United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

In becoming consumed by hate, you are on the path to becoming just as destructive as that which you hate. That's a dark road to walk down.

For better or worse (IMO worse) I think you have a bunch of people here on the siech who have stopped caring about being good. they think "we're all going to Hell anyway might as well take joy in our enemy's suffering and anguish while we can." could be wrong, hope I am but that's what I'm getting the impression of. When people are without hope feel like they have nothing left to lose and just want to set the world on fire.
For better or worse (IMO worse) I think you have a bunch of people here on the siech who have stopped caring about being good. they think "we're all going to Hell anyway might as well take joy in our enemy's suffering and anguish while we can." could be wrong, hope I am but that's what I'm getting the impression of. When people are without hope feel like they have nothing left to lose and just want to set the world on fire.

Well lets look at two south american countries.

In one of them the people saw that the socialists were going to go crazy and decided to do the horrible but nessary things to keep from being 'its not really communism' statistic. The man who did it was vilified by the media but the country became stable and when the danger passed he stepped down from power and democracy returned.

This was Pinochete and this was chile.

The other one was vensuela were the opasition decided to be virturious and principled.

They either fled the country, or their dead their property confiscated and their children raped and then tortured to death this vensula.

Some times in life your choices are crush to other guy or be murdered by him. Its not something any one wants but our choices might just be that or a french revolution that murders entire percentages of our population.

Because some body wanted to be principled.
For better or worse (IMO worse) I think you have a bunch of people here on the siech who have stopped caring about being good. they think "we're all going to Hell anyway might as well take joy in our enemy's suffering and anguish while we can." could be wrong, hope I am but that's what I'm getting the impression of. When people are without hope feel like they have nothing left to lose and just want to set the world on fire.

There are a number of people here who get into a mood like that sometimes, especially about certain subjects.

I think there's only one or two people who've taken that as their new default attitude though.
Well lets look at two south american countries.

In one of them the people saw that the socialists were going to go crazy and decided to do the horrible but nessary things to keep from being 'its not really communism' statistic. The man who did it was vilified by the media but the country became stable and when the danger passed he stepped down from power and democracy returned.

This was Pinochete and this was chile.

The other one was vensuela were the opasition decided to be virturious and principled.

They either fled the country, or their dead their property confiscated and their children raped and then tortured to death this vensula.

Some times in life your choices are crush to other guy or be murdered by him. Its not something any one wants but our choices might just be that or a french revolution that murders entire percentages of our population.

Because some body wanted to be principled.
We should learn from history and tell those on our side who want the dictatorship to step down to fuck off. Both times that happened in modern history it turned out bad. Spain under Franco, and Chile.
We should learn from history and tell those on our side who want the dictatorship to step down to fuck off. Both times that happened in modern history it turned out bad. Spain under Franco, and Chile.
The original Roman concept of Dictator was the Senate giving someone six months of nearly unlimited power to clean up the pile of shit they found themselves in.

With someone like Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, this works because they don't actually want the job and are basically "Tag, you're it".

With someone like Gaius Julius Caesar ... not so much because they want the job aren't going to let go of it until they're dead.

George Washington and Ramiro II of Aragon are, in a way, examples of the former. We wanted to make Washington our king. He declined the offer. Ramiro was dragged out of a monestary and basically told "you're the king, now go get married and produce an heir" by Pope Innocent II.
For better or worse (IMO worse) I think you have a bunch of people here on the siech who have stopped caring about being good. they think "we're all going to Hell anyway might as well take joy in our enemy's suffering and anguish while we can." could be wrong, hope I am but that's what I'm getting the impression of. When people are without hope feel like they have nothing left to lose and just want to set the world on fire.
Welcome to communism. A lot of westerners have this view that the chinese and russians are just unempathic for no reason. living under communism has completely transformed their society on both a cultural and genetic level. Truly "nice" people did not survive and certainly did not reproduce, barring few examples who are demographically insignificant. Universal kindness and mercy was beaten out of them... or rather, out of Us since western nations are rushing headlong into the same result.

Even though the chinese and russians replaced their communism with capitalism, the effects will take thousands of years to undo, or possibly never.
For people who are too dim to reflect on their own cognizance it comes off as "I am all out of fucks to give". They know they don't care anymore, but they don't realize why.

I am not sure that is a bad thing. This obsession with "good" has literally destroyed society, and has lead the rise of the Woke Cult. The ultimate result of obsession with good are simps, white knights, and virtue signalers. Moreover it has done near irreparable damage to the genepool to the point where I am concerned humanity might have already been Filtered and just doesn't know it yet.

