Israel ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡± State of Israel Thread

The EU is not very supportive of Palestine for many reasons : no matter how much Progressive some EU mainstream parties have become some of them can't support it besides comments or donations because they still care about being called anti-semitic.
You're... partially right. The EU regarding Palestine actually consists of roughly three factions: the pro-Israel German-led coalition of EU countries, which are typically supportive of Israel over Palestine, but then you also have a French-led faction that is pro-Palestine and an Italian-led faction that is neutral. The EU as an institution? No, they absolutely could not give two shits and regularly call out both sides for their actions in the West Bank: Israel/Palestine: Statement by the Spokesperson on settlement expansion and the situation in East Jerusalem | EEAS
If Israel went apeshit and full-blown annexes the West Bank it'll be pretty much isolated on the world stage (aside from, like, Myanmar, lol).
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I mean to be fair even if a group is not my own I can still say that them being hurt is a "bad thing" I'm not a jew I can still say the holocaust was bad. As for your complaint about Muslim Arabs the same appliest o Jews they don't care about the political rights well being. Very few Jews in the west vote for conservative parties.
True, and that's because, for obvious reasons, more conservative Jews were more likely to go to Israel, while leftist Jews, well, why would they give a damn about being in one country or another, PROGRESS! has to happen everywhere anyway, but let's not project the fault of those on the Israeli Jews.
If you don't give a fuck about the Jewish state that is great you should not have to care about it. I am not arguing against you I am arguing against evangelicals and cucks like Dan Crenshaw who want to betray the U.S. Like people complain about Biden or the Democrats being China puppets and some of that is fair. But show me one example of them wanting to pass laws banning criticising Israel, or requiring companies to sign a pledge that they support Israel. Like imagine if the democrats passed a law that made talking shit about the CCP illegal. Yeah pieces of shit like Crenshaw and the Neocons should be kicked out of power and the right should make their faction weaker.

Do they? A lot of that is very nasty slapfights where some neocon wants to slap down leftist/islamic BDS movement (that's what the pledge is about, it's a movement of hardcore leftists with ME migrant support, so like Israel or not, it's a right wing politicians job to shit on them all day) and someone makes it a soundbite about being a traitor or caring about Israel too much.

CCP is obviously a different situation because it's almost universally agreed that it's a rival power. Israel is in far more controversial territory leaning towards ally, closer to Turkey, Pakistan or France. Should we except the left's effort in attacking such even if... provisional and controversial allies from our right wing political opposition? I would say obviously not.
Why should i defend far left activism if it wants to infiltrate foreign policy? Screw the reds, i say. Is there some massive right wing or libertarian movement to boycott Israel over matters of US national interest that i'm not aware of?
I'm sorry it took so long for me to respond so I lost my groove but I gave three examples so it's not actually a binary. A binary is two choices.
You in quote:
"There are two possible options."
Do you have to play these word games?
Many of the people who whined about apartheid also 100 percent support Israel.
And that's why they made mistake regarding SA. If they got wiser with that mistake, great, we shouldn't complain about people getting wiser.
It was not a fringe strawman, people hate those they are at war with. They say things, you don't like some of the groups we are talking about hell I don't like Muslims. I've in the past talked about carpet nuking the middle east, and I did not mean it. Yet imagine how much more often that would happen if it was a real war instead of police actions, and colonial skirmashes.
People take hate to different forms and levels, news and eleven.
We were talking about the generic conception of rights in America. You and me think of rights differently than the normal way and see them as privileges. I don't know why you are hung up on this, defending a conception you don't believe in.
Because there isn't even a single specific conception, there are many, pushed by various political factions.
I should have stuck with just HK, to not draw in more stuff. But you realize the only reason the UK gave it back was because the Chinese were very likely to attack to get it back anyway right? If China was weak or forced by a previous treaty with the US to have no army I don't think the British would have chosen to give it back.
Do you realize that the truly "laws above might" solution would be for UK to give it back, and then, upon China violating its obligations of respecting HK self-governance and such for agreed upon time, invade, take it back, and add additional punitive measures against China?
But it's not a place for multi level what-ifs.
Ok? I can find shit in Jewish texts that talk about treating Goyim badly, or genocide or shit. I can find stuff in the Christian text. I know the passage you are reffering about it deals with an apocalyptic war what is your point. Muslims could have exterminated the Jews in 1000 AD yet they just treated them as second class citizens.(And Christians as third)
Great, so, why are people insisting on criticizing Israel for wanting to treat Muslims as second class citizens (and not just on account of ancient texts, but after they have put a lot of effort into earning that over recent decades), aka apartheid state?
Again Muslims have existed for 1400 years they have held lands with Jews in them for over a millenia. They could have done the Nazi thing and exterminated them. They did not. Nazism main tennant is to kill the Jews and is based on biological race war, Islam's tennant is not that.
Where are you going with this "they could have killed them, but they kept them around and just treated them like crap because they were useful" argument?
Again you can't prove what you are setting out to do Islam has not genocided the Jews when they had the upper hand. That fact disproves your point.
Not genocided technically (killed a lot of them, just not all), just culled and treated as a servants. What's your point in that?
That's the same grade of argument as Turks saying Armenian genocide wasn't a genocide because obviously there were Armenians left.



