United States Trump 2nd Term - Planning and Beyond

This is why I always say this forum is deeply unserious. Folks are literally acting like we're talking about a strategy game.

I'm just interested in how much money Trump burns before he realizes tariffs, saber rattling and trade wars are bad for the economy.
This is why I always say this forum is deeply unserious. Folks are literally acting like we're talking about a strategy game.

I'm just interested in how much money Trump burns before he realizes tariffs, saber rattling and trade wars are bad for the economy.
Since when? everybody,including brits did it.
Yes,there was free market period in 19th century...till germans start mass producing stuuf cheaper then brits.
Then tariffs come back.

You could have open market world only as long as nobody produce cheaper then you.....
Do you or do you not comprehend that the jokes are exactly what I'm hating on? At least try to be serious, god-damn it. Save the shitposting for /pol/.

Soli unable to discern seriousposting from jokeposting and it confuses him. Rendering him unable to handle being on the internet.

News at 1030.

Edit: If you can tell jokes from serious posts, then you'd know we aren't treating it like a grand strategy game. If you cannot, I can see why you might think we are.
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Yeah, it's escalatory, an escalation that is long overdue. These are drug dealers and thugs, and unlike China they don't have nukes. It's time for them to die if they don't back off.

You don't like it? To fucking bad, because it's happening, and we aren't Isreal, we are the United States of America, the Hyperpower of the damn planet, might may not make right, but it sure as hell helps.
Nukes are just a tool to an end. The end is that China can inflict enough pain to the United States that your chest humping about how we're the Hyperpower of the damn planet turns into "Whoa, let's not get serious here" when the topic turns to China. And your belief is that the cartels can't inflict enough pain.

They absolutely can. Mexico absolutely can. One of the annoying things about the Sicario fetish that we have here is that Sicario portrays the cartels as ragged thugs with pistols and SMGs. They absolutely have higher end weaponry and training than that, never mind what they can do to the general American populace both in Mexico and the southwest United States, let alone the consequences of a breakdown of all trade with Latin America.

How are you going to destroy the cartels without bases? Without intelligence? Without support from the local population?
Frankly, I have more respect for the people who suggest we should just invade northern Mexico full-stop. At least those people have some understanding of the scale of what will be required, as opposed to delusional dreams that Rambo and his squad will take down the cartel leadership in some special military operation and then escape with some Mexican broad hanging over their shoulder. This is the VdV and Hostomel Airport all over again.
If we can send special forces into Pakistan and extract them, we can absolutely do it in Mexico.

If you head into mexico w/o the open agreement of the mexican government you will piss off the mexicans, and if you want to defeat the cartels you need mexican support.

And your argument that we shouldn't declare the organizations that are killing around 300,000 Americans a year as Terrorists is that they might... do terrorism?

Thats cowardly and frankly stupid.

If the Cartels have two brain cells they will be abandoning their American operations and retreating into southern Mexico.

JFC after nearly a quarter century of constant failure in the GWOT have you idiots learned nothing at all?

Whats stupid is turning a police matter into a military matter. This should be dealt with by cops, lawyers and border police, not spec ops.

You can kill as many of these cartel gunmen as you want, there will always be more to take thier place. The cartels have vastly more money to pay gunmen than al qaeda ever did and mexico (and the USA for that matter) has no lack of young, poor hispanic men willing to take the coin and work for the cartels.

All you will do is convert criminal gangs into actual insurgencies with a credible claim to being the protectors of mexican sovereignty against the gringos.

You can expect drone attacks on politicians, police men and homes of special forces people. You can expect masses of illegal money poured into chicano separatist groups and politicians. You can expect large segments of the USA turned into hostile territory. And thats just the start.

If the USA escalates, the Cartels will escalate.
Nukes are just a tool to an end. The end is that China can inflict enough pain to the United States that your chest humping about how we're the Hyperpower of the damn planet turns into "Whoa, let's not get serious here" when the topic turns to China. And your belief is that the cartels can't inflict enough pain.

They absolutely can. Mexico absolutely can. One of the annoying things about the Sicario fetish that we have here is that Sicario portrays the cartels as ragged thugs with pistols and SMGs. They absolutely have higher end weaponry and training than that, never mind what they can do to the general American populace both in Mexico and the southwest United States, let alone the consequences of a breakdown of all trade with Latin America.

How are you going to destroy the cartels without bases? Without intelligence? Without support from the local population?
Frankly, I have more respect for the people who suggest we should just invade northern Mexico full-stop. At least those people have some understanding of the scale of what will be required, as opposed to delusional dreams that Rambo and his squad will take down the cartel leadership in some special military operation and then escape with some Mexican broad hanging over their shoulder. This is the VdV and Hostomel Airport all over again.

Cool, you put your bet on drug dealers and thugs, I'll put my bet on tier 1 American special forces, and we'll see who has more bodies at the end of the firefight.

If you head into mexico w/o the open agreement of the mexican government you will piss off the mexicans, and if you want to defeat the cartels you need mexican support.

JFC after nearly a quarter century of constant failure in the GWOT have you idiots learned nothing at all?

Whats stupid is turning a police matter into a military matter. This should be dealt with by cops, lawyers and border police, not spec ops.

