Biden and Harris will have a hard time doing that without the Senate, and this gamble puts them a lot closer to getting the senate. More to the point, no one in power seems to have any plan to deescalate from where we are now, they're all to busy trying to figure out what their next dubious power grab should be or how to counter the other side's upcoming power grab, with no consideration to where things end.

I'll give you a hint, they end in one side deciding or realizing they can't win via legal tricks and votes, and decide to try and take power via force.

The Democrats, specifically Democrat leadership, is already openly talking about doing this, and openly courting the military to support them in a coup.

You do not seem to understand, that once the conflict has risen to this level, you do not de-escalate, until your opponent is defeated. The Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they will continue to up the ante until such time as they win. They do not care how much they have to cheat, how much they have to lie, how many people have to die, how many lives they have to ruin, in order to get back in power.

They will not back down until they are made to back down, and that is going to take a lot of legal force.

If the Dems are kept from controlling or sufficiently contesting SCOTUS, and are kept out of the White House, this can be done through legal means, investigations, trials, convictions, etc.

If they manage to keep SCOTUS from being a reliable legal body, and get control of the DoJ again?

The Dems are already open about how they plan to turn this country into a one-party police state. They will be perfectly happy to continue the weaponization of the government against their political enemies that Obama pushed aggressively.

You do not 'de-escalate' when your enemy has already started the war.
Cancer and the ailments that follow it (or even treatment for it) are garbage, and it will be a wonderful day when its various forms go the way of the dodo because of scientific advancement and nobody has to suffer that bullshit. In some ways perhaps it's a relief to the family since I imagine they've had this exact fear hanging over them for months now (perhaps even longer--I forget how long Ginsburg has been in poor health or beset by various complications and issues) and so perhaps had some time to prepare for it and come to grips with the matter...But at the same time, it can never really be accounted for or dealt-with like that, either.
Death sucks.

On other, less important but sadly more pressing matters to the broader country...20/20 hindsight to some extent, but also not since it was said even before now, but politically and in terms of...the health of the Republic...Ginsburg retiring under Obama so her replacement could be nominated would have been a far, far less dangerous route to take than waiting and then the four-year game of chicken that's been played with death through Trump's presidency.

'Twould also be healthier for the Republic if SCOTUS were not the boss-level battleground for partisan ideology and agenda it's been turned into over the course of the last...decades...to the point where it has become such an electoral fight, but that ship sailed long ago and requires a bipartisan consensus on its danger and ill-suited nature to questions of governance which no longer exists because of the ship having set to sea.

I hold little hope of any rise above partisan desires occurring. Ginsburg's final statement somewhat pours gas on that fire in a manner that is...decidedly irresponsible for a public figure (once more Trump's superpower of making others behave as atrociously as him manifests itself I presume).
Hopefully the Republic gets through without any more interesting times.

Well, I'm going to have to be a bit reptilian on this.

This was not a surprise. This isn't a situation where a SCOTUS gets laid low by some unforeseen event. Ginsburg was clutching onto her power with her last dying breath. Maybe she sees that as heroic, it certainly seems that others do. I personally don't. She should have given up her seat during Obama's two terms, when he could have appointed a moderate or left leaning judge to replace her. Instead, she chose to hold onto her position. And sure, Trump won. And we all know why she wouldn't want to let Trump choose her successor.

Her choice to remain in power was a political choice. Therefore, I see no foul in Trump making a political choice and replacing her before he has a chance to lose his seat. Because it is the exact same thing she was hoping to do to him. The only difference is that she lost. And now the Republicans have two major reasons to replace her before the election.

1) The Democrats will use this as a rallying call to get the SJWs, feminists, and so on into the voting booths, instead of just rioting. They could actually use this as a call to arms. The idea that it will benefit Trump to keep the seat open because it will allow him to rally his own base, is a mistake I think. Rather, I think it's to avoid the appearance of being callous so shortly after her death. Instead, I propose that replacing her before the election will not only rob the Democrats their call to arms, but also give a large moral boost to his own base.