As a westerner why would you give a damn what territory Jews think is theirs? Again ATP's way of thinking on this is better. Fuck both of them, ally with one when it's favorable, oppose one when it's favorable.
As a westerner why would i give a damn about what territory Arabs think is theirs?
In the grand scheme of things, it's not an equal opportunistic comparison. Zionist Jews want just a state in ME, the argument being about whether its borders should go tens of kilometers this or that way. Not much room for conflict with westernerers there.
The Arab world meanwhile, can get quite... creative and ambitions in its demands on the West, and did many times in the past.
Nothing wrong with religious nepotism you should be friendly to people who share your morals.
Yup. And i brought up that most people don't share yours. This shit is why since the industrial age and later fall of significance of religion in western countries, nationalism and national culture is what unites states, not religions, about which people are more expected to "agree to disagree".
It's not my personal exotic standard, you haven't told what yours is. Modern western order is built on status quo that is why the west would not tolerate Germany trying to get it's eastern territory that was "theirs" from Poland. Again Hong Kong example if China in the 90's invaded Honk Kong do you think the west would support the UK or China?
My standard is that i support partially westernized nationalists against islamists, simple as that.
And there is an important comparison here to notice, in many of such cases "you lost the war, suck it up" is expected to be the ultimate argument. Germans accepted it. UK would also accept it if it had to. The whole reason why the Palestinian conflict persists rather than disappearing in the 50's, 60's or 70's is that they have lost a few wars and yet still insist on not making concessions.
Umm there are nations that were forcibly kept seperate to prevent them from uniting and becoming stronger. Germany is an example, also in the medieval period the Italian city states. I mean think about it if it was possible for you to send spies or assassins to cause Russia to break up into multiple smaller states like Muscovy, Saint Petersburg, Novgorod, etc. would that not make the rest of eastern europe safer as they could not be invaded? Wouldn't you like that?
Germany is a very good example, and also an excellent demonstration of what it takes to keep nations forcibly separate (or united for that matter) even if they truly want the opposite. Divisions of superpower's troops and legions of agents (Putin himself in his early career was one of those), standing there, glaring menacingly at anyone who gets the wrong ideas, whispering stories of gulags and bullets to the back of the head. None of this nebulous conspiracy shit, that's just a coping mechanism for Arabs who don't want to admit that their political culture is utter shite.
And of course the west would not encourage or prevent the Arabs to unite, after all we are dumb enough to let a large empire like Russia to rise up in a place where they would have control over oil and trade zones.
Arabs being Arabs i think is a much better explanation. As for Russia, the irony is that the current problems in no way would be fixed by fragmenting the western part of Russia. The real problem is the resource rich part behind Ural, tempting the government of whoever controls it to go full hog ME style dictatorship, because why not, it's not like they need a real economy to pay for the army, bureaucracy and important people, and running a real economy is hard.

