LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

Old school gays probably remember that exact same description being used on them.
Homosexuality was removed from the diagnostic manuals not do to science, but because a homosexual deliberately infiltrated the psycological association with the deliberate motive to remove it. There is no scientific reason for homosexuality to not be a listed as a mental illness, only political ones.
Old school gays probably remember that exact same description being used on them.
Pederasts.We should use that world,becouse it is supported by old Greek tradition.
But normal pederast have all right now,and i do not think that they really want to have anything to do with lgbt +52 madness.
Unless they start beliving that they have divine right to rule over unenlinghtened mobs.But,in that case,they are part of enemy.
Homosexuality was removed from the diagnostic manuals not do to science, but because a homosexual deliberately infiltrated the psycological association with the deliberate motive to remove it. There is no scientific reason for homosexuality to not be a listed as a mental illness, only political ones.
It honestly depends heavily on the line one draws between "mere personality dysfunction" and "outright mental illness". Pathologizing anger issues as a whole, for instance, would be a degenerated state of psychology. Similarly, sexuality is such an obscene tangled mess, moreso in nature, that calling homosexuality a mental illness is spotty.

Huge swaths of insects are bisexual simply because they lack the ability to distinguish, and there's not much evolutionary pressure to change it since the sperm can quite easily end up in a female the sire never encountered. We see a few birds that have homosexual couples that differ literally solely in being a male/male pair, sometimes stealing eggs that are then raised with no discernable difference from normal.

To say nothing of elephants raping rhinos to death, otters raping young seals since they happen to be the right size, dolphin rape-gangs... And that's before touching on prisons and naval duty getting so omnipresent the latter was literally an exception to sodomy laws in the UK because of how unavoidable it proved and the former's a major stereotype to this day!

...TL;DR, we have too many examples of "Any Hole's a Goal" to meaningfully declare male/male intercourse any kind of true illness since there's quite a number of well-known categories of its occurrence in both humanity and the wider natural world.

Female/Female's a lot weirder and quite more firmly traced to political bullshittery given the open and self-described "political lesbians", to say nothing of the exceptional toxicity preliminary data shows before getting canned, but the amount of issues that come with trying to police "toxic" relationships is... Rather dramatic. You can't do that without an exceedingly totalitarian state.
Old school gays probably remember that exact same description being used on them.

Gay men and lesbian women don't require life shortening medical procedures that invariably kill them or drive them crazy to "function" nor are they inherently violent, nor do they molest kids nor batter spouses the way the other two do.

Not a legitimate comparison perse but an appeal to emotion over a social issue that most people are turning on any way.

Mixed bag results there.

To say nothing of elephants raping rhinos to death, otters raping young seals since they happen to be the right size, dolphin rape-gangs... And that's before touching on prisons and naval duty getting so omnipresent the latter was literally an exception to sodomy laws in the UK because of how unavoidable it proved and the former's a major stereotype to this day!

Minor correction but elephants do that to vent rage and frustration and tend to stop doing that when older male elephants are around who can and often do beat the degeneracy out of them.
Homosexuality was removed from the diagnostic manuals not do to science, but because a homosexual deliberately infiltrated the psycological association with the deliberate motive to remove it. There is no scientific reason for homosexuality to not be a listed as a mental illness, only political ones.
See, I get where I'm cool with you, and then you go and say shit like this. :rolleyes:
I think it is an issue narrated to look bad for conservatives it is no win situation and you let the progressives have the momentum.


Guess what this is America you have freedom to do what you want or who you want as long as it hurts no doubt be or destroy property.

As long as your doing it with consenting adults it is not my business. Two or More consenting adults want to do the freaky deakiest shit ever, I do not care.

Involve a child …. And a rope and a light post is not cruel and unusual punishment.

Pedos are committing rape or slavery most likely both.
I'm "opposed" to open homosexuality because I believe homosexual acts to be sinful according to the Bible, which is authoritative religious teaching to me as a Christian. But sinful behaviors and temptations aren't the same thing as mental illness - I don't think it's at all helpful to conflate the two.
This issue, like so many other issues, are best handled by letting people do as they please. You’re gay or bi and want to have sex with consensual adults of the same sex, you should be allowed to do so. You object to homosexuality and want to not associate or do business with them, you should be allowed to. Free choice in both cases.
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Similarly, sexuality is such an obscene tangled mess, moreso in nature, that calling homosexuality a mental illness is spotty.
First, you are using the naturalist fallacy, the correct way to analyze if something ts broken or not is to determine if it is fit for purpose. Homosexual attraction does not read towards procreation, therefore it is broken.

Secondly, there is a huge rate of comorbidity between homosexuality and abusive behavior.
First, you are using the naturalist fallacy, the correct way to analyze if something ts broken or not is to determine if it is fit for purpose. Homosexual attraction does not read towards procreation, therefore it is broken.

Secondly, there is a huge rate of comorbidity between homosexuality and abusive behavior.
Just because one does not reproduce doesn't mean that one is not fit for purpose, as kin selection clearly shows.

Second, assuming that the purpose of human life is to perpetuate genes is an incredible shallow view that results in great evil.

