Well,if Biden officially is not capable of being responsible for his acts,then his acts do not matter.I'm curious to see how Trump and his team go after all the crap pardons Biden did.
Well,if Biden officially is not capable of being responsible for his acts,then his acts do not matter.I'm curious to see how Trump and his team go after all the crap pardons Biden did.
Well,if Biden officially is not capable of being responsible for his acts,then his acts do not matter.
Should have started at AT LEAST 60 BILLION Dollars.Not enough.
it should not be money. it should be prison sentences![]()
Pfizer Fined $60 Million Over Kickbacks Paying Doctors to Push Drugs onto Patients - Slay News
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer has been ordered to pay almost $60 million in fines over a kickback scheme that paid doctors to push drugs onto their patients.slaynews.com
Pfizer Fined $60 Million Over Kickbacks Paying Doctors to Push Drugs onto Patients
Not enough.
First time I'm even hearing of such a thingAfter reading this, try telling me with a straight face that our biggest enemies aren’t right in our midst.
The biodefense establishment has to be stopped, for all our sakes.
The Biodefense Oligarchy and Its Demographic Defeats ⋆ Brownstone Institute
Two decades ago, factions argued that biowarfare threats were so significant that biodefense responsibility needed to be removed from the purview of the uniformed military and placed within NIAID under NIH and under HHS.brownstone.org
How did it hurt china?It wasn't released intensively because it hurt China more then it hurt the west
The entire point was to get rid of its aging population that the CCP can't support, so they created a virus which disproportionately kills older people.It wasn't released intensively because it hurt China more then it hurt the west
Except it did the opposite and hurt them in many ways.The entire point was to get rid of its aging population that the CCP can't support, so they created a virus which disproportionately kills older people.
It was owned by China with US Funding. Run by Chinese scientists.How did it hurt china?
Also, you are assuming china is competent and can predict the future and results.
Also, who said it was china that released it? the lab was owned by americans, hidden in china
The entire point was to get rid of our aging population that we can’t support, so our intelligence apparatus colluded with the CCP to create a virus which disproportionately kills older people.The entire point was to get rid of its aging population that the CCP can't support, so they created a virus which disproportionately kills older people.
Article: Our Founding Fathers understood the extreme hazard of allowing the state to create and disburse public funds without budget and oversight restraints. The inevitable outcome is that the men who hold state power will give money to their friends—that is, to influential persons and organizations who will, in turn, support and even augment the power of those who hold office.
In recent years it has often occurred to me that the U.S. government is now scarcely distinguishable from a giant racket that creates trillions of dollars out of thin air and gives it to a vast array of shady interests—pharmaceutical companies and Ukrainian oligarchs being notable recent examples. This corrupt enterprise has been accompanied by a relative paucity of resources for endeavors such as fire prevention in Maui and LA Counties and air traffic control at Washington Reagan.
Now comes the news—reported by Wikipedia—that USAID has funneled almost half a billion dollars to a dodgy international news network that most Americans have doubtless never heard of. As Wikileaks tweeted on Friday night:
USAID has pushed nearly half a billion dollars ($472.6m) through a secretive US government financed NGO, "Internews Network" (IN), which has "worked with" 4,291 media outlets, producing in one year 4,799 hours of broadcasts reaching up to 778 million people and "training" over 9000 journalists (2023 figures). IN has also supported social media censorship initiatives. The operation claims "offices" in over 30 countries, including main offices in US, London, Paris and regional HQs in Kiev, Bangkok and Nairobi. It is headed up by Jeanne Bourgault, who pays herself $451k a year. Bourgault worked out of the US embassy in Moscow during the early 1990s, where she was in charge of a $250m budget, and in other revolts or conflicts at critical times, before formally rotating out of six years at USAID to IN. Bourgault's IN bio and those of its other key people and board members have been recently scrubbed from its website but remain accessible at Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free & Borrowable Texts, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine.
Records show the board being co-chaired by Democrat securocrat Richard J. Kessler and Simone Otus Coxe, wife of NVIDIA billionaire Trench Coxe, both major Democratic donors. In 2023, supported by Hillary Clinton, Bourgault launched a $10m IN fund at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). The IN page showing a picture of Bourgault at the CGI has also been deleted. IN has at least six captive subsidiaries under unrelated names including one based out of the Cayman Islands. Since 2008, when electronic records begin, more than 95% of IN's budget has been supplied by the US government (thread follows).
Article: "Do I believe there was willful collusion between the FDA and DOD to misrepresent this product [EUA C19 jabs] here as this product here ['fully approved' C19 jabs]...? Yes, I believe that was willful collusion."