Yes there are groups out there that simp for Israel to a disgusting degree, and even take trips to Israel and help out for free. So no this isn't some we both benefit situation. This is a group of natural slaves who sadly have political power, the evangelicals and neocucks do not deserve rights because they are natural slaves sadly they are a chunk of the population and are able to loudly cry for their desires for cuckoldry, such a group makes me want to have them lose and hope their sons and daughters end up becoming trannies.

Yup, that faction is kinda disgusting, not unlike certain leftists, ironically also including the people who whine about muh apartheid in Israel.
Umm many arab states with dictators were stable and were not leaking refugees. Tell me when do you think the refugee crisis started?
Refugee crisis started truly when Merkel went full retard and started advertising the asylum exploit in western legal systems, and leftists helped.
I know you want to put the blame on "western meddling", but a look at the major sources of them demonstrates how irrelevant that is.
Height of migrant crisis:

When did anyone "regime change" Eritrea or Iran?
Most Jews(except hardcore communists ironically) like and support Israel yes even international liberal Jews like Israel and support it, they may not support Netanyahu but that does not matter Benjamin is not king he is just Prime Minister.

Pew even has nice polls about that specifically.
Yes, most of them more or less support Israel, though a whole lot of the non-orthodox ones hold the views of naive liberals regarding the situation.
There is even one poll that goes a long way towards explaining the Israel-Evangelical alliance:

Who knew, orthodox Jews, the most pro-Israeli kind of Jews, votes for US right at the same rate as white evangelicals, which is also highest from among all US population groups, so its not nearly as cucked as it seems, looks more like an alliance.
I mean they are but are you saying for all of history they were corrupt shitholes worse than anywhere else and everyone was leaving them to go to Europe as a refugee?
No, they stayed in place and tried to fix up said place, even if chances were slim and short, uncomfortable life awaited them, because Europe either was also shitty, and once it stopped being shitty, it wasn't retarded enough to allow such a thing - that's an innovation of Cold War era human rights expansion, even in paper, and in practice viable only after Cold War.
You think that if in 1900 all the poor people in Africa could hop on a ship to London or Calais and get free welfare and housing there, there wouldn't be a refugee crisis?
Of course not, there were laws against that.
Well, now they can, and there is a refugee crisis. Coincidence? I think not.
I mean why shouldn't we obsess about it? It's in our interests to do so. We want people who we have kinship with to be treated good, also many Polish people are Catholic they will go on pilgrimage to the Holy Land they do not want to be spit on or harassed. Why are you cucking for American evangelicals. Honestly they are a group who both foreigners and everyone else on the right would be better off if they were reduced.
So you want to reduce the most right wing voting subsection of US Christians... And you think they are the cucks... because they agree with orthodox Jews on the matter of Israel... who are voting as right wing as the evangelicals?

What would be our interest? Instead of shilling for the Arabs of Palestine with their islamic bent (they aren't nice to Christians either, if you think spit and rocks are that bad, how about molotovs and ak's), you could be proposing some more cheeky ideas... Like pressuring Israel to let some Western government provide the security for Christian pilgrims. But we all know that no sane government would want to stick their dick into a meatgrinder like this as security in that region is not a simple or easy thing.
I do not want leftists of any kind being even close to any foreign policy but doesn't mean I will side with on Israel. I will not be an ass-livcker for conservative groups or leftist groups nor Israel or Palestine.
If Israel existence had not been detrimental to Mediterranean Europe, considering they supported Islamists in Syria because they were not Assad, I could give a rats ass about its existence.
But considering the disrespect and contempt they have shown to countries like Poland and the fact that they were part contributors to the problems with refugees from and not Syria (by supporting the FSA, who was and still is full of people who are fellow travelers of the worst theocratic opposition) had from 2011 to beyond that in turn allowed Daesh members and/or supporters to slip into Europe I have no reason to support or help them in any shape or form and I have the suspicion that in the near future they will give the world more reasons to do the same.
But it is in the end , a wait and see game for me... like with any country.

They might positevely surprise me.

Emphasis on might.
Not supported, just kinda ignored. Not unlike western countries have with various "diversity".
In America they could loot and burn stores and most of the people doing it weren't caught.