As for giving up on "good"... well, to some extent I must confess it is true.
But a large part of it is not so much given up on "good" as matured from the brainwashing I received as a child, from the emotion based "if it hurts someones feefees it is wrong" into understanding that "by their fruit you shall judge them".
looking it up it appears I have independently rediscovered

In ethical philosophy, consequentialism is a class of normative, teleological ethical theories that holds that the consequences of one's conduct are the ultimate basis for judgment about the rightness or wrongness of that conduct. Thus, from a consequentialist standpoint, a morally right act (or omission from acting) is one that will produce a good outcome.
Although the specific examples given by wikipedia are simp filtered of course. Like "boohoo violence bad". Violence can be good or evil depending on its consequences.

To give actual examples:
feminism is evil because its consequences are bad for everyone. Men, women, children all individually suffer. Humanity at large falls apart, society crumbles, and humanity's genepool is ravaged.

Alphabet people are evil because they lead to europe and america, a modern age reinterpretation of sodom and gemorrah. Something our ancestors knew and tried to warn us about. Where children are groomed and sexually mutilated in never before seen amounts.
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It won't be applied equally.

I'm still irritated that the 1040EZ was discontinued in 2018 because J. Random Teenager with a part-time job and no kids does not deserve the nightmare that is the full 1040.
The 1040's not bad for a person with an uncomplicated financial situation and basic reading and math literacy.
For better or worse (IMO worse) I think you have a bunch of people here on the siech who have stopped caring about being good. they think "we're all going to Hell anyway might as well take joy in our enemy's suffering and anguish while we can." could be wrong, hope I am but that's what I'm getting the impression of. When people are without hope feel like they have nothing left to lose and just want to set the world on fire.

I personally do not agree with the people who think 'Russia is based/West is evil' is enough to justify what has been done to Ukraine, but I do understand how many of them arrived at that place.

Because the fact is, regardless of what 'good' the US has done by helping Ukraine, it does not compensate for all the rest of the evil the govs of the West have done over the past few years.

Some of us however at less looking to burn the world because we lack hope for the future, and more looking to, as Loki put it, 'Dance while we can', because there is a political/social pyroclastic flow that is going to wipe us all out in a few minutes anyway.

For now, the sooner people learn to accept we are living in a nuclear armed banana republic, the sooner they will adjust their expectations and life goals to fit the new reality and have the best chance of personal survival.

Maybe the midterms can change this trajectory of our nation, but the 'inevitable Red Wave' is not something anyone should be assuming is going to happen. GOP primary enthusiasm does not always equal good general election chances, and that's before we even add in the fact our elections are questionably secure at best.
There are a number of people here who get into a mood like that sometimes, especially about certain subjects.

I think there's only one or two people who've taken that as their new default attitude though.

It may not be their default (yet) but some are feeding the Wolf of Despair/insanity far more than the Wolf of Serenity/Courage

Welcome to communism. A lot of westerners have this view that the chinese and russians are just unempathic for no reason. living under communism has completely transformed their society on both a cultural and genetic level. Truly "nice" people did not survive and certainly did not reproduce, barring few examples who are demographically insignificant. Universal kindness and mercy was beaten out of them... or rather, out of Us since western nations are rushing headlong into the same result.

Even though the chinese and russians replaced their communism with capitalism, the effects will take thousands of years to undo, or possibly never.
For people who are too dim to reflect on their own cognizance it comes off as "I am all out of fucks to give". They know they don't care anymore, but they don't realize why.

I am not sure that is a bad thing. This obsession with "good" has literally destroyed society, and has lead the rise of the Woke Cult. The ultimate result of obsession with good are simps, white knights, and virtue signalers. Moreover it has done near irreparable damage to the genepool to the point where I am concerned humanity might have already been Filtered and just doesn't know it yet.

As for giving up on "good"... well, to some extent I must confess it is true.
But a large part of it is not so much given up on "good" as matured from the brainwashing I received as a child, from the emotion based "if it hurts someones feefees it is wrong" into understanding that "by their fruit you shall judge them".
looking it up it appears I have independently rediscovered

Although the specific examples given by wikipedia are simp filtered of course. Like "boohoo violence bad". Violence can be good or evil depending on its consequences.

To give actual examples:
feminism is evil because its consequences are bad for everyone. Men, women, children all individually suffer. Humanity at large falls apart, society crumbles, and humanity's genepool is ravaged.

