China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

Few facts,probably mentioned by somebody else here:
1.Bill Gates practically at the same time speak about taking vaccine and depopuating Earth.Which mean,that it eiter kill us,or made woman unable to have kids.
2.Gordon Brown between G20 meeting called "world goverment" to fight CV 19 - which mean,that entire farce was made not only to kill us,but also made world goverment.
They failed to achieve now,but would try again.

2.Kit Knightly from Off-Guardian belive,that they would do that less openly/states formally would still exist/ using 3-stage proces- money - remove normal one,and people are slaves of banksters.
B.Digital identity - remove normal documents
C.Climate change bullshit - used to destroy all normal bussiness.

3.In Poland,doctors who actually helped patients with amantadine and openly said that CV bullshit is bullshit was accused of being not scientific,and now 114 is judged - notching changed no matter who ruled.
It is kind of SLAPP - they try to teach doctors,that they must serve Big Pharma,not people.I hope,that they would fail.

4.WHO is ruled by failed veterinarian - but,it is OK,becouse China would decide what he would do,so he do not need to knew anything,only kowtow.
You got published? Awesome! Congratulations.

Were you also the one Trump tweeted about in reference to covid or am I thinking of someone else?
That's a funny story. In early 2020, I did a number of writeups summarizing COVID-19 pathology papers (a lot of my detractors on SB/SV/QQ whined that I was doing "epidemiology", when the spread of the disease wasn't really my focus at all; I was mostly digging into papers on COVID-19 pathology and proteomics, as in, what the virus specifically does to the body).

Michael Coudrey, a.k.a. "Mike Tokes", a friend of Baked Alaska, made a thread about my posts. Then, Trump retweeted him. Then, media watchdog groups flipped out. "Oh my god, who is @b00msl4ang and why is Trump retweeting them as a source?"

The comments are a hilarious time capsule. Note how many frothing anti-Trumpists there are in the comments saying the virus was completely harmless just because Mike Tokes was saying it was harmful. They all changed their tune completely in a couple months. "Fauci, lock us down more!"

Huh, that's interesting. Let's see if the claims in that thread still hold up.

There are two lineages, L and S

Way more than that, now.

The disease has an R0 of around 6.6

By early calculations, yes. Now? They estimate that it's lower, but still exponential.

The median incubation period is around 5 days, but outliers of 24+ days have been seen

Those outliers proved very rare indeed. It is mostly around 2 to 5 days.

SARS-CoV-2 is spreading at alarming levels due to its ability to be airborne

It absolutely was airborne and the WHO denied it and said it was droplet-borne for the better part of a year (hence the useless interventions like surface decontamination and Plexiglas barriers).

SARS-CoV-2 is capable of asymptomatic transmission and it is practically impossible to stop the spread by contact tracing and minor quarantines

The infectiousness of asymptomatic carriers turned out to be much lower than they thought. Someone basically needs to be coughing and hacking and sweating to exude enough aerosols to do anything.

SARS-CoV-2 can enter the eye through the ocular surface

Potentially, yes, but it prefers the airway.

The virus attacks ACE2 receptors in cells

Without a single doubt.

This system is essential for your body to maintain the correct blood pressure

The RAAS is absolutely vital for maintaining blood pressure and volume, yes. That's why ACE2 is all over the body, and it's why the virus had a tropism for such a wide array of tissues (COVID toes, anyone?).

ACE2 receptors are found in the seminiferous ducts of the testis

They are. And the vascular endothelium, brain tissue, liver, pancreas, kidneys, heart, bile ducts, intestines, et cetera. In fact, a common early manifestation of COVID-19 is gastroenteritis-like symptoms.

SARS-CoV-2 can potentially cause lung fibrosis and chronic lung disease if not caught and treated with antivirals at an early stage

SARS did this too. It's actually caused by your own immune cells; monocyte infiltration of the lungs, to be specific. The lung tissue just starts fibrosing and scarring over out of the blue.