2) In the case where Trump is defeated, he's already lockdown the Supreme Court. Because right now, the Republicans hold the Executive, the Judicial, and half of the Legislation. Worst case scenario, the Democrats might take back the Legislator, the Executive, and push back in the Judicial. In this way, Trump has at least locked in one branch of power. More optimistically, even if Trump loses, the Republicans can retain the Senate and SCOTUS. More optimistically (and perhaps, realistically I would argue), it would mean that Trump would lead the Republicans to dominate SCOTUS, hold the Executive for 4 more years, possibly hold the Senate, and with luck, win back the House. We could be talking about a near-lock on all branches of government on the federal level for the next 2 years.

The Democrats, specifically Democrat leadership, is already openly talking about doing this, and openly courting the military to support them in a coup.

That's either delusions of grandeur or posturing.

First, Washington, Oregon, and California lack the military heft to secede from the Union. Second, if they did, they would quickly collapse into shitholes, because all those countries need federal money. Especially after they went and burned down a shitload of their own businesses and infrastructure. Third, the eastern half of those states would immediately want to rejoin the USA. The core concept of Left Coast identity is on the coast, not in the more sparsely populated eastern areas of those states. Fourth, the moment they're out of the USA, Trump can legally use sanctions and tariffs to destroy their economy. Permanently. Companies like Google can either move back into the USA or be completely and utterly replaced by competitors. Imagine the sort of world California becomes when it can't sell digital services to the rest of the country, Hollywood can't sell its movies, and lack the means of feeding themselves without the American heartland.

You do not seem to understand, that once the conflict has risen to this level, you do not de-escalate, until your opponent is defeated. The Democrats have made it abundantly clear that they will continue to up the ante until such time as they win. They do not care how much they have to cheat, how much they have to lie, how many people have to die, how many lives they have to ruin, in order to get back in power.

The Democrats do not have the means of achieving this, regardless of who wins this election. And any attempt to do so will destroy them in the next rounds of electoral battles. This is the desperate scream of a party that is trying stave off its demise. You don't try and change the nature of how power is distributed in a country, unless you are either consolidating power or you're about to lose it. And the Democrats are certainly not consolidating power.

You do not 'de-escalate' when your enemy has already started the war.

More importantly, in a political struggle with two divergent factions, you do not hand a political win to your enemy, because they martyred themselves for their own gain.
More importantly, in a political struggle with two divergent factions, you do not hand a political win to your enemy, because they martyred themselves for their own gain.

I'm not advocating for getting overly aggressive or hardline. If you look at my earlier post, I specifically said 'handle things however they are normally handled.'

I was objecting strenuously to the idea that 'if we escalate the other side will' being remotely legitimate reasoning. The Democrats have already committed treason to try to overturn the 2016 election, using lawful means to push back is neither an escalation, nor unwarranted.
So the 2020 election just got even more exciting.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg died today.

The political effects will likely be...explosive.
Well, I did not expect to hear these news. My condolesces to the family. She fought long and hard to delay the inevitable, but in the end the final enemy took her. Perhaps she's in a better place now, one without the disease that afflicted her.

... I hope the Republicans wait with installing a new pick until after the president has been decided. This said, I fully expect women to come forward to claims of rape when the president's pick is official.
Look, I don't know what the hell to expect from this craziness, but I do know one thing - the moment people started knocking out procedural barriers is the moment they guaranteed their opponents would exploit those things when the situation suited them.

That no one had any foresight to realize this... or even worse, knew this and proceeded, is why everyone thinks Congress is generally garbage.
Once past the point of no return there's no virtue in holding back, and we passed the point of no return when Pelosi let herself be bullied into holding impeachment hearings against her own better judgement.

Stopping the Democrats is more important than saving the Republic. We can live with a Caesar Augustus. We can't live with a Caesar Chavez.
I want to secure my right to free speech and bear arms and have the right to defend myself.