It's even easier to arrest those who throw rocks at the police, because the police is already there and sees who throws rocks at them, lol, yet they get away with that too, somehow, don't play stupid.

Ukrainians have their own language. Lithuanians have their own language. There is no Palestinian language. Ukrainians have their own culture. Lithuanians have their own culture. Palestinians have Arab culture and language.

Nations are not created, you are just taking propaganda points of other empires who complain about local populations not wanting to assimilate to empire that other empires are making them not want assimilate. They may have helped, but that means nothing.

And they still are their tool. Ask me again when Arabs stop caring about "Palestinian cause" and they start disagreeing with Palestinians on something important.

How do you know which is which?

Again, it's minor vandalism, no one is going to have the police drop all the real crime to focus on that, and it's not like Israel is Japan and police is bored with how little crime is there.

Minor vandalism enemies doesn't make, otherwise the whole world would be our enemies because some idiot probably was mean to some tourist and police didn't care that day, doesn't make fucking islamists our allies, stop acting crazy, do you have any sense of scale?
1.Becouse leftist are burning,and police is lead by leftists,too.They do not catched them,becouse they do not wanted.
Just like jewish police in Izrael.

2.Police could ignore attack on themselves,but must act when somebody else is attacked.That is their job.

3.No,they do not have language,only local dialects.Hipolit Kowrin Milewski,who had lands on lithuania,saw how lithuanians from various regions speak polish to each other,becouse they do not undarstandt their dialects.
And they had folklore,not culture.
Palestinians had both dialect and folklore - so are as good nation as ukrainians were in 1920.

4.Without austrian and later german help,ukrainians would be still locals speaking many dialects.Just like lithuanians.

5.Who care about palestinian cause? nobody except palestinians ,that is why Izrael could massacre them in name of "jewish cause"

6.Becouse in polish police you could have incopetent or commies,but not polish racists.Mainly becouse there is almost no racists in Poland.
Did you hear about poles spitting on anybody,like jews on christians? no,except trained leftist,who also spit on christians here.

7.Attacking churches,shops and people on street is minoe vandalism? REALLY ? then,why you attack palestinians for throwing rocks at jews? they are doing what jews to christian,it is only minor vandalism !

8Minor vandalism? polish nuns are practically besieged in their own home.
And,Izrael want steal money from us,too - under pretext,that some polish citizen murdered by germans were jews,so jewish state should get their property.

Which is against all laws in cyvilized countries,but Izrael is not cyvilized.

When palestinians want live on their own land,not money from Poland.They do not attacked our nuns,too.
Izrael also supported kgbstan,even building monuments for soviet genociders.
So,when Izrael decide to go on warpath with us,we should retaliate - and support palestinian case.

Not becouse we care,but becouse they are enemy of our enemy.

Exactly for that reason we are supporting Ukraine now.
1.Becouse leftist are burning,and police is lead by leftists,too.They do not catched them,becouse they do not wanted.
Just like jewish police in Izrael.
So you see, it's not that the government is just letting them attack Christians, it's that they have stupid political need to not do anything about them, regardless of who they attack.
2.Police could ignore attack on themselves,but must act when somebody else is attacked.That is their job.
Soldiers also get attacked, and in Israel that's a huge deal, if soldiers get sick of this shit then the whole country may be in danger.
3.No,they do not have language,only local dialects.Hipolit Kowrin Milewski,who had lands on lithuania,saw how lithuanians from various regions speak polish to each other,becouse they do not undarstandt their dialects.
And they had folklore,not culture.
Yeah, somehow i still can't understand Lithuanian and neither can you.
Palestinians had both dialect and folklore - so are as good nation as ukrainians were in 1920.
They speak Arabic, no mystery there. And that means jack shits, Americans from Boston have a different dialect than Americans from Chicago, but they aren't separate nations.
4.Without austrian and later german help,ukrainians would be still locals speaking many dialects.Just like lithuanians.
Who cares about what-ifs. That same would apply to most nations in Europe pre-1800's.
5.Who care about palestinian cause? nobody except palestinians ,that is why Izrael could massacre them in name of "jewish cause"
If they could, they would.
If no one cares, why were Arabs going to war for it, why they still vote for it and send money for it?

