Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

Reddit Bros...


And a more innocent funny.

Referencing the Duane Owen Case (well not a case anymore since he's dead lol)

I think it might be for neonatal transport? IDK though.
It is not.
That device is used to tie down the child for male genital mutilation

They sneak in and do it even the parents refuse. Because each foreskin is chock full of stem cells and is worth about a million dollars

They sell them to pharma companies and cosmetics companies for use, but of course they do not actually pay the victim the million dollars his stolen organ was worth. Instead they actually charge you for stealing your organs
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> It is literally violence to have wrong thoughts while kowtowing to my demands on speech
> When will we finally have perfect mind control to end this "literal violence"

Well at least for us Jews its nice to know that when things go to absolute shit some one else will get to be the scape goat for a change.
unfortunately no.
since it is (a few select) jews who control the media that unleashed those nutcases on society.
so we will get the "credit"
Trocky mum was supposed to say that Trotsky would start revolution,but Bronsteins would pay for it.

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