These are core survivial issues to me, and I view them as being more important then not being a hypocrite.

Also what is the left going to do....riot? Because they have been doing that for 3 months now, and we more or less have a handle on that situation so if they do riot again we just continue to slowly chip away at the crazies by putting them into federal prison, and lets face facts if we are heading into a civil war every rioter we arrest now is one less militent to deal with later.
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Some people are mad at her now for not retiring under Obama lol


Some people are mad at her now for not retiring under Obama lol


She was the resistance Yass queen until today.

Trump and Mitch are going to have shove a candidate through the Senate no matter what it takes. In the event of a contested election having a conservative Supreme Court will be vital. And I don't trust Roberts to vote the right way.
True, I recall it being mentioned that if the election had to be resolved by the Supreme Court, a 4-4 split would be undesirable.


Having a normal one, are we, Dems?
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As mentioned a few times in earlier posts, the time for being "a better person" or being "magnimonius in victory" has long since passed. These people will stop at nothing to destroy everything you love and hold dear, every thing you find sacred, they will redifine you out of existence. They have no rules, only to win at any cost, they just have to "reach heaven" here on earth, then every atrocity they have committed will have been justified.

After the Kavenaugh witch trial, endless Russia collusion and impeachment nonsense, Ukraine whatevers, the Sandman witch trial and countless other lies and hoaxes, infinity genders that can change at a moments notice, race riot incitement by "journalists" and many other farces this needs to stop, it can't go on like this. How much more can we give up before we can't be put back together. I want to believe we can still heal from this, but I think I am being optimistic.

I am not advocating "cheating" but if you have a win at this point, you need to take it. Mercy is a privilege of the strong/victors, the non insane left are so far behind at this point they can't afford to lose momentum to someone who will stab them in the back as soon as they are able.
As mentioned a few times in earlier posts, the time for being "a better person" or being "magnimonius in victory" has long since passed. These people will stop at nothing to destroy everything you love and hold dear, every thing you find sacred, they will redifine you out of existence. They have no rules, only to win at any cost, they just have to "reach heaven" here on earth, then every atrocity they have committed will have been justified.

After the Kavenaugh witch trial, endless Russia collusion and impeachment nonsense, Ukraine whatevers, the Sandman witch trial and countless other lies and hoaxes, infinity genders that can change at a moments notice, race riot incitement by "journalists" and many other farces this needs to stop, it can't go on like this. How much more can we give up before we can't be put back together. I want to believe we can still heal from this, but I think I am being optimistic.

I am not advocating "cheating" but if you have a win at this point, you need to take it. Mercy is a privilege of the strong/victors, the non insane left are so far behind at this point they can't afford to lose momentum to someone who will stab them in the back as soon as they are able.
I mean, you just need to look at the demands and statements of the Left. "We will take your children and indoctrinate them to our way of thinking! We will take every thing you own in the name of equality. We will force you to cater to LGBT. We will crush your spirit and force you to bow to Big Daddy State."
I suspect Trump will nominate someone by this Monday, strong money on Amy. I am sure there are a lot of meetings going on right now to figure out the exact schedule, who to nominate, how to spin, and to whip the votes. When the vote goes to the Senate, the great thing is that a number of the on the fence Republicans have said they just would not vote, rather than cast an opposing vote. That means with things at 53R-47D, it can land 47R-47D with Pence breaking the tie. As long as the Republicans not voting, don't vote no, there can be up to 6 defections and still have the nomination go through.

I suspect the nomination will come through quickly and if Biden objects at the debates, I will put money on Trump hitting him hard for not releasing a list before hand.
How could this happen? RBG was more fit and active then the average progressive internet journalist!

If this is any indication, combined with the China Virus Pandemic, we're going to be facing a massive health care (and potential die off) of large swaths of our liberal media elite! 😲

First, Washington, Oregon, and California lack the military heft to secede from the Union.

What's the government going to do? It's already too late for firebombing. 😇

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