6.Becouse in polish police you could have incopetent or commies,but not polish racists.Mainly becouse there is almost no racists in Poland.
Did you hear about poles spitting on anybody,like jews on christians? no,except trained leftist,who also spit on christians here.
Yes, the hell are you on about, of course various primitives spit on people here too, did you get born yesterday?
7.Attacking churches,shops and people on street is minoe vandalism? REALLY ? then,why you attack palestinians for throwing rocks at jews? they are doing what jews to christian,it is only minor vandalism !
By Israel's standards, yes. Nothing got burned down, no one got killed, not even hospitalized. That's minor.
And if they arrested all Palestinians who throw rocks at police they would run out of prisons, lol.
8Minor vandalism? polish nuns are practically besieged in their own home.
And,Izrael want steal money from us,too - under pretext,that some polish citizen murdered by germans were jews,so jewish state should get their property.
It's worse than that, it's not the Jewish State, they want the money for their international NGOs, Israel has nothing to do with it.

Which is against all laws in cyvilized countries,but Izrael is not cyvilized.

When palestinians want live on their own land,not money from Poland.They do not attacked our nuns,too.
Izrael also supported kgbstan,even building monuments for soviet genociders.
So,when Izrael decide to go on warpath with us,we should retaliate - and support palestinian case.

Not becouse we care,but becouse they are enemy of our enemy.

Exactly for that reason we are supporting Ukraine now.
You are twisting reality to arrive to your preconceived conclusion - you want to see Israel being an enemy, so you do.
Why don't you call Palestinians enemies over this?
Strangling to death is a quite a bit worse than spitting, don't ya think?
Another show of Izraeli cyvilization.
Jews attack christians,mayor deputy Arjeh King who attacked missionaries, among them,and notching is done becouse much holocaust.
Yep,they do not condemn jewish bandits,becouse in their opinion pope do not helped jews during WW2/which is false/

P.S @Marduk,you could belive that palestinians are not nation,and Izrael is our friend - but,in case you forget,Izrael is blaming us for german crimes to get our money,not Palestine.
And jews are attacking christians in jeruzalem,not palestinians.

So,when Poland should not care about other continent,when one country there decide to attack us,his enemies are our allies.
Normal politics.
Another show of Izraeli cyvilization.
Jews attack christians,mayor deputy Arjeh King who attacked missionaries, among them,and notching is done becouse much holocaust.
Yep,they do not condemn jewish bandits,becouse in their opinion pope do not helped jews during WW2/which is false/

Just Haredi things...
This is how the local Muslims treat Christians:
P.S @Marduk,you could belive that palestinians are not nation,and Izrael is our friend - but,in case you forget,Izrael is blaming us for german crimes to get our money,not Palestine.
But it's not even Israel, the biggest pushers of that scheme are leftist Jews with NGOs many of who don't even like Israel either because it's "far right".
And jews are attacking christians in jeruzalem,not palestinians.
They do if they can, which is not much, if they could more, they absolutely would.
Go try preaching Christianity in Gaza and see how happy Hamas is going to be with ya.
So,when Poland should not care about other continent,when one country there decide to attack us,his enemies are our allies.
Normal politics.
That's dumb teenager politics. An enemy of an enemy can still be an enemy nonetheless. This logic got dumb westerners thinking commies were their friends because they fought the Third Reich.
Just Haredi things...
This is how the local Muslims treat Christians:

But it's not even Israel, the biggest pushers of that scheme are leftist Jews with NGOs many of who don't even like Israel either because it's "far right".

They do if they can, which is not much, if they could more, they absolutely would.
Go try preaching Christianity in Gaza and see how happy Hamas is going to be with ya.

