United States Biden administration policies and actions - megathread

Faithful and devout Catholic Joe Biden omitted the word 'God' from the National Day of Prayer speech. By comparison both Trump and GWB referenced God eight times and even Obama managed to namedrop the Wests favorite deity four times.

I'm waiting for the day he forgets his own name. :LOL:
New jobs way under expectations and unemployment is up to 6.1% US jobs figures fall far short of expectations

Huh. So paying people more to stay home than they can get working means they don’t want to work? Who knew? /s

Of course, the Democrats are already clamoring for even more money now. Or is this going to be why they justify the minimum wage: “We need to make it competitive so people won’t want to stay home for all the extra money we give them!”

And then there’s the fact that Biden is trying to waive the patents on the vaccines...despite the fact that it requires specialized equipment and know-how to produce. Guess he figures this way he can give China even more secrets so they don’t have to steal it.
Of course, the Democrats are already clamoring for even more money now. Or is this going to be why they justify the minimum wage: “We need to make it competitive so people won’t want to stay home for all the extra money we give them!”
Just you wait, all future elections will devolve into a romanesque squabble over who can promise the most cash to the people regardless of economic consequences.
Faithful and devout Catholic Joe Biden omitted the word 'God' from the National Day of Prayer speech. By comparison both Trump and GWB referenced God eight times and even Obama managed to namedrop the Wests favorite deity four times.

And of course none of State Media are running the story, just the usual Right leaning suspects (of which the New York Post is surprisingly becoming a member of). I wonder if they'll just pretend it never happened or run a bevy of "Republicans pounce" articles spinning it?

EDIT: Well stop the flying pigs. Snopes fact checked the claim and called it True. I wonder if they noticed that no one believes them anymore?
And of course none of State Media are running the story, just the usual Right leaning suspects (of which the New York Post is surprisingly becoming a member of). I wonder if they'll just pretend it never happened or run a bevy of "Republicans pounce" articles spinning it?

EDIT: Well stop the flying pigs. Snopes fact checked the claim and called it True. I wonder if they noticed that no one believes them anymore?
Places like Snopes have to be honest about a lot of stuff. Then on the stuff they find important they add a spin.

So when someone calls them liars, people are like "nuh uh look at this"

Yoi tell the truth 90% of the time and slant the truth when you find it necessary.
Yeah, Snopes isn't going to try to spin something like this which is very obviously checkable and a black and white fact. Their spin goes into the more unverifiable or grey areas and more often you get "Mixed: Yes, the mass-shooter was a registered Democrat wearing a Biden-Harris T-Shirt and posted positive reviews of the Communist Manifesto on Facebook but we can't be certain he voted for Democratic candidates and didn't actually lean Conservative in his thinking."
Just you wait, all future elections will devolve into a romanesque squabble over who can promise the most cash to the people regardless of economic consequences.

Perhaps, but I suspect the reaction is going to be more like with Thatcher in that enough people are going to figure out that a huge welfare state isn't sustainable. Especially in light of the fact that we are already seeing the Democrats run into trouble with the economy, and they aren't likely to suddenly make a right turn and get back on track.

At some point the money *will* run out, and more people are going to figure out that they're going to get screwed on taxes and the like if they don't cut back on the welfare state.

Either that or it implodes, the entire global economy crashes with it, and we suddenly have to unfuck it and people re-learn why socialism is a terrible idea.
people re-learn why socialism is a terrible idea.
Maybe for three or four generations, but then some retard is going to come along and proclaim that "Hey, guys, I found this interesting book about class! I've modified it a bit and THIS time it will work!" I don't even know any good ways to prevent this from happening.
Maybe for three or four generations, but then some retard is going to come along and proclaim that "Hey, guys, I found this interesting book about class! I've modified it a bit and THIS time it will work!" I don't even know any good ways to prevent this from happening.

Reverse the long march through the institutions. Support for socialism is dead within two generations and probably won't come back.
And how exactly are we suppose to do that? These leftoids are deeply buried in like ticks and always on the lookout for potential right-wingers seeking to dislodge them.

Secure levers of power (which can be done if you have built a power base, preferably through local government), and institute a patriotic curriculum in schools. Those teachers that refuse to teach it will be shown the door, and then these future generations will eventually overrun and replace the leftists in our institutions who have lost the ability to replenish their ranks.

