United States Trump 2nd Term - Planning and Beyond

MAGA parroting they are eating the Cats and Dogs is not a Centrist mind set. And MAGA spread that lie all over the place during the summer. Even after it was proven to be a lie.
Except there were people who documented it, and local cops who said they'd dealt with the reports, and people who tried to down play it were mostly mainstream outlets who lie through their teeth about illegal immigration.

In any case, Trump still won, the GOP controls the House and Senate, and so whatever you think about that issue, it wasn't enough to drive away the voters that mattered.

You are just an old man angry that your politics no longer control the GOP, and trying to spite MAGA and Trump supporters because your types are out of power and never will be in power again.
But did any of us honestly think Vivek and Elon were going to be good?
At looking for wasted govt. spending...yes. Definitely. That's all they are there to do. Elon and Vivek will have ZERO actual authority over any actual decisions.
He is already breaking his promises to you.
Which promises is Trump already breaking?
Speaker Johnson is going to gut the 4th branch, the unelected bureaucrats that have bloated and corrupted so much of the US government.
I'll believe that when I see the ACT.
At looking for wasted govt. spending...yes. Definitely. That's all they are there to do. Elon and Vivek will have ZERO actual authority over any actual decisions.

Which promises is Trump already breaking?

I'll believe that when I see the ACT.
Except Trump defended Elon....by posting his own words on H1Bs from months ago.
Again, this is a non-event. It's inconsequential and is not indicative any reversal of stance regarding illegal immigration.

Let's agree to deal with that before we all jump in on a circular firing squad regarding visas.
We stop ALL immigration and recover our economy first. H1B visa are rif with abuse of over staying and then moving thier entire extended families to the US, and then hiring them at the same company, for cheaper then American would be willing to take
Elon does not care for Americans, and I leave it at that
Elon likes the concept of America and what it stands for, but as someone who was an H1B himself at one point, he feels most of the world is entitled to enter America at will, so long as they do it 'legally', and doesn't seem to care about the views of people born here that don't want to import infinity foreigners, be they legal or illegal.

Elon would be better off focusing on his rockets now, because I think Trump is going to be forced to change or compromise his stance on mass legal immigration, once actually sworn in and needing GOP votes to get his agenda's done in the House and Senate.
Funny how the majority of immigrants are not from are westernized allias. (England Ireland, Austrella , South Korea, Japan, Sweden etc.) it's the people who Ethier straight up hate are guts and think we are the devil, to simply want to mooch off our social programs.
No, you shut up.
Sailor, shut up
No @Vyor , you 'shut up'. I will say this once and you as well as everyone else better listen because moving out from here on their will be no second warnings...

The only people who have the power to stop others from posting on this site or have a right to when to tell others when to 'SHUT UP' and stop talking on a subject are the staff when rules are violated, it is not within your authority or within civility to demand others to 'keep quiet' so you or anyone else can cling to a preferred echo chamber of your choice of belief like a security blanket.

You have a right to agree or agree to disagree that is all. Sailor X has his opinions as do you and neither of you are required to give up on either for the sake of the others convenience.

@Sailor.X is right about one thing however, the site has in the past had problems with more abrasive members using 'free speech' as a springboard to be as abrasive as possible while ganging up on others to get them to leave, your post is perhaps one of the more brazen examples I have seen, it's not about making a civil or constructive argument for your point or even attempting to mask it as such, it is simply a statement demanding someone else's silence as if it's within your right to demand.

Now, I better not here such demands of any one member to another again, in such a manner if you are feeling that someone is violating the rules, report it and let us deal with it. If they aren't violating a rule argue your point of view until either they concede, or you can both argue no longer and move on.

Keep in mind people telling others to 'shut up' just because they had mob mentality of a thread a majority of a thread backing them was exactly one of the ways we were forced of SB to begin with, especially with mods who let it happen; hence it won't fly with me.

The next person who goes explicitly against this directive will be forced to 'shut up' for a lot longer than they would like.

Don't test me on this.

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So you decided to give Kamala an effective +1 in your area.

You are like the living embodiment of the delusional Boomer who wants to pretend that you are 'so wise, so youngin's best listen to you, and so above the rabble of politics', yet have been proven wrong more often than proven right.

This is why the younger generations do not feel any sympathy towards Boomers complaints anymore, and mostly are just trying to push them out of politics, so we don't have to humor their delusions and desire for societal facades that make them feel better.

Your generation failed the younger gens, and Gen X and younger are going to be cleaning up Boomer messes for the rest of our lives.
Err if Sailor is in his 50s like his profile said that WOULD make him a Xer, politically wise Xers tend to politically either assimulate into boomers or millennials. That being said. @Sailor.X I do think Bacle has a point. the old conservatives lost all credibility when they voted the bushes in, and yelling at a message board and protest voting will not do you any good. All it does is feed into your own bitterness and spread it.

aside from maybe a temporary endorphin increase, it has no benefit to anyone, If you don't have a solution that you intend to act on, I'd say remove yourself from the situation/problem. Focus on the things you can control and forget the stuff you can't. But, that's just my advice. Take it for what you think it is worth.
Err if Sailor is in his 50s like his profile said that WOULD make him a Xer, politically wise Xers tend to politically either assimulate into boomers or millennials. That being said. @Sailor.X I do think Bacle has a point. the old conservatives lost all credibility when they voted the bushes in, and yelling at a message board and protest voting will not do you any good. All it does is feed into your own bitterness and spread it.

aside from maybe a temporary endorphin increase, it has no benefit to anyone, If you don't have a solution that you intend to act on, I'd say remove yourself from the situation/problem. Focus on the things you can control and forget the stuff you can't. But, that's just my advice. Take it for what you think it is worth.
I have never looked at his birthdate, and I thought he was in his early 60's, late 50's, which is the later end of the Baby Boomer cycle of kids?

