Israel ðŸ‡®ðŸ‡± State of Israel Thread

It's okay to hate people like me. It's in your blood, just as it's okay for me to hate Catholics like you. Go back and learn proper English spelling. You sound like a dumb peasant that missed its lobotomy appointment. 🖕
I do not hate you,poor heretic.And, my grandmother was peasant,and i am still proud of her.
About being dumb - read again your own post,and start thinking.

That dude needs to be cancelled ASAP!
Obama blamed on us german crimes,and USA are funding Izrael ,turning their arab friends into USA enemies.
Could you kindly explain,what USA get from that ?
I do not hate you,poor heretic.And, my grandmother was peasant,and i am still proud of her.
About being dumb - read again your own post,and start thinking.

Obama blamed on us german crimes,and USA are funding Izrael ,turning their arab friends into USA enemies.
Could you kindly explain,what USA get from that ?
Show the proof of this
I do not hate you,poor heretic.And, my grandmother was peasant,and i am still proud of her.
About being dumb - read again your own post,and start thinking.
You should. I am already thinking that Catholics are scum. They ruined my homeland, and my race. Cancelling them would be a nice payback.
It's okay to hate people like me. It's in your blood, just as it's okay for me to hate Catholics like you. Go back and learn proper English spelling. You sound like a dumb peasant that missed its lobotomy appointment. 🖕
Now I’m curious you used to be Catholic what are you now? Hopefully not Protestant.
Everyone would you kindly get back on track and stop dogpiling or throwing insults?
Since 1968,certainly 1973 USA are paing Izrael,and,as a result,lost support of arab people.In other worlds,USA payed for turning friends into enemy.
Either they are idiots,or owned by Izrael.Becouse i wish USA well,i decided that letter is true.
We aren't idiots and we aren't 'owned' either the Arabs chiefly Egypt went to the Soviets and drew lines first when they openly went from flirting with them to outright aligning with them during the War of Attrition.

From their it was supporting Israel or see domination of the Middle East by the Soviets.
Also look at USA elections - all candidates,from both parties,are examined by ADL if they would support Izrael with USA money,or not.
Your point? The ADL examines a plethora of things and ultimately they don't matter because they don't desire anything.
Izrael occupy palestinian lands,and USA pay for it.Armenia just lost Arcah and it 1500 year old churches are destroyed,but nobody care in USA.
Armenians were genocided by turks like jews by germans - so why help one nation occupy other nation territory,and do not help others when they lost lands which belonged to them for last 5000 years?
Don't give me that crap! America doesn't give a damn about Armenia at the moment because politically and geographically they are beyond our reach and have been too hot to handle for us politically, the world is a big place, and we can't deal with everything.

Armenia since gaining independence in fucking 1991 from the Soviets is wedged between Russia, Syria, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. Literally we have no fucking access to it, nobody who will help us get their and furthermore no political capital to handle such a situation.

In other words, we can't afford to help them at the moment, but we can Israel and since they are a fairly reliable ally (As much as any independent nation truly can be) and there is nobody pissed at them who isn't already we might as well.
Pease continue dogpiling if you really must,i do not mind.And,i would find you Obama and polish death camps if you really wish for it.
Here,Obama talking about "polish death camps"
When he later made apology,he said that it was nazi,not german camp - so,he still lied.





This is you big proof? Obama literally making a gaffe? You have literally come out and openly lied about my nation by stating that a majority of American's truly believe that the Holocaust was perpetuated by Poles and this is the only proof you have?

I will be honest...The problem here is you and your damn lack of any skills in English, the fact that I am defending motherfucking Obama can only be proof of it!

The man is openly praising a Polish War Hero and giving him a medal and yet you are fixated on the fact that he says 'Polish Deathcamp' when it is in fact a 'Polish Deathcamp' IE it is a 'Deathcamp' for 'Jewish Poles' as far as I am concerned Obama's only mistake here was bowing to Polish Outrage rather than telling them to simply take classes in English.

