LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

From what I'm seeing in this thread, fundies have a very much "all or nothing" attitude, which could be mistaken for a nasty totalitarian streak by wider society. If they ever want to be a real political force, they'll have to square with that one day.

Right now though, they are a great deal less troublesome than the left. Whether or not that's down to either ideological differences or lack of power, remains to be seen.

My biggest point of contention with the old religious right is that they were a right wing variant of SJWs and even came up with a proto form of cancel culture and PC Speech.

They basically taught the enemy the means by which to hang us all, though they were more wise with their power.

I think that has more to do with lapsed Catholics and Episcopalians being very emotion driven though.

Liberalism and progressive thinking stems from sentiment over sense.
My biggest point of contention with the old religious right is that they were a right wing variant of SJWs and even came up with a proto form of cancel culture and PC Speech.

They basically taught the enemy the means by which to hang us all, though they were more wise with their power.

Morality policing is all well and good until it is turned against you. It just isn't a good way to run a society.
going to have to second a lot of this.

I'm not a rich man I live in a used RV, when I put up Hannuka decorations and made little star of david cookies for the neighors the so called red necks around me were completely chill. The person who wreaked my decorations was a lefty who tried to blame said neighors but got caught on a security camera.

Instead of apologizing she called me the K word and acted like a total bitch.

Weirdly enough the fundies and rednecks are more tolerant then the leftists.

Most of the anger and zealotry you see from the Tambourine shakers stems from fear for their kids and let's be real, there is a pervasive evil that predates and devours innocence within our society and it starts with public educators and escalates.

Also the precious gay and trans martyrs used to brow beat them...Braden Teena and Matthew Shepherd specifically weren't killed by evil racist Christians.

Both of them were killed over drug beefs.

See Teena and Shepherd slinged Meth and Blow respectively and Teena was a pedophile who abused and groomed a girlfriend who was barely a teenager and has gotten into shit with rival drug dealers.

While both murders were sadistic that's kinda what happens when you live that street life.

But their religious values were was assailed over that in the most aggressive way possible and to counter waco the Feds went after Christians hard.

And so the religious right got progressively more volatile and resentful
Morality policing is all well and good until it is turned against you. It just isn't a good way to run a society.

They went too far however elements within their own clique realized this and pulled on the reigns too late to stop the decline of their power but not too late to set a better example.

The left doesn't have that.
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My biggest point of contention with the old religious right is that they were a right wing variant of SJWs and even came up with a proto form of cancel culture and PC Speech.

They basically taught the enemy the means by which to hang us all, though they were more wise with their power.

I think that has more to do with lapsed Catholics and Episcopalians being very emotion driven though.

Liberalism and progressive thinking stems from sentiment over sense.

Aye, you have approached a truth that is important. Corruptio Optimi Pessima. The descent of Christian believers into mere sentimentality and emotionalism, therapeutic deistic moralism, has much to answer for.

This is why I hold that we need a new persecution. Things have to get worse before they get better.

Morality policing is all well and good until it is turned against you. It just isn't a good way to run a society.

Eyeroll. Sure let’s stop legislating all morality then, everything is good, let the strong do as they will and the weak suffer as they must.
Aye, you have approached a truth that is important. Corruptio Optimi Pessima. The descent of Christian believers into mere sentimentality and emotionalism, therapeutic deistic moralism, has much to answer for.

This is why I hold that we need a new persecution. Things have to get worse before they get better.

When your sanctimony and presumptiousness approach a level where you are in your own mind the Shepherd and your word carries the same weight as Christ and the Apostles. You are engaging in a form of idol worship.

Which they only understood at the end.
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Aye, you have approached a truth that is important. Corruptio Optimi Pessima. The descent of Christian believers into mere sentimentality and emotionalism, therapeutic deistic moralism, has much to answer for.

This is why I hold that we need a new persecution. Things have to get worse before they get better.
This makes me think of something. Bringing back the slippery slope example if you are sliding down a hill you don't just hit the brakes instantly or you can roll over and fall, you might want to instead use the momentum you've built up to sling shot your way back from the bottom back to the top. This is dangerous because if you do it wrong you end up going all the way down.
This makes me think of something. Bringing back the slippery slope example if you are sliding down a hill you don't just hit the brakes instantly or you can roll over and fall, you might want to instead use the momentum you've built up to sling shot your way back from the bottom back to the top. This is dangerous because if you do it wrong you end up going all the way down.
"The only way out is through" doesn't seem like the right metaphor for when you're concerned about heading into immorality.