That's dumb teenager politics. An enemy of an enemy can still be an enemy nonetheless. This logic got dumb westerners thinking commies were their friends because they fought the Third Reich.
Muslims,at least palestinians,are cunts.Agree.
But,they do not blame us for Holocaust or try steal money from us.
They do not sell us military stuff which would be compromised if we fight Moscov,just like they sell Putin codes for georgian drones buyed in Izrael.
They do not want come here and rule over us,but are happy to reclaim Palestine.

As long as Izrael keep attacking us,and palestinians do not try come here,we are allies.
Muslims,at least palestinians,are cunts.Agree.
But,they do not blame us for Holocaust or try steal money from us.
They do not sell us military stuff which would be compromised if we fight Moscov,just like they sell Putin codes for georgian drones buyed in Izrael.
Some do, some don't don't blame Israel for what few politicians or Jews who aren't even Israeli do.
They do not want come here and rule over us,but are happy to reclaim Palestine.
Oh they absolutely would want to, and do whenever they can. Look at all the other Arabs with their own countries going to Europe illegally.
As long as Izrael keep attacking us,and palestinians do not try come here,we are allies.
Israel is not attacking us, and we have no business caring for some Arabs, they would never care for us.
Some do, some don't don't blame Israel for what few politicians or Jews who aren't even Israeli do.

Oh they absolutely would want to, and do whenever they can. Look at all the other Arabs with their own countries going to Europe illegally.

Israel is not attacking us, and we have no business caring for some Arabs, they would never care for us.
You are arguing with someone who thinks jews eat people:
2.Orthodox jews belive that all others are goim,which mean cattle.If i belive so,i would eat goim.That is all.Cattle is for being eaten.If i belive that other people are cattle,i would eat them.
I am sure,that they could legally eat people from time to time.
They had right to belive that i am cattle,and - if law abide so - to eat me.
What else do you expected ? for orthodox jews all no-jews are goim,which literally mean cattle.It strange,that he do not eat any catholics there.
Stop wasting your breath. Dude just hates jews and won't listen to sense.
You are arguing with someone who thinks jews eat people:

Stop wasting your breath. Dude just hates jews and won't listen to sense.

Non-kosher animals[22][23]—any mammals without certain identifying characteristics (cloven hooves and rumination); any birds of prey; any fish without fins or scales (thus excluding catfish, for instance).

Human beings are not Kosher and thus eating human beings violates kosher laws.
Non-kosher animals[22][23]—any mammals without certain identifying characteristics (cloven hooves and rumination); any birds of prey; any fish without fins or scales (thus excluding catfish, for instance).

Human beings are not Kosher and thus eating human beings violates kosher laws.
Yup there is much you can criticize Jews for. But to bring in things like blood libel is just a false malicious slander. Jews are not allowed to eat humans, or consume blood.
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You are arguing with someone who thinks jews eat people:

Stop wasting your breath. Dude just hates jews and won't listen to sense.
You do not read my post,yet stil citate it.Orthodox jews belive,that we are cattle.Good for them,i had notching against it.
I only do not undarstandt,why they do not eat us.

Becouse,if i belive that somebody is cattle,i would eat him.Becouse cattle exist to be eaten.
If you do not undarstandt that....

P.S I do not hate jews,i do not care about them.As long as they do not try steal from me,or attack in other way,i hoinestly do not care what they do,and do not care they orthodox jews think that we are cattle.
Their problem,not mine.As long as they do not try kill and eat me or somebody in my country.

Some do, some don't don't blame Israel for what few politicians or Jews who aren't even Israeli do.

Oh they absolutely would want to, and do whenever they can. Look at all the other Arabs with their own countries going to Europe illegally.

Israel is not attacking us, and we have no business caring for some Arabs, they would never care for us.
Entire Izrael state is our enemy at least from 2009.I do not care about palestinians,but as long as Izrael2.0 keep attacking us,palestinian are allies.
If they stop,i would stop caring about both nations.

What's causing so much deep-seated hostility on this discussion thread?

Not hostility. @Marduk belive,that Poland should support Izrael when they keep attacking us.
I think,that in this situation we should support palestinians,even when i do not care about them.That is all.

Non-kosher animals[22][23]—any mammals without certain identifying characteristics (cloven hooves and rumination); any birds of prey; any fish without fins or scales (thus excluding catfish, for instance).

