline of those troops is severely questionable.
Only the personal bodyguard regiment and main border fort garrison regiments have training a modern military would consider relevant. The rest are just like China, illiterate peasant conscripts who spend most of their time farming, foraging and looting to eat and having to sit in the hours long indoctrination classes.
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