Meme Thread for Both Posting and Discussing Memes

Not sure where you’re figuring that?

Assuming it comes from Sodom and Gomorrah, though really, it always amuses me how people will cherry-pick which Biblical passages they observe when it’s convenient, and which ones they don’t (such as Leviticus passages about not mixing fabrics or whatever).

Granted, the Leviticus example can be explained by culturally specific warnings not to emulate the Canaanites, which is understandable in proper context. However, that’s specific to the time and culture the Israelites lived in — and thus, probably irrelevant for us. If we ignore that, then I think we can likewise ignore the Old Testament’s usual wisdom on homosexuality, at least when it comes to average gay people who are just like you or me.

There is a huge difference between your "average gay people", and a town where a gay rape mob will show up if anyone from elsewhere stays overnight.

Perhaps there's a reason that not only the Old Testament, but many other ancient cultures, took a "can't expect God to do all the work" approach towards rampant homosexuality.
Because when things are allowed to get so bad that God does intervene and "do the work" - the work is measured in megatons.
And leaves deposits of minerals to prove it happened.

Being sinful doesn't mean they can't believe in every other aspect of life.

I think the important point here is that there is a difference between something merely being sinful - but it only harms the people doing it - and something being overtly hostile to the rest of society.
When it's not just consenting adults doing stuff in private - nobody else's business - but they start demanding to be allowed to rape other people's children, things are likely to soon get ugly.
There is a huge difference between your "average gay people", and a town where a gay rape mob will show up if anyone from elsewhere stays overnight.

Perhaps there's a reason that not only the Old Testament, but many other ancient cultures, took a "can't expect God to do all the work" approach towards rampant homosexuality.
Because when things are allowed to get so bad that God does intervene and "do the work" - the work is measured in megatons.
And leaves deposits of minerals to prove it happened.

I think the important point here is that there is a difference between something merely being sinful - but it only harms the people doing it - and something being overtly hostile to the rest of society.
When it's not just consenting adults doing stuff in private - nobody else's business - but they start demanding to be allowed to rape other people's children, things are likely to soon get ugly.
Well yes.
Basically, if two adults want to love each other.
Let them, just don't let the bad movements spread because of a good one
Now for a meme I found on Teh Internetz:
It's in the new testament as well.

Okay, little thing I got wrong there.

Still don’t really give a shit about average gay people, and while the whole “rape mob” episode @Scottty was referring to was bad, I’ve yet to see a reason for why it was bad specifically because it was gay — as opposed to, you know, a literal rape mob. In the latter case, I’m not so sure God cares all that much if there are a few gay couples here and there, so long as they aren’t involved in Slaaneshi orgies run amok.

Might also want to clarify that I identity as a more of an agnostic, too. So, whatever the Bible says, I don’t really pattern my beliefs or daily habits off of it — Old Testament and New Testament both. If you want to live your life according to that, though, feel free and go about your own business otherwise.
Honestly, my belief is that should science be cleaned of wokism and actively directed at the topic, it will discover there is no such thing as an "average gay person". Instead it will be several completely distinct mental illnesses (including different ones for men and women) that all have one particular symptom be attraction to the same sex.

And the single largest groups will be pederasts and their PTSD afflicted victims who often become pederasts themselves, a la George Takei.
Now for a meme I found on Teh Internetz:

Heh, two jokes in one.

Not bad, though the whole "Michelle Obama is secretly trans!" notion is pretty goofy and more worth laughing at than taking seriously. The one about Hunter having that on his laptop alongside his whole child-porn collection, on the other hand...
Honestly, my belief is that should science be cleaned of wokism and actively directed at the topic, it will discover there is no such thing as an "average gay person". Instead it will be several completely distinct mental illnesses (including different ones for men and women) that all have one particular symptom be attraction to the same sex.

And the single largest groups will be pederasts and their PTSD afflicted victims who often become pederasts themselves, a la George Takei.

It's not something talked about much these days, but I remember twenty years ago when 'homosexuality is frequently the result of dysfunctional relationships with parents, childhood sexual abuse, or other trauma' was a serious discussion point.

It was the single thing that was the most aggressively denied, with every 'gay rights' activist being very specific that no, there was absolutely no way that there was any such correlation whatsoever, homosexuality was absolutely an ingrained characteristic like ethnicity, and any research showing an association was completely unscientific!

'Suspiciously Specific Denial' fits pretty much perfectly, especially given that anecdotally, every single homosexual I knew had either actively nasty relationship with the parent of the opposite gender, or neglectful/emotionally distant relationship with the parent of the same gender...
It's not something talked about much these days, but I remember twenty years ago when 'homosexuality is frequently the result of dysfunctional relationships with parents, childhood sexual abuse, or other trauma' was a serious discussion point.
Back in the day I would actually hang out with alphabet people (who always tried to convert me, very tiresome and also why I stopped hanging out with any).

Literally every single one had extremely dysfunctional relationship with their parents. To the point where I felt less like a friend and more like their therapist.

Although to be fair, back then they didn't have the same rampant grooming in schools. Which shifted those figures.
There is a huge difference between your "average gay people", and a town where a gay rape mob will show up if anyone from elsewhere stays overnight.

Perhaps there's a reason that not only the Old Testament, but many other ancient cultures, took a "can't expect God to do all the work" approach towards rampant homosexuality.
Because when things are allowed to get so bad that God does intervene and "do the work" - the work is measured in megatons.
And leaves deposits of minerals to prove it happened.
Eh, orbital mechanics and plate tectonics are natural forces, but do not require a knowing/direct will to fuck up people's days.

And thanks to astronomy and seismic sciences, we can even ferret out the hows/approximate whens of a lot of things that used to be viewed as 'signs from God'.

