Professional Gatekeeper
And when we see "Undo Guadalupe Hidalgo" become an actual political movement, Americans in Mexico and the Southwest dead (Americans in Mexico are generally left alone by the cartel, what do you think is going to happen to them now?), and fetanyl still in the streets as before?
Well, I knew the next four years were going to be a shitshow, I just was hoping it wasn't going to be a violent shitshow. But thugs like you who think special forces are Rambo can get your hardon. Animalnoodles made the comparison to the GWOT, I'd make the comparison to the German General Staff who thought "strategy" was some kind of French wine and all you had to do was win battles.
So, if I understand you, you worry the terrorists will be terrorists if America treats them as terrorists?
We aren't going to allow them to operate in the United States any longer, if that requires violence, so be it.
You clearly underestimate just how deadly tier 1 special forces are, no they aren't movie "Rambo's", but they are certainly effective and lethal, which the Cartels will quickly discover. I reject your cowardly worldview, I reject that we HAVE to allow Cartel thugs to operate with impunity at the souther border.
The USA will crush them if they don't fold and back off, it isn't a question and isn't in doubt. The political willpower is there, the military technology and boots are there. Your fearmongering is just that, fearmongering.
So, USA is to behave like Izrael - send killer squad to foreign countries to murder local citizens?
The Cartels have been doing it for decades... so yeah. If Mexico doesn't like it, they should have done something about it a long time ago.