SARS-CoV (a relative of SARS-CoV-2) has been shown to cause severe neural death (surprisingly without encephalitis) in transgenic mouse models

SARS-CoV-2 has now been shown to productively infect both astrocytes and microglia and be capable of both retrograde and anterograde movement along nervous tissue. It is absolutely neurotropic.

Recent information seems to suggest that SARS-CoV-2 can cause neurological symptoms and cerebrovascular disease, leading to loss of autonomic functions of the brain and, in the worst case, lingering brain damage

Reports of Post-COVID "Brain Fog" and dysautonomia are common, but actual severe COVID-19 encephalitis is rare.

This could cause a significant portion of the population to have severe drops in cognitive function, intelligence, and IQ

This was completely and utterly vindicated, with multiple papers now stating that COVID-19 can cause an IQ loss of up to half a standard deviation. It's like exposing the brain to decades of aging.

The action of SARS-Coronaviruses (which attack ACE2 pathways) can dysregulate the angiotensin system and cause cardiopulmonary damage and inflammation directly through this route

Potentially, yes. The RAAS is involved in inflammatory responses.

SARS-CoV-2 can cause myocarditis leading to myoglobin accumulation in the blood and renal failure

Early reports of COVID-19-induced myocarditis were met with follow-up studies where doctors were actually bewildered by the lack of heart injury due to COVID-19 infections, given its prevalence in early reports out of China. Were they priming people to treat COVID-19 vaccine-induced myocarditis as having a viral origin?

What disturbs me the most about this virus is that it can potentially target so many different kinds of tissues

It can.

An autopsy, may reveal hardly any lung pathology whatsoever

Actually very rare. It primarily affects the lungs.

There are so many different things that could cause the collapses we have witnessed

The collapses and seizures seen in early footage out of China were not matched elsewhere. Very bizarre in retrospect. How many of those early vids were psyops? We still have the archived footage.

However, what I found most concerning about the collapses is the consistent presentation of the victim ... These people, their limbs stretch out straight, and they begin to seize or show the fencing sign

The thing is, a lot of those early vids of people collapsing in the street do show abnormal posturing indicative of brain damage.

Coronavirus does not just effect the respiratory system, it embeds itself into the central nervous system & has the potential to cause significant neurological impairment, brain damage, & cancer

Potentially, yes.

All in all, most of my claims in early 2020 did hold up.
By the way, you guys know I was published in Nature, right?

A comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 review, Part 1: Intracellular overdrive for SARS-CoV-2 infection -

A comprehensive SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 review, Part 2: host extracellular to systemic effects of SARS-CoV-2 infection -

Ignore the parts about the vaccine. That wasn’t in my original draft. The other authors revised my draft substantially and split it into multiple papers.
Which one are you?
4-hour-long hearing. This shit is getting real spicy.

Just spitballing here, but have people tried to establish or discredit a potential link to high levels of air pollution in combination with the disease?
I've seen many theories, including the idea that the initial strain was more virulent and that it evolved very quickly to lose that virulence. Fairly common with respiratory diseases. If the host is too disabled to walk, then they're too disabled to spread whatever it is.

Other theories I've seen include intentional release of a less virulent, more contagious strain to get ahead of the deadly strain with a sort of "self-spreading vaccine".
4-hour-long hearing. This shit is getting real spicy.

I've seen many theories, including the idea that the initial strain was more virulent and that it evolved very quickly to lose that virulence. Fairly common with respiratory diseases. If the host is too disabled to walk, then they're too disabled to spread whatever it is.

Other theories I've seen include intentional release of a less virulent, more contagious strain to get ahead of the deadly strain with a sort of "self-spreading vaccine".

That last theory is simultaneously evil and kinda genius.
The normies are waking up, and the age old tradition of "throwing your partners/allies under the bus to save your own skin" is now coming into play, now that this is all leaking out.

we are not at the point where we can play the song let the bodies hit the floor or another one bites the dust people so hold off on those video clips.

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