Human beings are not Kosher and thus eating human beings violates kosher laws.

Thanks. Now,i undarstandt why Felix Koneczny do not belived that orthodox jews killed chistian children.
Entire Izrael state is our enemy at least from 2009.I do not care about palestinians,but as long as Izrael2.0 keep attacking us,palestinian are allies.
If they stop,i would stop caring about both nations.
How is entire Israel attacking us since 2009?
How is entire Israel attacking us since 2009?
Money.All goverments wonted money which belonged to Poland jewish citizen murdered by germans at least from 2009.
Which is as stupid as if polish goverment demanded money belonging to poles who died as USA citizen.

Back to topic - illegal jewish settlers on WB attacked palestinians and their property at least 600 times.
One of Izraeli generals who served there,Amiram Levin,compared it to what germans did to jews.
And,he is against it not becouse he care about palestinians,but becouse Izraeli soldiers who support jewish illegal settlers become rot from within.
He is condemning those crimes to help jewish soldiers,not palestinians.

Another Izraeli general,Jair Golan,warned in 2006 that izraeli jewish society start changing like german society before Holocaust.
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Money.All goverments wonted money which belonged to Poland jewish citizen murdered by germans at least from 2009.
Which is as stupid as if polish goverment demanded money belonging to poles who died as USA citizen.
FFS, look up who actually demanded the money, it wasn't Israeli government.
Yes, it is stupid, and it is stupider than you think, because it's Jewish NGOs who demanded the money, not the government of Israel.
Some Israeli politicians gave those demands verbal support, but that's it, they aren't the ones making the demands and if they were to succeed, Israel as in the government, the state budget, wouldn't get anything anyway.
But again, what has Israel as a state actually done to Poland to attack it?
Back to topic - illegal jewish settlers on WB attacked palestinians and their property at least 600 times.
One of Izraeli generals who served there,Amiram Levin,compared it to what germans did to jews.
And,he is against it not becouse he care about palestinians,but becouse Izraeli soldiers who support jewish illegal settlers become rot from within.
He is condemning those crimes to help jewish soldiers,not palestinians.

Another Izraeli general,Jair Golan,warned in 2006 that izraeli jewish society start changing like german society before Holocaust.
Of course it's a pain in the ass for them, it creates a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation regarding politics of protecting the settlers for them, in addition to the increased security burden.
FFS, look up who actually demanded the money, it wasn't Israeli government.
Yes, it is stupid, and it is stupider than you think, because it's Jewish NGOs who demanded the money, not the government of Israel.
Some Israeli politicians gave those demands verbal support, but that's it, they aren't the ones making the demands and if they were to succeed, Israel as in the government, the state budget, wouldn't get anything anyway.
But again, what has Israel as a state actually done to Poland to attack it?

Of course it's a pain in the ass for them, it creates a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation regarding politics of protecting the settlers for them, in addition to the increased security burden.
1.Well,money from germans for their real crimes mostly go to some shady dudes,too.But - it not change fact,that Izrael is supporting it.
If they decide to be our enemy for free,then....well,i always thought that jews are very smart.I hope that those politicians get some money from that.

2.Easy,just remove illegal settlers.Or tell them,that army is leaving in 24h,and later Hamas would come.And,that there would be no help.
1.Well,money from germans for their real crimes mostly go to some shady dudes,too.But - it not change fact,that Izrael is supporting it.
Is it really? Shady dudes with such a big scheme of course can pay off some politicians to give them a word of support, but is Israel as a country really doing anything regarding it?
If they decide to be our enemy for free,then....well,i always thought that jews are very smart.I hope that those politicians get some money from that.
Again i ask, what did they do to be our enemy? Do, as in actions, not "some dude said something".
2.Easy,just remove illegal settlers.Or tell them,that army is leaving in 24h,and later Hamas would come.And,that there would be no help.
Politics. Both would hurt the poll bars of the people who would have to order it and they really need their poll bars, so they don't. You can't complain Israel's politicians are not as stupid as some of the western ones, you can complain about those being stupid.

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