You still think otherwise? Point to me the Pole that we Americans specifically think led the Holocaust if Hitler an Austrian born German did not!
When he later made apology,he said that it was nazi,not german camp - so,he still lied.
Bullshit! Nobody gives a damn about your definiton of anything @ATP every American knows the Nazi's were Germans so stop pretending we thing otherwise!
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You should. I am already thinking that Catholics are scum. They ruined my homeland, and my race. Cancelling them would be a nice payback.
I still do not hate you,poor heretic.And,Catholic Church do not ruined anything till Vaticanum II.
You could laugh at us at your heart content now.

Everyone would you kindly get back on track and stop dogpiling or throwing insults?

We aren't idiots and we aren't 'owned' either the Arabs chiefly Egypt went to the Soviets and drew lines first when they openly went from flirting with them to outright aligning with them during the War of Attrition.

From their it was supporting Israel or see domination of the Middle East by the Soviets.

Your point? The ADL examines a plethora of things and ultimately they don't matter because they don't desire anything.

Don't give me that crap! America doesn't give a damn about Armenia at the moment because politically and geographically they are beyond our reach and have been too hot to handle for us politically, the world is a big place, and we can't deal with everything.

Armenia since gaining independence in fucking 1991 from the Soviets is wedged between Russia, Syria, Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey. Literally we have no fucking access to it, nobody who will help us get their and furthermore no political capital to handle such a situation.

In other words, we can't afford to help them at the moment, but we can Israel and since they are a fairly reliable ally (As much as any independent nation truly can be) and there is nobody pissed at them who isn't already we might as well.





This is you big proof? Obama literally making a gaffe? You have literally come out and openly lied about my nation by stating that a majority of American's truly believe that the Holocaust was perpetuated by Poles and this is the only proof you have?

I will be honest...The problem here is you and your damn lack of any skills in English, the fact that I am defending motherfucking Obama can only be proof of it!

The man is openly praising a Polish War Hero and giving him a medal and yet you are fixated on the fact that he says 'Polish Deathcamp' when it is in fact a 'Polish Deathcamp' IE it is a 'Deathcamp' for 'Jewish Poles' as far as I am concerned Obama's only mistake here was bowing to Polish Outrage rather than telling them to simply take classes in English.

You still think otherwise? Point to me the Pole that we Americans specifically think led the Holocaust if Hitler an Austrian born German did not!

Bullshit! Nobody gives a damn about your definiton of anything @ATP every American knows the Nazi's were Germans so stop pretending we thing otherwise!
1.Arabs was fightiong Izrael,not USA.Why USA should help anybody there,or even care who win? all they need was oil in Saudi Arabia.Nobody care now who own Jerusalem,it is not Middle Ages.

2.My point - why ADL had power to examine candidates in USA.USA should support countries they need,not countries which minorities living in USA want it.

3.And what USA get from paing Izrael bills? except China getting USA technology.
Either you help nations becouse they are genocided,and then you should help Armenia,or just for business.
Then,do not help Armenia,but do not help Izrael,too.

4.Yes,Obama was praising polish hero,who warned FDR about Holocaust.
And he still lied that was polish death camps here.And,when he finally made apology,he say that there was nazi,not german death camps.

5.It is not my definition,if you knew that there was german death camps,you would say german death camps,not some mythical nazi death camps.

Here,Obama so called apology.They even mentioned that polish territory was occupied by germans - BUT,death camps were still nazi,not german.

