Liberals/left who say America is the most racist country in the world obviously do not know much about the world they live in, mainly because they live in a cartoon version of reality where all the racist and evil and antisemitic villains are moustache-twirling characatures of real-life villains, which are more often than not charismatic and capable of swaying large groups of people to their cause. Go look up AI speeches of Adolf Hitler in English, he sounds more like an intellectual elite or a charismatic smooth-talking liberal US Democrat than a brutish conservative populist like Trump.

Creepy stuff...

*Watches Video

Dear Lord and people think I'm being hysterical when I say leftism has tainted millennials and Gen-Zers down to their very core.
*Watches Video

Dear Lord and people think I'm being hysterical when I say leftism has tainted millennials and Gen-Zers down to their very core.
Assuming you've heard about that leftist Colombian piece of shit Petro severing diplomatic relations with Israel over the IDF's military operations ?
Assuming you've heard about that leftist Colombian piece of shit Petro severing diplomatic relations with Israel over the IDF's military operations ?
That would have been the best course of action for anyone, leftist,centrist or rightist.

It's a hot potato few want. Too much risk on it.
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FUCK Joseph Robinette Biden & his incompetent administration. The blood is on HIS hands!

RIP Amit Buskila 😔

Izrael should not gave power to Hamas in Gaza - if Fatah still ruled there,they would not attack.And,when they did so,they should not let Hamas attack them - they knew about it and did notching to prevent that.

Her blood is in Natanjahu hands,too,not only his Hamas toys.

P.S For idiots - Hamas are cryminals,and should be hanged - but together with their Mossad masters.

Now,info from polish press:
1.John Mearsheimer and Stephan Walt wrote book about Izrael lobby in USA and how influence it USA Foreign policy.Result - they were erased from most of media.
They only wrote about facts - and that muslim countries now hate them more,and both China and Moscov use it as reason to attack them.

2.Republican Vivek Ramaswamy dare to say,that izrael get too much money,and even that he would not support them in war with Iran.Result - jewish lobby mad attack,and poor dude must promise that would gave Izrael everything and more.
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FUCK Joseph Robinette Biden & his incompetent administration. The blood is on HIS hands!

RIP Amit Buskila 😔

There are people in the comments blaming Israel for killing the hostages recently, when it's confirmed they died back during the initial attack in October.

There's also someone on there saying that Hamas offered to return all the hostages in exchange for the IDF not entering Gaza, but the Israeli gov' said "fuck that" and pushed in.

I'm pretty sure all the hostages Hamas were offering were already dead or dying at that point, and they knew Israel wouldn't take the "deal" offered.

Israel just needs to end this.
The West should coup colonial projects of its rivals, fuck them.
Are you going to tell North Koreans too that they should shut up and be happy with their lot because being couped by the West would offend Chicoms or something?

The people who complain about America doing things at all have only worse alternatives.
Apples and a rubix cube.
Even if they had better alternatives, the mafia in charge wouldn't listen if it didn't involve war.
I'm sorry, but you are implying that Russia, China, Iran, have been trustworthy in the treaties they've signed?
Aren't they the ''bad guys'' though? Certainly, seem more trustworthy than the west. How did things turn out for all those people in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc who helped during the last wars? globalist's are only loyal to themselves.
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Aren't they the ''bad guys'' though? Certainly, seem more trustworthy than the west. How did things turn out for all those people in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc who helped during the last wars? globalist's are only loyal to themselves.

There was never any question that at some point, the US would be pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Having Dems in the WH absolutely made it so that the pullouts were utter shit-shows, but us leaving was always in the cards, and blood, sweat, and treasure, was poured in to trying to set up local governments that could function after we left. It was attempted, but it failed.

Russia is invading Ukraine in a naked land-grab with open genocidal intent. They have unrepentantly butchered thousands of civilians, and gotten the men of their puppet 'states' in Luhansk and Donetsk slaughtered. All of this after they agreed to guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity if they gave up their nuclear arsenal. There's also what they did in Georgia.

Iran has funded terrorist movements across the middle east, has sought to undermine the governments of other Islamic nations, and has directly or indirectly contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and that's not counting what they've done to their own people.

I do not have the time to even get started on the Chinese Communist Party.

Western globalists are delusional, self-righteous hypocrites who couldn't be trusted to run a taco cart. They intend to use soft power to try to rule the world even so, and their only strength, lying and PR, have garnered them far too much power.

The leaders of Russia, China, and Iran, aren't going to try to use 'soft power' to get you to do what they want if they can just use naked force instead. The CCP is actively committing genocide, the Iranians are open about their intentions to commit genocide, and the Russians intend to commit cultural genocide against the Ukrainians, and pile up as many bodies along the way as they need to.

There is no comparison in sheer levels of brutality and villainy, between western nations with mixed leadership, and the tyrannical regimes of the modern axis of evil. If you think otherwise, you've been taking too many black-pills, and are suffering a classic case of 'I'm so focused on the evil right in front of me, I've lost any kind of perspective on most anything else.'

