Trump Investigations Thread

You have to be a green card holder to join. But any immigrant can join to get citizenship of they are legal.
Key word.

And the military is conflicted right now internally and it sucks.

My prediction is that when we go into our next conflict, due to many years of recruitment being too low, they'll change the rules and recruit the illegals, with support for it because their numbers are low.

I believe they're intentionally pushing all the LGBT shit and don't care that it hurts recruitment, because this opens them up to recruit illegals.
My prediction is that when we go into our next conflict, due to many years of recruitment being too low, they'll change the rules and recruit the illegals, with support for it because their numbers are low.
I doubt that.
The amount of stuff that would have to be changed would make any sort of quick mobilization if nee forces completely incapable.
Language barrier at a minimum would stall any sort of training.
I believe they're intentionally pushing all the LGBT shit and don't care that it hurts recruitment, because this opens them up to recruit illegals.
I mean...*looksnaround the post, to all the people i know in the military*
The amount of LGBTQ stuff in thw military is smaller then that of the normal world.
With trans having maybe a rough dozen people in the military total.
Lesbians are the most common LGBTQ, and they are often more moderate and against the woke shit (worked woth numerous that have been in awhile. One even a marine before army. Calls the bullshit out in the Marines as well)

Plus most illegals don't like LGBTQ shit.
It would be counter to any sort of LGBTQ push. With increase in violence in the force being very prominent.
Except them Dems expect to be the ones doing the marching of prisoners to a gulag, not be the prisoners.
You knew that.I know that.But they never belive,,even when we told them "See, i told you" in our comfy massgraves.
I doubt that.
The amount of stuff that would have to be changed would make any sort of quick mobilization if nee forces completely incapable.
Language barrier at a minimum would stall any sort of training.

I mean...*looksnaround the post, to all the people i know in the military*
The amount of LGBTQ stuff in thw military is smaller then that of the normal world.
With trans having maybe a rough dozen people in the military total.
Lesbians are the most common LGBTQ, and they are often more moderate and against the woke shit (worked woth numerous that have been in awhile. One even a marine before army. Calls the bullshit out in the Marines as well)

Plus most illegals don't like LGBTQ shit.
It would be counter to any sort of LGBTQ push. With increase in violence in the force being very prominent.
You're mostly making my point for me.

LGBT people don't want to join the military.

The military makes it's advertisement LGBT oriented and has high up brass on board or even trans themselves.

Therefore, the people who DO normally join the military, don't want to anymore.

Bam. Now they're not meeting recruitment goals.

Illegals won't care about the LGBT shit if it means they get citizenship.
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You forgot one of their biggest and likely to be successful long term plans: import a bunch of illegals and work on letting them vote/them having children that become citizens. Those plans are 18 years out. But they've let millions in, who will each have multiple kids, who will likely vote democrat..

Then they make the military toxic as all fuck to the people who normally join, with conflicts right around the corner. Next they'll be recruiting illegals with the offer of citizenship, and the right will support it because of their naive morality. "Well If they serve the country I guess they deserve citizenship. Service guarantees citizenship! We need to recruit people really badly anyways!"

Then there's them taking over the educational system and other institutions. Using that to indoctrinate children. That's at least a 12 year plan per child, but it's something that's been happening for DECADES.

The biggest mistake the right makes, is underestimating the left and assuming their malice is incompetence. No, they're malicious, not incompetent. It's hard to see a lot of what they do as anything but incompetence, because it's hard to fathom that they're TRYING to wreck the country. So right wingers who can't put themselves in their shoes assume it's all incompetence.

And you're right. Trump threw a wrench in their plans, and they got stupid. They can't wrap their head around Trump and his popularity. But at this point I'm not going to be surprised if they sentence him to prison on July 11th and he meets unfortunate ends while in there. I would hate to see the guards take a nap while the cameras fail, and he kills himself or something. Nothing like that has ever happened before!

And they killed like 100 million people.
Yeah, the illegal immigration schemes have been the Dems best long term strategy the GOP has not found any real counter for besides trying to shut down the border, which doesn't work when the GOP doesn't control all 3 branches.

I have been trying to warn people on the Right about how the Dems really think, really operate, and how to best counter them, and most of the time I get told the equivalent of 'Shut up, sit down, and let the GOP adults who know what's best keep driving the GOP off a cliff'.