Alphabet people are evil because they lead to europe and america, a modern age reinterpretation of sodom and gemorrah. Something our ancestors knew and tried to warn us about. Where children are groomed and sexually mutilated in never before seen amounts.

Look I won't argue with you because I don't think either of us are going to change our minds, frankly I'm not looking to have my mind changed, and those who were sitting on the fence have either made up their minds or have ejected themselves from the conversation. So I'll just say this and hopefully I won't get a strike for saying this.

At the end of the day you have Three choices

1. Commit to action and spark a revolution ballot or by bullet
2. Try to give into serenity and focus on the stuff you personally can control while living with the stuff you can't
3. Fall on your sword because better to die with pride than live in shame among the wicked
4. Whine and moan until you die

If you choose option one, stay away from me.
I don't think option three will give you peace.
Option 4 is what we've been doing for years and we've seen what it has or namely HAS NOT done. Even man who prayes for rain has to prepare his field.

If my snark isn't obvious option 2 is the only option I advocate for. As hard as it is. Live by the principles you hold and focus on that which you can.
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The original Roman concept of Dictator was the Senate giving someone six months of nearly unlimited power to clean up the pile of shit they found themselves in.

With someone like Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, this works because they don't actually want the job and are basically "Tag, you're it".

With someone like Gaius Julius Caesar ... not so much because they want the job aren't going to let go of it until they're dead.

George Washington and Ramiro II of Aragon are, in a way, examples of the former. We wanted to make Washington our king. He declined the offer. Ramiro was dragged out of a monestary and basically told "you're the king, now go get married and produce an heir" by Pope Innocent II.
Yes I get that but the problem is modern conservatives either don’t have balls or brains. They want to have a nation where all men are equal, but they also don’t want to wipe out everyone man woman and child who support poisonous liberal ideas. If there was a civil war even if conservatives won the battle. They would blindly put in the same constitution that led us to a failure point. Instead of recognizing that all men are not equal, and limiting the franchise so that liberals never get powers or rights again they go to a historic fantasy that never existed and can’t exist.
Welcome to communism. A lot of westerners have this view that the chinese and russians are just unempathic for no reason. living under communism has completely transformed their society on both a cultural and genetic level. Truly "nice" people did not survive and certainly did not reproduce, barring few examples who are demographically insignificant. Universal kindness and mercy was beaten out of them... or rather, out of Us since western nations are rushing headlong into the same result.

Even though the chinese and russians replaced their communism with capitalism, the effects will take thousands of years to undo, or possibly never.
For people who are too dim to reflect on their own cognizance it comes off as "I am all out of fucks to give". They know they don't care anymore, but they don't realize why.

I am not sure that is a bad thing. This obsession with "good" has literally destroyed society, and has lead the rise of the Woke Cult. The ultimate result of obsession with good are simps, white knights, and virtue signalers. Moreover it has done near irreparable damage to the genepool to the point where I am concerned humanity might have already been Filtered and just doesn't know it yet.

As for giving up on "good"... well, to some extent I must confess it is true.
But a large part of it is not so much given up on "good" as matured from the brainwashing I received as a child, from the emotion based "if it hurts someones feefees it is wrong" into understanding that "by their fruit you shall judge them".
looking it up it appears I have independently rediscovered

Although the specific examples given by wikipedia are simp filtered of course. Like "boohoo violence bad". Violence can be good or evil depending on its consequences.

To give actual examples:
feminism is evil because its consequences are bad for everyone. Men, women, children all individually suffer. Humanity at large falls apart, society crumbles, and humanity's genepool is ravaged.

Alphabet people are evil because they lead to europe and america, a modern age reinterpretation of sodom and gemorrah. Something our ancestors knew and tried to warn us about. Where children are groomed and sexually mutilated in never before seen amounts.

Timeless wisdom becomes timeless for a reason.

Consequentialism is one of those timeless pieces of wisdom which is why it keeps appearing time and time again through out human history often independently.
Timeless wisdom becomes timeless for a reason.

Consequentialism is one of those timeless pieces of wisdom which is why it keeps appearing time and time again through out human history often independently.
Yea, I just wish it didn't take me so long to break the mind chains that were placed on me as a child. Giving woke cultists access to children is the worst thing ever. By the time I overcame the brainwashing I am old and ill and can't fight anymore.