Think of a low traction environment like an icy road. You don't get out of that by acting as if you had the normal amount of control. You accept that inertia is taking you in a certain direction and you apply steering and acceleration/deceleration judiciously without getting too greedy. Forward planning is essential and sudden dramatic moves are counterproductive. If you go crazy with steering and lock up the brakes you may or may not come to a stop any faster but you better pray there weren't any critically important obstacles you had to avoid in the meantime. And you can't aim for any soft landings either.
"The only way out is through" doesn't seem like the right metaphor for when you're concerned about heading into immorality.

Think of a low traction environment like an icy road. You don't get out of that by acting as if you had the normal amount of control. You accept that inertia is taking you in a certain direction and you apply steering and acceleration/deceleration judiciously without getting too greedy. Forward planning is essential and sudden dramatic moves are counterproductive. If you go crazy with steering and lock up the brakes you may or may not come to a stop any faster but you better pray there weren't any critically important obstacles you had to avoid in the meantime. And you can't aim for any soft landings either.
I thought I was referring to Doc Solaris reminding me of accelerationism. Where you let the people running things keep going on their path or even push them forward, so that at the right time you can swoop in after they have fucked things up. It's what reminded me of it when he said we need new persecutions of the Church to make Martyrs to make the church's faith stronger and after all is said and done things will be better. Unless I misread his posts that was what I thought he said.

Anyway in the icy road example hitting the gas and trying to use the acceleration to avoid slipping out of control can be dangerous and bumpy but if you aim it right it could work. Obviously it's a terrible position to be in, there are no good options even being careful and trying to judge the right amount of force can end with you getting it wrong, or since we live in an individual society and the right is not united another faction on our side thinks you are wrong and does something retarded like move the steering wheel when you need to keep it under control.
I thought I was referring to Doc Solaris reminding me of accelerationism. Where you let the people running things keep going on their path or even push them forward, so that at the right time you can swoop in after they have fucked things up. It's what reminded me of it when he said we need new persecutions of the Church to make Martyrs to make the church's faith stronger and after all is said and done things will be better. Unless I misread his posts that was what I thought he said.

Anyway in the icy road example hitting the gas and trying to use the acceleration to avoid slipping out of control can be dangerous and bumpy but if you aim it right it could work. Obviously it's a terrible position to be in, there are no good options even being careful and trying to judge the right amount of force can end with you getting it wrong, or since we live in an individual society and the right is not united another faction on our side thinks you are wrong and does something retarded like move the steering wheel when you need to keep it under control.
Accelerationism is a political death cult disguised as an 'innovative' ideology.

The icy road analogy is something where, depending on if you want to go uphill or downhill, different strategies/methods must be employed.

However, both situations can be helped by not over steering, not overcorrecting, and not getting overconfident in your skills or equipment.

The fundies don't think they need to change, don't need to adjust strategies, or adapt to changing situations. That is how you end up in a political roll over or going off a political cliff.
I thought I was referring to Doc Solaris reminding me of accelerationism. Where you let the people running things keep going on their path or even push them forward, so that at the right time you can swoop in after they have fucked things up. It's what reminded me of it when he said we need new persecutions of the Church to make Martyrs to make the church's faith stronger and after all is said and done things will be better. Unless I misread his posts that was what I thought he said.

Anyway in the icy road example hitting the gas and trying to use the acceleration to avoid slipping out of control can be dangerous and bumpy but if you aim it right it could work. Obviously it's a terrible position to be in, there are no good options even being careful and trying to judge the right amount of force can end with you getting it wrong, or since we live in an individual society and the right is not united another faction on our side thinks you are wrong and does something retarded like move the steering wheel when you need to keep it under control.

The Sinisters are mosquitoes that breed in the swamp of our own sins. Since we lack the virtue to resist them to their faces and push them back into their monster closets, we are punished with confusion and doubt and ultimately persecution. God chastises those he loves. The beatings will continue until morality improves.
Are you like trying to be a bad parody of every Leftist boogie man about the religious Right?