The majority of the Right just do not seem to understand the actual thought processes and planning of the Dems, because they don't know how to think/operate outside the GOP's old paradigm, and think that quoting internal GOP talking points/propaganda will somehow 'win the day' rhetorically.
Yeah, the illegal immigration schemes have been the Dems best long term strategy the GOP has not found any real counter for besides trying to shut down the border, which doesn't work when the GOP doesn't control all 3 branches.
IF we change the policy to just shoot them at the border, you only need one branch. At the numbers we have, it is the only policy that would work anyone.
IF we change the policy to just shoot them at the border, you only need one branch. At the numbers we have, it is the only policy that would work anyone.
Guns only work on the ones trying to cross in the open/above ground.

It doesn't stop the smugglers bringing them in by truck, train, boat, and tunnel.
Guns only work on the ones trying to cross in the open/above ground.

It doesn't stop the smugglers bringing them in by truck, train, boat, and tunnel.

One; get rid of the incentives that make them want to come in the first place. Both in terms of Free Stuff (tm) and cracking down on companies that use illegal migrants and punishing them. Also make sure that they get their names splashed across the headlines so people know about it; makes boycotting them more effective. Same goes with punishing smugglers and cracking down on NGOs that help illegals.

2) make it so that vehicles are searched and so on. As for tunnels, well they have to come out somewhere.
The fear will have a knock on effect. Just Trump saying he intended to enforce the border had an effect, dead bodies left out to rot as a warning to other will have a much larger effect.
I rather doubt it; the NGO's and cartels who run the smuggling ops are connected enough they don't fear Trump.

Now if Trump does the 'send spec ops into Mexico to destroy the cartels in place' thing, maybe it would be more effective.
One; get rid of the incentives that make them want to come in the first place. Both in terms of Free Stuff (tm) and cracking down on companies that use illegal migrants and punishing them. Also make sure that they get their names splashed across the headlines so people know about it; makes boycotting them more effective. Same goes with punishing smugglers and cracking down on NGOs that help illegals.

2) make it so that vehicles are searched and so on. As for tunnels, well they have to come out somewhere.
Vehicles are already searched, it doesn't stop the smuggling.

The "Free Stuff" that tradcons hate is owed to people at home who are legal citizens, and have legal rights to said aid. Trying to pull the rug out from under people who are legal citizens struggling themselves, just to make the US less appealing to illegals, is counterproductive to actually accomplishing the goal of reducing illegal immigration and removing the ones who got here.

As well, said NGO's will and do have their own legal teams, very well paid usually, and attempting to publicly shame and legally attack them would only be possible if the GOP/Right somehow gains cultural and institutional control of the mass media and judiciary as well. So this is a case of putting the cart massively before the horse.

It's a couple bad ideas that will hurt the Right more than help, but feels like nice kneejerk reactions, like most of the shit you post.
One; get rid of the incentives that make them want to come in the first place. Both in terms of Free Stuff (tm) and cracking down on companies that use illegal migrants and punishing them. Also make sure that they get their names splashed across the headlines so people know about it; makes boycotting them more effective. Same goes with punishing smugglers and cracking down on NGOs that help illegals.

2) make it so that vehicles are searched and so on. As for tunnels, well they have to come out somewhere.
Speaking of incentives, Mexico appears poised to elect their first female President tonight. Former Mexico City Mayor Claudia Shinebaum of MORENA is heavily favored to win the Presidency & succeed Lopez Orbrador, who will leave office on December 1st, 2024.
The "Free Stuff" that tradcons hate is owed to people at home who are legal citizens, and have legal rights to said aid. Trying to pull the rug out from under people who are legal citizens struggling themselves, just to make the US less appealing to illegals, is counterproductive to actually accomplishing the goal of reducing illegal immigration and removing the ones who got here.
This is how I know you're still left wing.
This is how I know you're still left wing.
No, I just don't see the aid programs for people in the US that are struggling with hard times as inherently bad, and the purview of private charities to handle like the GOP does.

I don't buy the lies of the Friedman economic theory or model that so much of the Right worships, because I remember why Teddy Roosevelt had to do all that trust-busting at the end of the Gilded Age.
You forgot one of their biggest and likely to be successful long term plans: import a bunch of illegals and work on letting them vote/them having children that become citizens. Those plans are 18 years out. But they've let millions in, who will each have multiple kids, who will likely vote democrat..