Sodom and Gamorrah didn't get whacked for being 'sinful', they got whacked because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time as far as orbital mechanics are concerned, and the same with a lot of the 'acts of God' that were seen as punishments to whole populations.
I think the important point here is that there is a difference between something merely being sinful - but it only harms the people doing it - and something being overtly hostile to the rest of society.
When it's not just consenting adults doing stuff in private - nobody else's business - but they start demanding to be allowed to rape other people's children, things are likely to soon get ugly.
The problem is the sorts who keep wanting to push the religious-based 'Right Wing Backlash' stuff do not want to stop at the 'don't mess with kids' line most of society would support; they want to push complete roll-backs of any protections for non-hetero's and make it so sodomy/tribbing between consenting adults is a crime.

Parts of the Right want the government to be as powerless and small as possible, except when it comes to dealing with what people do in the bedroom between consenting adults.
Eh, orbital mechanics and plate tectonics are natural forces, but do not require a knowing/direct will to fuck up people's days.

And thanks to astronomy and seismic sciences, we can even ferret out the hows/approximate whens of a lot of things that used to be viewed as 'signs from God'.

Sodom and Gamorrah didn't get whacked for being 'sinful', they got whacked because they were in the wrong place at the wrong time as far as orbital mechanics are concerned, and the same with a lot of the 'acts of God' that were seen as punishments to whole populations.

That is just a statement of your worldview.
Since we cannot observe the orbital path of an incoming asteroid that has already landed, it cannot be verified whether God diverted it to hit Earth because of the wickedness of those people, or whether He set things up from the beginning knowing it would need to arrive then, or if He took no notice of the matter.
That question is simply something beyond the scope of science.

The problem is the sorts who keep wanting to push the religious-based 'Right Wing Backlash' stuff do not want to stop at the 'don't mess with kids' line most of society would support; they want to push complete roll-backs of any protections for non-hetero's and make it so sodomy/tribbing between consenting adults is a crime.

Parts of the Right want the government to be as powerless and small as possible, except when it comes to dealing with what people do in the bedroom between consenting adults.

Calvinist busybodies are a kind of people that long predate the USA.
Or Calvinism, for that matter.
That is just a statement of your worldview.
Since we cannot observe the orbital path of an incoming asteroid that has already landed, it cannot be verified whether God diverted it to hit Earth because of the wickedness of those people, or whether He set things up from the beginning knowing it would need to arrive then, or if He took no notice of the matter.
That question is simply something beyond the scope of science.
Actually, they can trace back some of the trajectory of where the impactors/airbursts came from, and it seems like it may be the same source as Tunguska and Chelyabinsk; the Taurid Meteor stream, which the earth passes through 2 times a year, around June and then again around October.

This same meteor steam, made from a comet that broke up in recent geological history, has likely been the source of multiple impactors/air bursts, from the Younger Dryas Impactor series around 12800BC to likely Sodom and Gamorrah and Tunguska/Chelyabinsk.

There is thought that these impactors hitting at those time of year might even be why so many separate cultures have late October/early November as 'celebrations of the dead/day of the dead' type events. It may be a long term cultural memory of a when impacts have happened around that time due to the meteor stream dropping larger fragments on us. We also happen to be coming into a 'chunkier' part of that stream over the next few years,
Calvinist busybodies are a kind of people that long predate the USA.
Or Calvinism, for that matter.
Whether they are Calvanists or not doesn't matter, the fact that those types do want to be busybodies and do want to have a government that is powerless, except to enforce their religious dogma as law.
There is a reason a lot of people here treat "inevitable Right Wing Backlash and hard swing to the Right/end of 'social experimentation' via Right Wing suppression" as a 'good thing', and basically usher in almost a theocracy-level religious dogma/power in society.

I think you miss the point, on the 'Inevitable Backlash'.

Many of us would prefer a more Right society, but none of us want it to go that far. We just think that we can't stop it happening.

It's going to be bad. It's going to go straight through where we want it to be, and go to terrible depths.

Even if some of it is what we want, the full depth? Far, far too far. And, as best I can tell, it really is 'Inevitable'.

I think you miss the point, on the 'Inevitable Backlash'.

Many of us would prefer a more Right society, but none of us want it to go that far. We just think that we can't stop it happening.

It's going to be bad. It's going to go straight through where we want it to be, and go to terrible depths.

Even if some of it is what we want, the full depth? Far, far too far. And, as best I can tell, it really is 'Inevitable'.

Except the idea the Right will actually achieve that level of social power again is only possible through wishful thinking, partly because even those outside the Left know that the wannabe theocrats in the Right are just as bad as the wokies on the Far-Left, except without the same amount of social power anymore.

People in the middle will not trade woke-ocracy for theocracy, and will ensure that society never swings to the point theocrats can even get close to the power they want.

I can guarantee that if it becomes a situation where the options are wokies vs theocrats; the theocrats will lose, and lose hard, and massively, possibly permanently discredit conservatism in the public eye.
*taps first amendment sign*
Freedom of religion.
Becoming a theocracy would go against that.
You assume the Constitution still hold more power than the religious zeal of theocrats or the progressive zeal of wokies, in their desired end-states.

The US is already effectively a banana republic with nukes, and the powers in DC focus more on avoiding/dodging/dismembering the Constitution than following it.

The only reason the Constitution still has any meaning is due to Justice's Thomas and Alito, and when they are gone, all bets are off because it will probably be a Dem picking their replacements.

So in the event the theocrats actually manage to get the pushback they want and roll as hard as they want against anything 'liberal' or 'progressive', the Constitution ain't gonna stop them, just like it doesn't seem to do much against the wokies anymore.

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