China Wuhan Virus Pandemic

So your saying over half of the world population got MRNA shots.
What kind of vaccine was the Chinese Indian and Russian vaccines?
Sinovac was not mRNA, but inactivated virus. India's COVAXIN was also inactivated virus. Sputnik V was an adenovirus vector vaccine, with the Spike proteins grown on a transgenic, replication-defective adenovirus.

That's not the gotcha that you think it is. If fewer people took mRNA vaccines, but the excess mortality in the countries that did receive shipments of mRNA vaccines remains the same, that means that the lethality of the mRNA vaccines is more, not less. For instance, let's say 5 billion people got a COVID-19 vaccine, and it killed 15 million people. That's 1 in 333 vaccinees. If we remove the Chinese, Russian, and Indian vaccinated populations from that figure (collectively, 2.4 billion people, taking into account their relative differences in uptake rates of 90, 55, and 74 percent, roughly), then it's 2.6 billion divided by 15 million. Provided we start with the assumption that the only cause of excess mortality is mRNA vaccines and not these other types of COVID-19 vaccines, the kill rate of mRNA vaccines is now 1 in 173.

I don't think people really understand why this is happening. Klaus Schwab and the WEF's comments about a need for a "multipolar world" and the end of "US dollar hegemony" means that they're angling toward dedollarization. If dedollarization happens, then the cost of domestic goods in the US will skyrocket due to hyperinflation. If the cost of domestic goods in the US skyrockets, then there will be a civil war. If there's a civil war, then there will be a coup that takes over power in the US. If there is a coup that takes over power in the US, it will very likely be far-right and revanchist similar to the Nazis taking over Weimar Germany. If the US is controlled by a far-right and revanchist coup power, then they will project power in all directions in order to regain imperial status.

This is the mental calculus that the globalists are working on. What is the answer to this problem? Simple. The population is the problem. No population, no problem.
Sinovac was not mRNA, but inactivated virus. India's COVAXIN was also inactivated virus. Sputnik V was an adenovirus vector vaccine, with the Spike proteins grown on a transgenic, replication-defective adenovirus.

That's not the gotcha that you think it is. If fewer people took mRNA vaccines, but the excess mortality in the countries that did receive shipments of mRNA vaccines remains the same, that means that the lethality of the mRNA vaccines is more, not less. For instance, let's say 5 billion people got a COVID-19 vaccine, and it killed 15 million people. That's 1 in 333 vaccinees. If we remove the Chinese, Russian, and Indian vaccinated populations from that figure (collectively, 2.4 billion people, taking into account their relative differences in uptake rates of 90, 55, and 74 percent, roughly), then it's 2.6 billion divided by 15 million. Provided we start with the assumption that the only cause of excess mortality is mRNA vaccines and not these other types of COVID-19 vaccines, the kill rate of mRNA vaccines is now 1 in 173.

I don't think people really understand why this is happening. Klaus Schwab and the WEF's comments about a need for a "multipolar world" and the end of "US dollar hegemony" means that they're angling toward dedollarization. If dedollarization happens, then the cost of domestic goods in the US will skyrocket due to hyperinflation. If the cost of domestic goods in the US skyrockets, then there will be a civil war. If there's a civil war, then there will be a coup that takes over power in the US. If there is a coup that takes over power in the US, it will very likely be far-right and revanchist similar to the Nazis taking over Weimar Germany. If the US is controlled by a far-right and revanchist coup power, then they will project power in all directions in order to regain imperial status.

This is the mental calculus that the globalists are working on. What is the answer to this problem? Simple. The population is the problem. No population, no problem.

Hold on... they want an end to US hegemony, or they want the US to go super-hegemonistic?

I'm guessing that they did not expect the amount of resistance to the vaxx that we are actually seeing.
Hold on... they want an end to US hegemony, or they want the US to go super-hegemonistic?