"[T]here is a...coup going on, and...the coup is worldwide." (1/5)
Brad Miller (
), a resigned former Army officer and American constitutionalist, describes for Ryan Cristian (
) how the military, under the leadership of Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, pulled off a con of sorts when it mandated the COVID-19 injections for the military. Miller highlights the fact that the COVID injections that the FDA (supposedly) approved were never made available to the military, and therefore it was an EUA product that was mandated by Austin—something that is illegal.
"I think at...top levels of government, I think they were knowingly complicit," Miller tells Cristian. Miller, who recently published a viral post here on X showcasing a "Declaration of Military Accountability" that acts as a clarion call for the American people to "do everything lawfully within [their] power to stop the willful destruction of [their] military by its own leadership," adds: "I think the Secretary of Defense [Lloyd Austin] was smart enough that when he put out his initial memo...it [was] far less problematic than actually what happened."
Austin said in his initial COVID-injection mandate memo, Miller says, that "'fully FDA approved products will...be used.'" Miller notes, "when you look at that, it's like, OK, we may not like this, but legally, this is far less problematic than the actual implementation, which, of course, was only possible if you're using EUA products, because there were no fully FDA approved products."
"Do I believe there was willful collusion between the FDA and DOD to misrepresent this product here as this product here, or at least something that could be interchangeably used in place of it?" Miller asks rhetorically. "Yes, I believe that was willful collusion."
The resigned former Army officer, who left the military due to the COVID-injection mandate, adds that "it's much bigger than just the military, it's much bigger than just the United States...I think, to some degree, there is a...coup going on, and I think the coup is worldwide."
Miller goes on to say:
"Wars don't always look the way that we kind of have come to think that wars look. And a coup doesn't always necessarily consist of a singular one-and-done event. And I think what's happening in our country, [and] you could also extrapolate across the world...I think we're in the midst of kind of ongoing coup. And that ongoing coup, which I think has been decades in the making, maybe longer, is punctuated by like, certain discrete events. But none of those singular events is a full one-and-done coup like [you'd normally] think of."
Miller adds:
"[W]e're in the midst of something far more subtle. And it's far more incrementalist. But it doesn't mean that there aren't kind of these, singular events that kind of move us into a deeper phase of the coup. I think COVID was one of those. I think 9/11 was one of those. And I don't think you get to a COVID without a 9/11 two decades prior."
Article: THE POISON NEEDLE AND THE LEGAL SHIELD - Here's How Illegal "Pseudo-Laws" Have Allowed the U.S. Gov't to Deploy the C-19-Injection Bioweapons on Americans, and Given Legal Immunity to Those Who Administer The Kill Shots (Tweet 1/9)
Although many prominent voices in the "health freedom movement" espouse the idea that the C19 injections are pharmaceutical products, they are not. This is unequivocal. Therefore, they are beholden to no FDA regulations, and cannot be regulated by the FDA.
In a pair of videos released earlier this year, retired pharmaceutical industry R&D executive Sasha Latypova (
) describes, in detail—with all "the receipts"—how the C19 injections are, in fact, in a class of their own, so to speak; one NOT REGULATED BY THE FDA.
In this first clip from a conversation between Latypova and writer and paralegal Katherine Watt, Latypova explains how there are three regulatory pathways for pharmaceutical drugs, which are "normal regulatory pathways, where we don't have [an] emergency announcement." Latypova notes that these pathways include investigational use of the product; FDA-approved drugs; investigational drugs (if you want to introduce a new drug, then you need to clinical trial it across state lines); and drugs made available under "expanded access use."
Expanded access use, Latypova notes, is "a more recent evolution" of regulatory law, which was put into place in 1997. Since then, expanded access use has allowed for the use of experimental drugs in "desperate situations."
The fourth regulatory pathway is the one used for the C19 injections: "EUA countermeasures under [a] public health emergency." Latypova notes that for an "EUA under public health emergency, none of these normal [FDA regulations] apply [in an enforceable manner]." This is why Latypova and Watt refer to the supposed FDA regulation and approval of the C19 injections as "performance art."
The injections are EUA countermeasures deployed under a public health emergency. Per the law, they cannot be regulated as pharmaceutical drugs.
Specifically, Latypova notes that there is "no requirement for [an] IRB [an institutional review board] or informed consent…" She adds, "investigational new drug regulations don't apply, [and] clinical trial data is not required."
Latypova notes that this is why when clinical trial investigator Brook Jackson (
) observed fraud at Pfizer's C19-injection clinical trial sites in Texas, reported it, and started litigating, the judge dismissed her case—because any fraud that existed was "immaterial."