United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

This explanation does not satisfy me because it does not give an account of the excess deaths. I can believe suicides are up but we did not have a Wyoming worth of suicides. Nor have I yet been given reason to believe the CDC figure for total deaths in the US (irrespective of cause of death) is grossly inflated.
When a majority of cases of death were called covid if they had it compared to dieing of it
When a majority of cases of death were called covid if they had it compared to dieing of it
You're not hearing what I'm trying to say. Let me try an example.

In the last full week of 2020, the "expected" number of people didn't die in the US: the actual number was 24 to 26,000 higher for the week. Not died of covid, died at all.
The next week, it was 27k. The next week, it was 26.5k. The next week, it was 26k. This is rough mental math based on eyeballing the chart so please forgive small errors.
Is there reason to doubt that the vast majority of these "excess deaths" were caused by people dying of covid? If not, then if we add up the number of such excess deaths and get 600k, would you agree that would be a reasonable total to be throwing around regardless of what silly things people in NY or CA might be putting on death certificates?
You're not hearing what I'm trying to say. Let me try an example.

In the last full week of 2020, the "expected" number of people didn't die in the US: the actual number was 24 to 26,000 higher for the week. Not died of covid, died at all.
The next week, it was 27k. The next week, it was 26.5k. The next week, it was 26k. This is rough mental math based on eyeballing the chart so please forgive small errors.
Is there reason to doubt that the vast majority of these "excess deaths" were caused by people dying of covid? If not, then if we add up the number of such excess deaths and get 600k, would you agree that would be a reasonable total to be throwing around regardless of what silly things people in NY or CA might be putting on death certificates?

I can't give you numbers, because it was like four months ago that this came up and I'm travelling right now, but the stats I was aware of said that 2020 deaths were basically the same as before Covid had hit.
I can't give you numbers, because it was like four months ago that this came up and I'm travelling right now, but the stats I was aware of said that 2020 deaths were basically the same as before Covid had hit.
The linked page has the CDC graph for overall (not covid) weekly deaths, which is fairly obviously far above normal. I would be grateful if you could do anything at all to point me in the direction of credible numbers that contradict the CDC overall death numbers, even if you can't give an actual link.

As more and more of this is likely to happen, it's important to point out to democrats that this is because of Biden's push of CRT. That it's something that trains kids to think exclusively along racial lines which will make racism a far worse thing.

You never know, this could become a reality:


"This is about the American people's right to vote, unfettered. It is about their access to the right to vote in a meaningful way "

By vote unfettered, you mean vote as much as you want? And I am pretty sure for the latter you mean only the American people on your side.

We already caught on to your game Komola.
Welp looks like after letting the most anti democracy bill ever die on his watch Biden has decided to sue Georgia over its extremely reasonable new voting law.

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