You can kill as many of these cartel gunmen as you want, there will always be more to take thier place. The cartels have vastly more money to pay gunmen than al qaeda ever did and mexico (and the USA for that matter) has no lack of young, poor hispanic men willing to take the coin and work for the cartels.

All you will do is convert criminal gangs into actual insurgencies with a credible claim to being the protectors of mexican sovereignty against the gringos.

You can expect drone attacks on politicians, police men and homes of special forces people. You can expect masses of illegal money poured into chicano separatist groups and politicians. You can expect large segments of the USA turned into hostile territory. And thats just the start.

If the USA escalates, the Cartels will escalate.

On no, angry Mexicans, whatever will the world hyperpower with the most advanced military on the planet do?! (who also happen to be RIGHT NEXT DOOR to their targets)

I'll take American Predator drones over whatever the cartels can slap together any day.

Lets be clear here, this is happening, Trump has already designated the Cartels as foreign Terrorist organizations, and they are already discussing military solutions. Whining about it isn't going to change that.
Drugs are a DEMAND problem. Legalise them and make illegal trade in them unprofitable - drug cartels are dead overnight.
But I have low hopes for anybody to overcome the resistance of the anti-drug political-healthcare-LEO complex AND the drug dealers.
Here's a good break down of some Trump executive orders that might've gotten overlooked:
I have now reviewed each of the new presidential actions signed by President Trump. Here, I will offer some short thoughts on some of the lower-profile orders. I'll address several of the more significant actions in different posts.

First, a common theme in the orders was a focus on protecting American values and ideals. The order reforming the hiring process for government service provides:
(b) This Federal Hiring Plan shall:

(i) prioritize recruitment of individuals committed to improving the efficiency of the Federal government, passionate about the ideals of our American republic, and committed to upholding the rule of law and the United States Constitution;

I suspect some applicants for federal employment will bring a First Amendment challenge. Is there some objective "ideal of our American republic"?

Second, the order ending DEI program anticipates that the Biden Administration simply renamed DEI programs after the election to avoid being cut. The President asks for programs that have been "misleadingly relabeled."
(A) agency or department DEI, DEIA, or "environmental justice" positions, committees, programs, services, activities, budgets, and expenditures in existence on November 4, 2024, and an assessment of whether these positions, committees, programs, services, activities, budgets, and expenditures have been misleadingly relabeled in an attempt to preserve their pre-November 4, 2024 function;

The President also requests a list of:

(B) Federal contractors who have provided DEI training or DEI training materials to agency or department employees; and

(C) Federal grantees who received Federal funding to provide or advance DEI, DEIA, or "environmental justice" programs, services, or activities since January 20, 2021.

I wonder if the Trump Administration will investigate these grants, and perhaps attempt to claw back some of the funding.

Plenty more analysis and opinion at the link.
Legalise them and make illegal trade in them unprofitable - drug cartels are dead overnight.
Or kill ALL dealers and consumers like the east does. There's more than one way to skin a cat, and my way has a better record.

The only problem is that the Democrats would prefer the deaths of a million decent Americans to a single cartel thug.
Soli can't tell a joke from reality.

News at 11.
You've been taking him seriously?
Or kill ALL dealers and consumers like the east does. There's more than one way to skin a cat, and my way has a better record.

The only problem is that the Democrats would prefer the deaths of a million decent Americans to a single cartel thug.
We both know it's more complicated than that. Democrats don't want Americans to die, they just cant see how their policies are feeding the growing death toll. Alot of them have actually woken up to it, they just aren't loud about it. The true enemy is as it's always been, globalist. There are Globalist Democrats and Globalist Republicans. Everything trails back to the World Economic Forum. Always has, always will.
Lets be clear here, this is happening, Trump has already designated the Cartels as foreign Terrorist organizations, and they are already discussing military solutions. Whining about it isn't going to change that.
And when we see "Undo Guadalupe Hidalgo" become an actual political movement, Americans in Mexico and the Southwest dead (Americans in Mexico are generally left alone by the cartel, what do you think is going to happen to them now?), and fetanyl still in the streets as before?

Well, I knew the next four years were going to be a shitshow, I just was hoping it wasn't going to be a violent shitshow. But thugs like you who think special forces are Rambo can get your hardon. Animalnoodles made the comparison to the GWOT, I'd make the comparison to the German General Staff who thought "strategy" was some kind of French wine and all you had to do was win battles.
And when we see "Undo Guadalupe Hidalgo" become an actual political movement, Americans in Mexico and the Southwest dead (Americans in Mexico are generally left alone by the cartel, what do you think is going to happen to them now?), and fetanyl still in the streets as before?

Well, I knew the next four years were going to be a shitshow, I just was hoping it wasn't going to be a violent shitshow. But thugs like you who think special forces are Rambo can get your hardon.
Eh, pretty easy to deal with. Intel alone would make striking first 100 percent US power as well as air support. A good drone high enough makes what ever the Cartels have useless.
While yes they can operate in the US, it would not go well as you would then be facing the combined force of local PDs.

Add in if they cause enough violence locally they won't get kid gloves and get thier facilities leveled over just raided.
Special forces with superior intel and support capabilities can handle cartels
What intel and support capabilities? Do you think that Mexicans, local or otherwise, are going to give you that? Even if you think they will, what's your plan for if they don't? How do you avoid ending up like the Russians?
So, USA is to behave like Izrael - send killer squad to foreign countries to murder local citizens?

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