I'm guessing that they did not expect the amount of resistance to the vaxx that we are actually seeing.
They want an end to US Dollar hegemony, but they want to decouple their own interests from the value of the dollar in a way that doesn't harm any of their assets or lead to a takeover of the country by angry nationalists with an axe to grind with them. They have a lot of valuable stuff in the US (corporate HQs, factories, data centers, etc.), and a lot of their assets are tied to the strength of the US economy. This is why the oligarchs invented cryptocurrency, which is actually not the libertarian project it seems like, but is actually a pet project of the CIA. It's to inflation-proof and dedollarization-proof their money, for when they shitcan the entire United States in a nationwide controlled demolition.
I don't know if Tiktok videos will embed here, but someone posted this on local media here:

Videoclips from someone in China, showing that the Chinese are going about their everyday lives as normal, quite unaware that they're all supposed to be dropping dead from the latest SuperMurderVirus of Doom.
China is a huge country, and would never let anything showing negatives on TikTok
So you therefore disbelieve eyewitness testimony on lack of negatives?
He disbelieves anyone that potentially disagrees with his narratives or what people above him in the military food chain believe is against their narrative.
But frankly, just treat it like the Coof of 2020-2022/3 and do not comply, unless there's no absolute way to avoid it, as I did for three years.
Also :
It is on TikTok and is from a foreigner

With a response like that, can you take it seriously? It is the sane thing to do to be sceptical, of any platform or social media user regardless where said content is posted or who is posting ,but the roman god of war here on the Sietch apparently still believes there's a yellow peril beyond the economic, trade and espionage war. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of evidence to not trust the Beijing clique in channels like China Uncensored and China Insider with David Zhang, but he does the whole "China bad because not my culture or country" and doesn't even try to have a proper argumentation about it and his response is literally two lines, with one missing a proper punctuation.
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He disbelieves anyone that potentially disagrees with his narratives or what people above him in the military food chain believe is against their narrative.
But frankly, just treat it like the Coof of 2020-2022/3 and do not comply, unless there's no absolute way to avoid it, as I did for three years.
Also :

With a response like that, can you take it seriously? It is the sane thing to do to be sceptical, of any platform or social media user regardless where said content is posted or who is posting ,but the roman god of war here on the Sietch apparently still believes there's a yellow peril beyond the economic, trade and espionage war. Don't get me wrong, there's plenty of evidence to not trust the Beijing clique in channels like China Uncensored and China Insider with David Zhang, but he does the whole "China bad because not my culture or country" and doesn't even try to have a proper argumentation about it and his response is literally two lines, with one missing a proper punctuation.
I use The China Show hosted by two guys that lived in China for over 11 years each.

But my point is this, China is known to control information leaving thier country especially on TikTok. Like negative aspects of it. Multiple people have had thier TikTok accounts banned because they were critical of the CCP, and that is all they did.

Most stuff you get out of China will be on Wiebu and even then heavy, HEAVY censorship.

My point being that China will not let a foreigner especially one that can potentially motivate others to visit China to show anything negative.
The China Show guys go into detail on this as if you ever see anyone that is not Chinese talking good about China in China, they are often being paid or being force-fed the lies by the government.

It's like of you visit North Korea and don't see starving people, does that mean they armt starving?
We have footage from elsewhere that shows rhe countless times China bas lied
I use The China Show hosted by two guys that lived in China for over 11 years each.

But my point is this, China is known to control information leaving thier country especially on TikTok. Like negative aspects of it. Multiple people have had thier TikTok accounts banned because they were critical of the CCP, and that is all they did.

Most stuff you get out of China will be on Wiebu and even then heavy, HEAVY censorship.

My point being that China will not let a foreigner especially one that can potentially motivate others to visit China to show anything negative.
The China Show guys go into detail on this as if you ever see anyone that is not Chinese talking good about China in China, they are often being paid or being force-fed the lies by the government.

It's like of you visit North Korea and don't see starving people, does that mean they armt starving?
We have footage from elsewhere that shows rhe countless times China bas lied

Yes, but if you were to visit North Korea and see happy well-fed people, would that not by itself show that at least some people there are not starving?
Yes, but if you were to visit North Korea and see happy well-fed people, would that not by itself show that at least some people there are not starving?
No, due to the fact it is an outright show

China is like that, the floods that happend last year, they outright lied about rescue attempts, they hid flooding from thier OWN people let alone the world.

If a foreigner is posting something from China, on a Chinese controlled media, it reeks of false

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