As for comorbidity, that isn't evidence that the comorbity is a mental problem, it's just saying that if you have X you are more likely to have problem Y. That alone doesn't make X the problem.

The reason why sexual orientation isn't a mental health problem is that they can interact normally and contently with an apathetic society and by themselves without help.

Trans people, in contrast, cannot, as they have dysphoria. Thus them changing their bodies to fix this. Yes, they still have comorbities, but those are other, different problems to dysphoria. This is why having dysphoria is a mental illness. One that can be mostly solved via surgery.
Just because one does not reproduce doesn't mean that one is not fit for purpose, as kin selection clearly shows.

Second, assuming that the purpose of human life is to perpetuate genes is an incredible shallow view that results in great evil.

As for comorbidity, that isn't evidence that the comorbity is a mental problem, it's just saying that if you have X you are more likely to have problem Y. That alone doesn't make X the problem.

The reason why sexual orientation isn't a mental health problem is that they can interact normally and contently with an apathetic society and by themselves without help.

Trans people, in contrast, cannot, as they have dysphoria. Thus them changing their bodies to fix this. Yes, they still have comorbities, but those are other, different problems to dysphoria. This is why having dysphoria is a mental illness. One that can be mostly solved via surgery.
I'd argue that mutilating one's body to "fix" a mental issue isn't really fixing the mental issue.

But I also don't give a shit what people do with their own bodies. You can do what you want, but don't expect me to believe you're REALLY the gender you transitioned to.
The problem is that mental illness and purpose are both subjective.

If you saw a teenage boy cutting up his own face with a knife, you might be inclined to think he is mentally ill and try to stop him or get help. What if he’s from a culture where that face cutting has deep social and/or religious significance? Maybe that face cutting is a coming of manhood ceremony to prove his courage. What about tattoos for the same purpose? What about letting bullet ants sting you all over your hands? What about cutting the skin off of your baby’s penis? It would sound crazy removed from the religious and cultural significance that tells us some things are alright and some aren’t, to some it still seems crazy.

Also, animals do things all the time that would be considered evil and/or crazy if humans did it. Chimps will attack smaller weaker chimps and eat their faces. It’s pretty much universally considered bad when humans do that. So what animals do isn’t really relevant.

If a girl goes around claiming to be a fairy, wearing fairy wings and glitter, and seems to believe it’s true - that does seem crazy. But, who does it hurt and would a just and good society persecute that girl for her eccentricities when she isn’t hurting anybody? Homosexual behavior may strike some people as odd or mentally ill but if those people aren’t hurting anybody else, is it good or just to persecute those people?

Regarding purpose, that can be subjective too. Reproduction is one purpose of sex, without a doubt. But pleasure can also be a purpose, so can emotional bonding. The reason behind having sex varies, for different people the act has a different purpose. If homosexual sex is mentally ill because it can’t result in children, then using birth control is mental illness, as is sex for women who are too old to have kids, masturbation, foreplay, or even sex at the wrong part of a women’s monthly cycle.

Even if the purpose of some activity can be objectively determined, which seems difficult, then I don’t necessarily see why fulfilling that purpose is universally preferable to not fulfilling it.
The problem is that mental illness and purpose are both subjective.

The problem with this outlook, is that it ignores how delusions aren't generally stagnant. They become self-reinforcing and self-propagating. As reality clashes more and more with someone's delusions, they have to create more and more justifications, and reject more and more of what's true.

Rejecting reality and replacing it with a more pleasant delusion also becomes habit-forming, which is incredibly dangerous.

This isn't to say that just because someone has a delusion, they need to immediately get institutionalized. That's tyrannical.

It is however to say that people who are delusional should not be encouraged, and in fact should regularly be reminded that they are, in fact, delusional, and while individuals and society can tolerate their delusion so long as it is (relatively) harmless, it's still just that, a delusion.

Not actively pushing back against leftist delusions has resulted in all kinds of horrors, like 'trans kids,' and hate crime laws. Why? Because delusional people very often lash out at that which goes against their delusions, particularly because part of them knows that they're delusional, and they hate being reminded of that. Thus, they are trying to both criminalize disagreeing with them, and pushing more and more people to buy into their lifestyle and ideology.

It's part of why leftism always ends up in tyranny, because any breach in the wall of self-deceit is intolerable.

I’m all for pushing back against delusions. That is typically something that individuals do though, not the state. Once the state forces people to accept others’ delusions, or in fact forces other people to accept other people’s subjective judgements, then we have the troubles you mention.

I also think it’s a stretch to call homosexuality a delusion. A lesbian is a women who is exclusively sexually attracted to other women, if she thinks that she is a lesbian and she is, that isn’t a delusion it’s just accurately acknowledging her own desires.
Having met gay people, they do seem to be in full possession of their mental faculties. They just like men.
What they 'like' is not what defines them, it is what they do. The ideas of people 'having a sexuality' and ' being gay/trans/etc' were always dishonest rhetorical tactics, ways to change the subject and play the victim.

They didn't like incubating and dying to a plague back in the eighties, but they still did it. They cared more about getting their dicks wet than the most basic of human hygiene: limiting transfers of blood and semen. Sounds pretty fuckin' mental to me.

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