The pre-Trump GOP wasn't any better than the Dems they hate for a long time, particularly BOTH Bush's and the Cheney's. The last 'good' thing the GOP accomplished before Trump was getting Clarence Thomas onto the Supreme Court.

The Dems might have been poisoning America in many ways, during those years, and the Clinton's are a national shame, but the old GOP were idiots or controlled opposition most of the time on anything but defense spending for most of my life, till Trump really.
Subforum Ban - Politics & Current Affairs: Obey the staff.
@Sailor.X is right about one thing however, the site has in the past had problems with more abrasive members using 'free speech' as a springboard to be as abrasive as possible while ganging up on others to get them to leave, your post is perhaps one of the more brazen examples I have seen, it's not about making a civil or constructive argument for your point or even attempting to mask it as such, it is simply a statement demanding someone else's silence as if it's within your right to demand.
Yeah, no.

Counterpoint: you are describing what Sailor was doing in this very fucking thread.
It means you have gone past conservative into a place they don't want to be assoicated with.

How is this fucking civil? How is this a constructive argument? This is just alleging that I, and most other people here, are far right extremists. This shit is why I despise SV, why the fuck are you doing it?

"Oh they didn't use naughty words!" "Oh they weren't 100% explicit about their words!"

Fucking and? Veiling something behind pretty words doesn't make what's veiled any fucking better. It isn't even against the fucking rules to tell someone to shut up, it is against the rules to accuse someone of being a fucking nazi, fascist, communist, whatever and that's effectively what Sailor is doing there.

So take your high horse and shove it up your fucking ass.
You want to force 'service equals citizenship' policies on the US people, out of spite for civies controlling the military instead of the military controlling itself and the nation.

The 'peace' you want on the homefront is the 'peace' of an army with a state, instead of a state with an army, and you'd have little problem being ruled by a junta if it got DoD recruiting and pay increased.
To be fair, part of the problems we're currently dealing with are rooted in the fact that people don't value things they didn't have to work for; which apparently includes our basic rights as American citizens. Perhaps the whole 'service equals citizenship' thing could fix that.
Yeah, no.

Counterpoint: you are describing what Sailor was doing in this very fucking thread.
No, it does not.
How is this fucking civil? How is this a constructive argument? This is just alleging that I, and most other people here, are far right extremists. This shit is why I despise SV, why the fuck are you doing it?

"Oh they didn't use naughty words!" "Oh they weren't 100% explicit about their words!"

Fucking and? Veiling something behind pretty words doesn't make what's veiled any fucking better. It isn't even against the fucking rules to tell someone to shut up, it is against the rules to accuse someone of being a fucking nazi, fascist, communist, whatever and that's effectively what Sailor is doing there.
The difference is that, he never uses the word 'extremist' he said 'too far' and even if he implied that, what an 'extremist' is, is highly subjective from person to person, it's based off personal opinion, personal opinion which may I remind you as long as he doesn't name explicit names and has at least a somewhat valid reasoning for are perfectly okay for him to possess under free speech.

If he said @Vyor that you were any of the above, Communist, Fascist, KKK member, or eny other extremist organization you listed he would be hit, if he made statements about you dressing in brownshirts, Klan robes, or otherwise implied direct relation with a true extremist organization without we would have banned him. So, tell me in your appeal at what point did you feel your personal reputation to be at stake and yet you didn't report it and started to act like a mod? Sailor didn't do any of the above, he said you went 'too far' in politics a statement which has no negative correlation connected with it to besmirch you and is entirely subjective based off who is saying it.

So take your high horse and shove it up your fucking ass.
And here is where we go from an okay attempt at a rebuttal on your part that I would have let slide, into an infraction (Even if you should have posted this in appeals) You knew I wanted you to back off and I was fair in seeing your above point, but then you felt you had to get a last word in...

Let me reiterate the staff has the last word here when it comes to rules and it's time you learn that, I am hitting you with disobeying the staff, beyond that I am hitting you for breaking civility. Take a week off and when you come back remember this.

In the future if you want to argue staff policy we have Sietch Affairs in NSFW for it, if want to argue your innocence we have Appeals for that, and if you want argue a mods decision in thread for the love of God just walk away, go to TS affairs or got to Staff Comms and take it up with higher staff or the Big Man himself, the thread itself isn't a place for it.
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At the end of the day every problem the west has China has either worse in some ways or on steriods.

And I am honestly surprised that things over there are nearly as stable as they are like holy shit things in china should be much worse. Things in the west should be much worse. The fundamentals of much of the world are horrible the two biggest grain producers on the planet are at war with one another.

Things shouldn't be nearly as stable as they are.

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