I can't actually see a way for western society to recover. at best we can hope for is for it to be an abject lesson for future societies, one that hopefully will actually stick this time.
Yea, I just wish it didn't take me so long to break the mind chains that were placed on me as a child. Giving woke cultists access to children is the worst thing ever. By the time I overcame the brainwashing I am old and ill and can't fight anymore.

I can't actually see a way for western society to recover. at best we can hope for is for it to be an abject lesson for future societies, one that hopefully will actually stick this time.

That depends on where you live.

Europe is going to have a really bad time, the world wars basically destroyed them as a people and gave them civilizational wide PTSD. They basically reacted to the wars by living under the american security umbrella and basing their entire society around comfort. They created an incredilby self rightous rulling class that has become incredibly disconnected from reality.

Europe has placed their entire ego and identiy as a people on this social system and when it breaks it will wreak every idea they have about themselves and every delusion. What will come out of that has in my opinion 3 possible outcomes.

1. America is forced to entervine and Europe slowly becomes an american colony, this is not something the americans want but some thing they will be forced to do to prop up an increasingly mobund europe.

Rome had to do a similar thing in greece, after they destroyed themselves in pointless civil wars. This is the best outcome.

2. Europe destroys itself in its own stupidity and huberus, technologically less advanced migrants swarm and destroy the civilzation ruining it, the men are killed the women become war brides and rape slaves western civilization ends in europe.

3. The milataries decide that their civilian leadership have lost their fucking minds and slaughters them, democracy ends replaced by milatary juntas. Weirdly enough the junta's probally micromanage the lives of its peoples less.

I don't see a good outcome for europe.


increased polization with an increasingly large and angry populist movement against an increasingly tyranical and incompetent esctablishement that ends with a series of civil wars. The country that comes out of it will be incredibly traditionalist and will react violently to social engineering.
may I ask the people what has been with this constant circlejerk of violence advocation, cursing of the west, and soothsaying as of the past 3 years or so? Hate to be that guy but America has gone through crap like this before Mainly during the old west era.
Panic of 1873 - Wikipedia

you want to talk about a controversial election rife with corruption the presidency of 1876 was decided by an unwritten back room deal.

Europe has it share of conflict too especially in Britain. "The Troubles" anyone. Look I'm not saying things aren't bad or we aren't in a rut. They are and we are, but it's not anything we haven't persevered through before or can't persevere through now. Assuming we DON'T GIVE IN TO DESPAIR!! that's what the people in Mordor want. (although comparing the globalist to Sauron is a bit of a discredit to Sauron because at least he had style)

You know, growing up I was always taught that being American meant learning to tough out even the worse situation and being willing to defend your rights even when everyone said you were wrong or that rights were a lie. At least that's what it meant to be an American conservative. guess maybe I was wrong.
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You know, growing up I was always taught that being American meant learning to tough out even the worse situation and being willing to defend your rights even when everyone said you were wrong or that rights were a lie. At least that's what it meant to be an American conservative. guess maybe I was wrong.
You're not wrong.
may I ask the people what has been with this constant circlejerk of violence, cursing of the west, and soothsaying as of the past 3 years or so? Hate to be that guy but America has gone through crap like this before Mainly during the old west era.
Panic of 1873 - Wikipedia

you want to talk about a controversial election rife with corruption the presidency of 1876 was decided by an unwritten back room deal.

Europe has it share of conflict too especially in Britain. "The Troubles" anyone. Look I'm not saying things aren't bad or we aren't in a rut. They are and we are, but it's not anything we haven't persevered through before or can't persevere through now. Assuming we DON'T GIVE IN TO DESPAIR!! that's what the people in Mordor want. (although comparing the globalist to Sauron is a bit of a discredit to Sauron because at least Sauron had style)

You know, growing up I was always taught that being American meant learning to tough out even the worse situation and being willing to defend your rights even when everyone said you were wrong or that rights were a lie. At least that's what it meant to be an American conservative. guess maybe I was wrong.
It is a difference of foundation. This is not "one bad election", this is the foundations of all of western society are rotten to the core and the populace are deeply demoralized. With the dominant religion being an evil yet stupid cult (the woke cult)

They had a lot going to them back then that could allow recovery. We don't.
Also, this is not the first time society collapsed on a massive scale.
See the fall of rome and the thousand years of darkness that followed.

The biggest problem though, is modern technology allows for massively more harm to be done. Nuclear war, or mass surveillance, and unmanned weapons mean we can't just wait out the collapse and then rebuild afterwards.

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