It all starts with the schools, and it can all be fixed with the schools.

Raising taxes does not solve the problem, has not solved the problem, and never will solve the problem.

The problem always has and always will be government spending.

When Reagan cut taxes, government revenue increased. When W. Bush cut taxes, revenue increased. When Trump cut taxes, revenue increased. When you raise taxes, you slow down the economy, and curtail future income. There's a theoretical point where further cutting taxes after that will not increase government revenue, but we've never actually reached it.

The only way that we will pay down the national debt, is by forcing actual fiscal discipline. The only way that that will happen, is a change in the culture, because there's just not enough people who care about the national debt to make it happen right now.

Legally speaking, one thing must happen, and a second thing probably needs to happen in order to get spending under control.

1. Baseline budgeting must be done away with. If you're not familiar with this insane practice, it's where each government department already assumes a % increase to their budget each year. But that's not referred to as growth, if you increase their budget past that, it's considered an increase, and if you slow the rate of growth, that's called a budget cut, even if their budget is still actually growing.

2. Balanced budget amendment. If the Federal Government is not in a formal congressionally-declared war, there will be no deficit spending whatsoever. This should be backed with a measure where if congress fails to pass a balanced budget for two years running, all members of congress are immediately booted from office, and ineligible for re-election in that year.

To think that raising taxes will actually help get the national budget under control shows an unfortunate ignorance of history, and human behavior.
I completely agree with this.
Canada under Harper balanced the budget and limited spending. All was good, all was fine.
Trudeau threw that all away, right before Corona. Smart move for Mr. Blackface.
on top of that, keep spending low, and That's how you pay off these debts.
Well, to be fair, there do exist some extenuating circumstances that can impact that. Reparations for Wuhan Flu from the major debtor responsible for its outbreak, for instance.

CDC says we're closing-in on 600,000 deaths. Then factoring in the lost productivity from those with less severe cases, the emotional harm in genera; (large), the costs of recovery payments and government action meant to alleviate the issues, vaccine development and distribution...Well, before we even get to any potential punitive fees the debts going to have a sizable chunk taken out of it.

Not having those nebulous 'interest' and 'servicing' fees associated with such a large debt makes paying it down easier, too. So it's like a snowball effect there--so long as we don't spend the surplus presented by it, I suppose :p

Of course, idle fantasy and no chance this administration (or even the previous one) would do such. Probably violates all sorts of nonsense, and the US indebting itself to a genocidal regime is so much more profitable than trying to stare them down!
...I made myself sad.
During her meeting with President Obrador of Mexico, Kamala Harris decided to hang up on him mid-meeting because she had more important things to do.

Obrador is apparently furious and Kamala doesn't care. Compare that to Trump who had a very good relationship with Obrador.

The Left always said that Trump was racist and incompetent and that they would bring courtesy and professionalism back to international diplomacy.

So much for that.
During her meeting with President Obrador of Mexico, Kamala Harris decided to hang up on him mid-meeting because she had more important things to do.

Obrador is apparently furious and Kamala doesn't care. Compare that to Trump who had a very good relationship with Obrador.

The Left always said that Trump was racist and incompetent and that they would bring courtesy and professionalism back to international diplomacy.

So much for that.
Of course they did that. Courtesy and professionalism from the left means shutting up and letting them lecture you of your many envisioned faults. The Democrats are super great at spending political capital either with no intention of actually following through or any idea of how it was gotten to begin with.
During her meeting with President Obrador of Mexico, Kamala Harris decided to hang up on him mid-meeting because she had more important things to do.

Obrador is apparently furious and Kamala doesn't care. Compare that to Trump who had a very good relationship with Obrador.

The Left always said that Trump was racist and incompetent and that they would bring courtesy and professionalism back to international diplomacy.

So much for that.

Trump blustered but he always knew where his bread was buttered.

Kamala doesn't have the economic foundation and doesn't get trade at least not really.
During her meeting with President Obrador of Mexico, Kamala Harris decided to hang up on him mid-meeting because she had more important things to do.

Obrador is apparently furious and Kamala doesn't care. Compare that to Trump who had a very good relationship with Obrador.

The Left always said that Trump was racist and incompetent and that they would bring courtesy and professionalism back to international diplomacy.

So much for that.
And Trump was the one who wanted to build a wall too.

A red plague those neo-commies are on the earth.

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