Then they make the military toxic as all fuck to the people who normally join, with conflicts right around the corner. Next they'll be recruiting illegals with the offer of citizenship, and the right will support it because of their naive morality. "Well If they serve the country I guess they deserve citizenship. Service guarantees citizenship! We need to recruit people really badly anyways!"

Then there's them taking over the educational system and other institutions. Using that to indoctrinate children. That's at least a 12 year plan per child, but it's something that's been happening for DECADES.

The biggest mistake the right makes, is underestimating the left and assuming their malice is incompetence. No, they're malicious, not incompetent. It's hard to see a lot of what they do as anything but incompetence, because it's hard to fathom that they're TRYING to wreck the country. So right wingers who can't put themselves in their shoes assume it's all incompetence.

And you're right. Trump threw a wrench in their plans, and they got stupid. They can't wrap their head around Trump and his popularity. But at this point I'm not going to be surprised if they sentence him to prison on July 11th and he meets unfortunate ends while in there. I would hate to see the guards take a nap while the cameras fail, and he kills himself or something. Nothing like that has ever happened before!

And they killed like 100 million people.

The illegal thing is very likely to back fire.

because liberals the left their not having as many children as the right, and this is a global thing and were seeing population collapse everywhere except in the religious, right and rural. The only place right now with healthy demographics is africa and their birth rates are slowing as well.

On top of that the children of illegals and their grandchildren have to deal with the reality of the world their parents dragged them into and as things get worse their going to want stability and things not to suck as well. Demographically I see this all coming to a head in the 2050s.

This is the point where all of these trends likely come to a head.
No, I just don't see the aid programs for people in the US that are struggling with hard times as inherently bad, and the purview of private charities to handle like the GOP does.

I don't buy the lies of the Friedman economic theory or model that so much of the Right worships, because I remember why Teddy Roosevelt had to do all that trust-busting at the end of the Gilded Age.

You are left wing mate, right wing economic theory is that charities are the proper solution for people who are poor and struggling.
I don't buy the lies of the Friedman economic theory or model that so much of the Right worships, because I remember why Teddy Roosevelt had to do all that trust-busting at the end of the Gilded Age.
Because government, usually state but oft federal, had spent decades mobilizing military units against strikes or unionization attempts on behalf of massively subsidized and tariff-protected domestic big businessmen whose consequent business empires allowed them to influence government policy even further toward protectionism and subsidy of their business empires 'for the common good', and occasionally pulled a Federal Reserve and became the nation's creditor (with its own bonuses to their influence over government action)?

Which...I understand the argument for, but rather does diminish after said monopolies and big trusts have been broken-up (though where that line is might be--and is--argued).
You are left wing mate, right wing economic theory is that charities are the proper solution for people who are poor and struggling.
No, that is just one subset of the Right who have forgotten Roosevelt's lesson's because of Reagan and Friedman worship. Many outside the Reaganite Right subgroup understand that government aid programs are more dependable and more accountable than private charities, and less open to abuse based on personal bias of charitable groups.

And if I was left-wing, I wouldn't have a problem with illegal immigration to begin with.

But keep up the purity spiral, it's not like you are just proving yet again the old Right doesn't understand anything not Reagan-endorsed anymore and try their best to ignore the lessons learned at the end of the Gilded Age by Teddy Roosevelt's admin.
Because government, usually state but oft federal, had spent decades mobilizing military units against strikes or unionization attempts on behalf of massively subsidized and tariff-protected domestic big businessmen whose consequent business empires allowed them to influence government policy even further toward protectionism and subsidy of their business empires 'for the common good', and occasionally pulled a Federal Reserve and became the nation's creditor (with its own bonuses to their influence over government action)?

Which...I understand the argument for, but rather does diminish after said monopolies and big trusts have been broken-up (though where that line is might be--and is--argued).
TR's trust-busting was not carried on by the next POTUS, or any after really, so those trust's that survived Teddy became entrenched.

So I would say the big trusts were not effectively broken up in the long run, because no other president wanted to do trust-busting since, with maybe some exception in Trump over the internet censorship stuff, and Bill Clinton's little tiff with Microsoft back in the day.

A lot of America's current problems stem from the fact TR's trust-busting campaign was left half-done, and Friedman's economic model in fact encourages the same sort of behavior TR went on a campaign against at the end of the Gilded Age.

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