There was never any question that at some point, the US would be pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Having Dems in the WH absolutely made it so that the pullouts were utter shit-shows, but us leaving was always in the cards, and blood, sweat, and treasure, was poured in to trying to set up local governments that could function after we left. It was attempted, but it failed.

Russia is invading Ukraine in a naked land-grab with open genocidal intent. They have unrepentantly butchered thousands of civilians, and gotten the men of their puppet 'states' in Luhansk and Donetsk slaughtered. All of this after they agreed to guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity if they gave up their nuclear arsenal. There's also what they did in Georgia.

Iran has funded terrorist movements across the middle east, has sought to undermine the governments of other Islamic nations, and has directly or indirectly contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and that's not counting what they've done to their own people.

I do not have the time to even get started on the Chinese Communist Party.

Western globalists are delusional, self-righteous hypocrites who couldn't be trusted to run a taco cart. They intend to use soft power to try to rule the world even so, and their only strength, lying and PR, have garnered them far too much power.

The leaders of Russia, China, and Iran, aren't going to try to use 'soft power' to get you to do what they want if they can just use naked force instead. The CCP is actively committing genocide, the Iranians are open about their intentions to commit genocide, and the Russians intend to commit cultural genocide against the Ukrainians, and pile up as many bodies along the way as they need to.

There is no comparison in sheer levels of brutality and villainy, between western nations with mixed leadership, and the tyrannical regimes of the modern axis of evil. If you think otherwise, you've been taking too many black-pills, and are suffering a classic case of 'I'm so focused on the evil right in front of me, I've lost any kind of perspective on most anything else.'
True - but if leftist win,we would still die in gulags.Called 15 minute cities.Eating worms.
Maybe soviet style bullet to the head is better....

There was never any question that at some point, the US would be pulling out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Having Dems in the WH absolutely made it so that the pullouts were utter shit-shows, but us leaving was always in the cards, and blood, sweat, and treasure, was poured in to trying to set up local governments that could function after we left. It was attempted, but it failed.

Russia is invading Ukraine in a naked land-grab with open genocidal intent. They have unrepentantly butchered thousands of civilians, and gotten the men of their puppet 'states' in Luhansk and Donetsk slaughtered. All of this after they agreed to guarantee Ukraine's territorial integrity if they gave up their nuclear arsenal. There's also what they did in Georgia.

Iran has funded terrorist movements across the middle east, has sought to undermine the governments of other Islamic nations, and has directly or indirectly contributed to hundreds of thousands of deaths, and that's not counting what they've done to their own people.

I do not have the time to even get started on the Chinese Communist Party.

Western globalists are delusional, self-righteous hypocrites who couldn't be trusted to run a taco cart. They intend to use soft power to try to rule the world even so, and their only strength, lying and PR, have garnered them far too much power.

The leaders of Russia, China, and Iran, aren't going to try to use 'soft power' to get you to do what they want if they can just use naked force instead. The CCP is actively committing genocide, the Iranians are open about their intentions to commit genocide, and the Russians intend to commit cultural genocide against the Ukrainians, and pile up as many bodies along the way as they need to.

There is no comparison in sheer levels of brutality and villainy, between western nations with mixed leadership, and the tyrannical regimes of the modern axis of evil. If you think otherwise, you've been taking too many black-pills, and are suffering a classic case of 'I'm so focused on the evil right in front of me, I've lost any kind of perspective on most anything else.'

After Haliburton and the usual suspects made a fortune of course.
Naked landgrab is a funny way of saying they didn't let globohomo coup their(puppet) in Ukraine. Everything the supposed ''axis of evil'' has done looks to be in response to the west being the aggressors. As a white male in burgertown, i don't give a shit what China does in response to terrorism on it's soil. "intentions of genocide'' Who said that? Was it the long discredited Ahmadinejad(sp?) speech? Even so intention is not the same as doing, like the Palestinian's are currently going through.

In sheer numbers of dead alone there is no comparison you mean, after the laundry list of conflicts the west has started the past few decades. The evil in charge of every significant western institution that discriminates against me and people who look like me, while encouraging hatred against me and importing millions of young men. Who it then gives stuff i don't conveniently qualify for. Seems much more of a threat to me personally, than game of thrones Blackrock edition© no black pills required.
After Haliburton and the usual suspects made a fortune of course.
Naked landgrab is a funny way of saying they didn't let globohomo coup their(puppet) in Ukraine. Everything the supposed ''axis of evil'' has done looks to be in response to the west being the aggressors. As a white male in burgertown, i don't give a shit what China does in response to terrorism on it's soil. "intentions of genocide'' Who said that? Was it the long discredited Ahmadinejad(sp?) speech? Even so intention is not the same as doing, like the Palestinian's are currently going through.