And from where those "nazi" come? Naziland,or germany?
P.S klick at YT to watch.
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1.Arabs was fightiong Izrael,not USA.Why USA should help anybody there,or even care who win? all they need was oil in Saudi Arabia.Nobody care now who own Jerusalem,it is not Middle Ages.
We don't just support Israel though because they are Jews or for religious reasons, we do it because they are the only state in the Middle East with a future untied to oil and fwithun spititing distance of the Suez Canal, furthermore they don't possess a mass population of political parties solely devoted to the concept of Holy Jihad against the U.S.
2.My point - why ADL had power to examine candidates in USA.USA should support countries they need,not countries which minorities living in USA want it.
You're an idiot the ADL isn't anything more than an advisory body and has no more clout than the NRA and their rating system of candidates.
3.And what USA get from paing Izrael bills? except China getting USA technology.
Either you help nations becouse they are genocided,and then you should help Armenia,or just for business.
Then,do not help Armenia,but do not help Izrael,too.
We can't help Armenia at present! It's impossible without collapsing the whole Geopolitical order dumbass.
4.Yes,Obama was praising polish hero,who warned FDR about Holocaust.
And he still lied that was polish death camps here.And,when he finally made apology,he say that there was nazi,not german death camps.
Nobody gives a crap about your definition of anything 'Nazi's in the English language is a term used interchangeably with German from the years 1933 when they seized power to their downfall in 1945 when they ceased governing the country as a political institution.

And before you scream 'but' as we have heard a thousand times before allow me to say.

"I don't care."

Literally outside a small group of people you share like mindedness with in Poland the definition I gave is the international recognised consensus of what phrase Nazi' means to hell with what you think should be the different.
@ATP after discussing your behavior and repeated derailing of threads in relation to your fixation of Germany and Nazi's in particular any further attempts to derail unrelated threads with the subject will result in thread bans being leveled against you.

Furthermore, all your threads involving anything to do with Germans are to be folded into into one thread.

Don't post anything related to the subject outside of it and any more discussion on this matter should be moved and consigned
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We don't just support Israel though because they are Jews or for religious reasons, we do it because they are the only state in the Middle East with a future untied to oil and fwithun spititing distance of the Suez Canal, furthermore they don't possess a mass population of political parties solely devoted to the concept of Holy Jihad against the U.S.

You're an idiot the ADL isn't anything more than an advisory body and has no more clout than the NRA and their rating system of candidates.

We can't help Armenia at present! It's impossible without collapsing the whole Geopolitical order dumbass.

Nobody gives a crap about your definition of anything 'Nazi's in the English language is a term used interchangeably with German from the years 1933 when they seized power to their downfall in 1945 when they ceased governing the country as a political institution.

And before you scream 'but' as we have heard a thousand times before allow me to say.

"I don't care."

Literally outside a small group of people you share like mindedness with in Poland the definition I gave is the international recognised consensus of what phrase Nazi' means to hell with what you think should be the different.
1.Then,USA need Egypt,not Palestine occupied by jews. i idiot? moderate yourself.
3.Am i dumbass? moderate yourself,again. And why help Izrael,when there is nothing worth supporting there ?
4.Not my definition.See who was USA fighting till 1945 - nazis or germans?
Could you show me,when mythical nazi state with nazi nation existed?

Back to topic - USA maybe need Egypt there/canal/ but not Izrael or Palestine.And,since jews are winning,why those who like them want supporting their fight? they no need your help to crush Hamas and cleanse WB.
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The Palestinians are pretty much viewed as being no better than cow shit on the bottom of their shoes by other Islamic nations. They're disposable cats' paws, nothing else.
Always were ,always would be.But,for iranians it is even more true,becouse they really look down on any other muslim nations - and for good reasons.
I read article about Moscov disinformation,and among many other sites,they had one called
Yep,apparently for them Moscov is katehon.

But,back to Izrael. One of many stars there is our old friend Dugin,who decided that not only Moscov,but also islam are good cyvilizations who fight bad West,which is judeochristian and degenerated.

I almost wish,that they would win - i would laugh like hyena in my comfy massgrave when muslims start butchering Dugin&friends after finishing with us.
The old adage holds: Iran is ruled by Islamists, populated by secularists. Saudi Arabia is ruled by secularists, populated by Islamists.
Fox Business Network reporting Biden administration intentionally slow-walking Israel's military operations on invading Gaza Strip.

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