Cause I would have a hard time creating one for a fictional piece that sounded like you do, and not have it called an strawman exaggeration.
I mean what he says can kinda make sense in a Christian context. God won't keep blessing America if it turns wicked, he might allow us to fall and the Chinese to rise. I mean look at how he let Israel be conquered when they abandoned him.
I mean what he says can kinda make sense in a Christian context. God won't keep blessing America if it turns wicked, he might allow us to fall and the Chinese to rise. I mean look at how he let Israel be conquered when they abandoned him.
I stand by what I said; he sounds like a bad parody of the boogieman the Dems have used about the Right being wanna-be theocrats who want to force Christian dogma as law.

Because the US is a country of multiple faiths, and none can be shown favoritism in law or government.

There is no room for Sikhs, Wiccans, Shintos, native faiths, Muslims, or even 'heretical sects' in the vision of his 'righteous' America that uses Christian dogma to make law and policy.
I stand by what I said; he sounds like a bad parody of the boogieman the Dems have used about the Right being wanna-be theocrats who want to force Christian dogma as law.

Because the US is a country of multiple faiths, and none can be shown favoritism in law or government.

There is no room for Sikhs, Wiccans, Shintos, native faiths, Muslims, or even 'heretical sects' in the vision of his 'righteous' America that uses Christian dogma to make law and policy.

Oh sure, I believe that any Christian who refuses to offer incense to the false idols of ‘liberty, equality, or property’ any more than the false idols of ‘diversity, inclusion, and equality’, would be a bogey man to you and yours.

Oh sure, I believe that any Christian who refuses to offer incense to the false idols of ‘liberty, equality, or property’ any more than the false idols of ‘diversity, inclusion, and equality’, would be a bogey man to you and yours.

Those are not false idols, they are American Founding Principles, and something that reaches beyond any particular faith.

If you don't like those ideals, LEAVE.
I stand by what I said; he sounds like a bad parody of the boogieman the Dems have used about the Right being wanna-be theocrats who want to force Christian dogma as law.

Because the US is a country of multiple faiths, and none can be shown favoritism in law or government.

There is no room for Sikhs, Wiccans, Shintos, native faiths, Muslims, or even 'heretical sects' in the vision of his 'righteous' America that uses Christian dogma to make law and policy.
Now that depends. You see it is possible for their to be a state religion that is serious and it does have favoritism but it still tolerates and allows other faiths to be worshipped. In fact that is historically how most multi cultural/ethnic empires did things. That way allows minority religious groups to follow their own rules as long as they don't cause trouble to the government and pay their taxes. So it is possible for Christianity to become a state religion and then offer tolerance to Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, Mormons, and Sikhs, and other religions that aren't satanic or blaspheming Christianity.

Those are not false idols, they are American Founding Principles, and something that reaches beyond any particular faith.

If you don't like those ideals, LEAVE.
I mean yes and no. Early America did discriminate against Catholics, and Mormons and non protestants. Also early Americans said all men were equal, they did not always keep to it faithfully. But now in the modern day if a super conservative decided to take away a right from women people would say that they are violating the constitution even though the constitution itself, or the framers ever said anything about women or all humans. They used the term men. People who don't interpret the constitution strictly and give us our rights, don't deserve to be protected by it. You can interpret freedom of religion the same way Europe does with freedom of speech. Many people say that our allies in western Europe our free countries with freedom of speech, and religion. So why can't conservatives use an interpretation that is favorable to us but not favorable to the left? After all the left will tear apart the constitution to hurt us.
Those are not false idols, they are American Founding Principles, and something that reaches beyond any particular faith.

If you don't like those ideals, LEAVE.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "

So then as a secularist, are you required to leave?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. "

So then as a secularist, are you required to leave?
I mean you aren't wrong here. People interpret it now in a secular sense. But you can interpret it in a Christian, Jewish, Muslim, ore deist sense. Looking at the words you could change the U.S. so that it is a strict patriarchy only men can vote and have control over their wives, etc. and they have to believe in a creator that means a monotheistic religion so you allow Christians, Muslims, Jews. But you ban pagans and polytheists. You could interpret it that way and it would not go against the plain text. Now very few people DO that, but you could.

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