In sheer numbers of dead alone there is no comparison you mean, after the laundry list of conflicts the west has started the past few decades. The evil in charge of every significant western institution that discriminates against me and people who look like me, while encouraging hatred against me and importing millions of young men. Who it then gives stuff i don't conveniently qualify for. Seems much more of a threat to me personally, than game of thrones Blackrock edition© no black pills required.
You appear to be yet another case of 'because of how evil the leftists in my country are, I can't see past it to how evil other people around the world may be.'
After Haliburton and the usual suspects made a fortune of course.
Naked landgrab is a funny way of saying they didn't let globohomo coup their(puppet) in Ukraine. Everything the supposed ''axis of evil'' has done looks to be in response to the west being the aggressors. As a white male in burgertown, i don't give a shit what China does in response to terrorism on it's soil. "intentions of genocide'' Who said that? Was it the long discredited Ahmadinejad(sp?) speech? Even so intention is not the same as doing, like the Palestinian's are currently going through.

In sheer numbers of dead alone there is no comparison you mean, after the laundry list of conflicts the west has started the past few decades. The evil in charge of every significant western institution that discriminates against me and people who look like me, while encouraging hatred against me and importing millions of young men. Who it then gives stuff i don't conveniently qualify for. Seems much more of a threat to me personally, than game of thrones Blackrock edition© no black pills required.
I undarstandt you.West is ruled either by traitors,or idiots.At least in Poland.

You appear to be yet another case of 'because of how evil the leftists in my country are, I can't see past it to how evil other people around the world may be.'
And,i undarstandt you,too.Becouse we have border with soviets,and they openly say that our state should not exist. corrupted green lgbt gulag named as Poland really better then soviet colony?

i really do not knew.
You appear to be yet another case of 'because of how evil the leftists in my country are, I can't see past it to how evil other people around the world may be.'
I see them as the geopolitical threats they are, i just consider the mafia in charge of the left/right puppet theatre to be the more immediate danger to me personally and the people i know. I also think that the west would stomp any axis flat, were it not for said mafia being in charge. If the west's institutions were allowed to function as intended and not constantly sabotaged from within(identity politics, shipping industry to China, etc), none of its foes would be able to keep up.

Nothing knew,Republicans are trained like that from at least 30 years.For now,jews would remain superhumans,and everybody underhuman in USA...till people decide,that enough is enough,or USA fall to socialism.

In both cases,innocent jews would pay for ADL sins.Jews should be smarter then that - group which get special rights would ALWAYS in the end get prosecuted for that.

Smart people would demand the same rights as everybody else.
Compilation from polish press:

1.Official polis media are PC -- but,some more independent made two interviev - one with Ambassador of izrael about WCK members murder,other with Iran Ambassador about attack on their Embassy.
Izrael envoy lectured us thhat we are bad antisemites,and WCK murder was OK.Iran envoy stated fact and do not accused us of anytching.
As a result,people who watched both now think,that Iran is civilized country,and izrael some racist hellhole.

2.Izrael Ambassador in Poland who accused us of being antisemites after they murdered polish WCK member,is Jakow Liwne,soviet jew and son of polish traitor who helped soviets in 1939 enslave Poland.
And,he is not only soviet jew there - almost 1M soviet jews come to Izrael after 1990,and almost all of them love soviets and hate Poland.

3.Our eunuchs in 2018 tried to made law who made illegal accusing us of german crimes.Izrael protested it,claimed that we are antisemites,and their toy,USA,supported that.As a result,law was removed,and everybody could lie that we did Holocaust.

4.Till recent times Izrael made voyages of young jews to Poland - with their own guides,who teached fairy tales about bad poles who did Holocaust.
As a result,they belived that Poland is full of descendents of nazis who murdered poor jews,and of course germans had notching to do with that,

5.New polish goverment is using rather silly method - accusing previous party of contacts with Hamas.Which is silly,Kaczyński practically prayed to izrael when he ruled Poland.

6. 20.4.2021 izrael openly said,that they would built canal from Med to red sea.And capable of bringing bigger ships then Suez Canal.
And now we undarstand,why war in Gaza started.

7.Thanks to portal Intercept we knew,that private bussiness interrogate workers about war in Gaza,and fire those who do not support genocide.
Maha Dakhill was fired from board of her own bussiness for suggesting,that izrael is making genocide.

8. 20.4.2024 Damian Soból,murdered by Izrael,was buried in Przemyśl.There was catholic bishop,envoy of polish president/who awarded him with important order/ ,ambassador of Palestine,founder of WCK Jose Anders,and people from Turkey embassy,becouse Damian helped turks,too.
But,nobody from Izrael Embassy come.They ignored it completly,but - they remember to thanks german embassy in paing for repair of door in Warsaw synagogue damaged in supposed antisemitic attack.
German ambassador,who delivered help,wrote that he could not change fact that jews were murdered,but help repaid door.
And failed to wrote,who murdered jews in Poland/for idiots - germans/
It seems as though Turkey is opening up a new front in the War on Israel

Somewhat related:

Regardless of view-points and opinions, I think we can all agree some shit is about to hit the fan
It seems as though Turkey is opening up a new front in the War on Israel

Somewhat related:

Regardless of view-points and opinions, I think we can all agree some shit is about to hit the fan
WTF ? they are allies against Iran ,and want genocide Armenia,and now they start fighting?
Must be some fake.

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